Clue asked: "Do you honestly believe that a judge is going to abrogate a labor contract and then not permit a strike?"
USA320pilot: Yesiree.
Judge Gives US Airways Authority to Cut Union Pay
Today the New York Times reported, By seeking cuts from the bankruptcy court, the airlines have upset the traditional balance between labor and management, said Gary N. Chaison, professor of industrial relations at Clark University in Worcester, Mass.
"Essentially, United and US Airways are telling their unions, 'You really don't count in this anymore,' " Professor Chaison said.
With the court's involvement, "unions are not even a secondary player," he said. "They are a footnote."
In the case of US Airways, Judge Stephen L. Mitchell ruled yesterday that the airline could impose pay cuts of 21 percent over the next four months, through Feb. 15. US Airways had sought cuts of 23 percent for six months.
See Story
USA320Pilot comments: The judge's primary concern is the creditors and Mitchell will do what is necessary to save the business enterprise. Labor is most likely toast and I believe the "self help" option will be striken from the next order, if necessary.