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What is in your best interest a merger on none? If your cutting off your nose to spite your face that is just dumb.
Why would you help a company that doesn't respect or value its employees?

Why would you help a company that went behind its employees' backs and negotiate with unions at another company and not negotiate with its own unions and employees?

And mergers always leads to job losses, not job security.
What is in your best interest a merger on none? If your cutting off your nose to spite your face that is just dumb.

My answer speaks for itself.....USairways is going nowhere if this merger doesnt happen. I've been here a long while. Been thru many mergers. Nothing surprises me except the fact that this MGMT is not thinking of you. Until they practice what they preach on their Daily briefs for my work group, i'll sustain....thank you!

My nose!
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  • #7
[sub]700, if you truley beileve that why work here? [/sub]
[sub]Union mentality at it's finest. Dooms you to non thinking miserable satus![/sub]
I dont, lol.

And make sure you clean Doug's office before you go.

How would you feel if Doug went over to your counterpart at AA, and negotiated a deal with them which is better than your deal and you been trying to negotiate for over two years to get back what was lost?

Your nothing more than a company kiss gludeus maximus.

Ask the FAs how does it feel to take EIGHT years to get a CBA, ask the pilots who are going on over eight years, and all three IAM groups have been doing this for over two years, yet he has the audacity to negotiate with employees who dont even work at US.

If you cant see that, then you are a lost cause.

And dont forget those pesky unions at US saved the company in 92, 2002, 2003, and 2005, you wouldnt have a job if it wasnt for the unions at US, you would be at Home Depot or Walmart and there wouldnt be a merger if AA's unions hadnt given concessions too!
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Ad you a union lacky! Less than 7% of workers in a union today you have killed the golden goose. Time to sdtand on your own two feet!
That would be 13%, I am not a lacky, unlike you, but hey, I guess you dont realize people in this country died and were wounded in order to have the right to unionize.

Guess you never watched How America was Built on the History Channel.

The 40 hour work week, vacation, sick time, labor laws were brought to by the unions, not because companies wanted to give it to you.

Look up the Haymarket Square or the GM bridge Sit-In, or look up the Pinkertons.

Educate yourself, instead of using Rush, Hannity and the Tea Party reading points.

And this proud union member gave concessions in 92, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 in order for you to have a job.
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Not if you only count real workers (7%) and not goverment ones. And yes they did a lot of good, but what about now?

They cost jobs, protect bad workers and leave companies with all kinds of unflexible rules. Throw in thier rabid support of Democrats that wish to kill even more jobs via regualtion and government spending while lowering the standard of living until everyone is in the dole, then I think most aware people realize unions have long outlived their usefulness.
I continue to think that this merger provides us with the best chance of survivability in the long term ...

Anyone who follows Economics and has a passing interest in the way that money works in this world can clearly see that the US Economic recovery is based primarily off of QE ... IE not a real recovery ..

I simply think that in a fake economy such as ours , it's the safer bet to conclude this merger ... with all of the numerous threats to global economic stability (Japan , India , the other BRICS and emerging markets ) it's wisest to get big fast .
Hey down,

Since you cant apparently comprehend the facts, I will explain it to you one more time.

Doug Parker goes behind is own employees' backs, negotiates deals with APA, APFA, and the TWU, you know Unions that represent AA's workers, not US nor are any of them US' employees.

It took EIGHT years for the AFA and US to reach an agreement, not acceptable, pilots are going on over EIGHT years without a JCBA, yes some of it is USAPA's fault, but still US wont negotiate in good faith.

All three IAM groups have been in negotiations for OVER TWO YEARS, and the M&R and Ramp as asked to be released to strike.

US doesnt value its employees at all.

And those pesky union workers took concessions in 1992, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 to save US and keep it in business, without those concessions US would be out of business.

Now Doug's labor costs at the former HP was the bottom of the industry, the pay and benefits were so low, that the ATSB didnt even require concessions from the union and non-union employees.

So go take your pro-management kiss attitude and go take care of doogie now, he needs a ride, he has been drinking again.
[sub]700, if you truley beileve that why work here? [/sub]
[sub]Union mentality at it's finest. Dooms you to non thinking miserable satus![/sub]
The free thinkers sign a letter some one else wrote for them. In the case of free thinking people who can't spell, that may be a good thing.

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