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Seham Trying To Earn His Keep


Jul 9, 2003
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We all know that amfa is unhappy with the list supplied by the company (amfa looking to place blame somewhere other then on themselves!!) but it appears, by an appeal sent to the NMB by the offices of Seham and Seham, they are wanting MORE TIME to get more signed cards!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

What does that tell me. . .

That tells me that amfa was not on top of their game and never had enough cards to begin with, that they lied when they said they had 50% + 1, they even said they had 60%!!! THEY NEVER EVEN HAD 50%!!!!!!!!! :shock: Why else would they need more time??? Don't you just need 50% + 1 to have an election???

So, Dave, you surely must have a copy of this appeal by now. Care to explain why amfa would need more cards??? :shock: Care to explain why you lied AGAIN???? :shock: :shock: :shock:
Better yet, maybe Delle could explain this. . .RIGHT. . .likes that's gonna happen!!!

Hey Twuer, I was told that AMFA filed with 60%. Therefore, it's impossible that they don't have 50%.

My guess is that the Seham memo is just another fake document put together by the TWU. It's just like that fake document from Delle where he refuses to debate Jim Little on April 21.

AMFA doesn't lie, the documents are all fakes.
BEWARE! of any documents that come from the AFL-CIO,TWU,IAM,or IBT. These organizations have been proven to produce fake and/or altered documents! During the AMFA election at BRANIFF/DALFORT, the IBT put out all sorts of fake,false documents to discredit AMFA. I have no doubts about the EVIL TWU doing the same thing, considering they are the most dishonorable of the AFL-CIO unions.
BEWARE! of any documents that come from the AFL-CIO,TWU,IAM,or IBT. These organizations have been proven to produce fake and/or altered documents! During the AMFA election at BRANIFF/DALFORT, the IBT put out all sorts of fake,false documents to discredit AMFA. I have no doubts about the EVIL TWU doing the same thing, considering they are the most dishonorable of the AFL-CIO unions.
Nice try Judy. . .but wrong again. In fact I believe that CIO beat me to it. He has the document link on his new topic "Amfa's Attempt to Deceive". Maybe you should check it out!! :shock:
The great princess speaks from the floor! Thats right amfa documents are all lies! It is never their fault! You been drinking the syrup to long! (thats what is left after the kool-aid has been setting in the sun to long)

This is nothing more than a cheap second rate trick to divert attention from the real issue! I believe you might get a week extension to reveiw the cards, maybe 2 but the cards collection has already been determined to be stopped!
While NWA Executives Get Big Salaries and Hefty Stock Options, the TEAM TWU video shows Lee Doughty of Local 530 indicating AMFA should be advocating concessions. :shock:

Northwest execs got stock awards, no bonus in '03
Tuesday March 30, 7:07 pm ET

SEATTLE, March 30 (Reuters) - Northwest Airlines Corp.'s (NasdaqNM:NWAC - News) top two executives got no raise and no bonus in 2003 but received large grants of restricted stock, the No. 4 U.S. carrier disclosed in a securities filing on Tuesday.
Chief Executive Richard Anderson and President Douglas Steenland each got $500,000 in salary but not the bonuses of $250,000 and $200,000, respectively, that they took home in 2002.

Anderson was granted restricted stock awards valued at $1.9 million while Steenland's award came to $1.41 million, the company disclosed in its annual proxy statement to the Securities and Exchange Commission (News - Websites) .

Hit hard by a lingering air travel slump, Eagan, Minnesota-based Northwest lost $565 million in 2003, before extraordinary items, following a $488 million loss in 2002.

Meanwhile TEAM-TWU member Lee Doughty thinks AMFA at Northwest should take concessions.

Team TWU Lee Doughty Video - Thinks AMFA should take concessions

Maybe one of you TWU stooges can explain how much in concessions the NWA Mechanics should take? :unsure:
Actually, I believe with the weak language and the yellow strip down amfa's back, it has already been determined what the members will end up with!

But just remember Jim Adkinson local 33 presidents believes you should hold your head high as you are BOOTED OUT THE DOOR! It is pretty bad when you can't get enough members to even fill vacancies!
Checking it Out said:
Actually, I believe with the weak language and the yellow strip down amfa's back, it has already been determined what the members will end up with!
What specific language are you talking about?

And exactly, what is it that you have determined the members will end up with?

Come on, you want to debate all the time, give us the details of your claims not just buzz words taken from the liberal vocabulary of fear.

How low do you think the Aircraft Mechanics wages and Benefits should go? Do you have a bottom? Or does it keep getting lower everytime the company says BOO?
With the 11,000 positions lost under amfa, they have determined the wages! With 50% and counting of work going to third party maintenance from the majors they have determined the wages! With unlimited outsourcing under amfa thet have determined the wages!

The 38% cap with loopholes is a good example at NWA! Proof has been posted many times thruout these threads! Go back and reveiw them

Why is Amfa attempting to open the door to collect more cards?
Checking it Out said:
With the 11,000 positions lost under amfa, they have determined the wages! With 50% and counting of work going to third party maintenance from the majors they have determined the wages! With unlimited outsourcing under amfa thet have determined the wages!

The 38% cap with loopholes is a good example at NWA! Proof has been posted many times thruout these threads! Go back and reveiw them

Why is Amfa attempting to open the door to collect more cards?
So you still claim AMFA is responsible for UAL outsource and lay-off numbers?

Exactly where is the "loophole" in the 38% limit?

Please direct me to the "proof" you claim is posted?

AMFA is requesting the door for cards to be open because AA did NOT comply with the "shut-off" requirements yet! Didn't you read the damn letter?
In fact the FM1(force majure)Brief states that the Contracting out actually went down since AMFA has been on the property at NWA! I don't know what CIO is talking about? Maybe talking out two sides of his a**hole!!!


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I believe I suppose you can write whatever you want on a piece of paper!

If in fact you had enough cards submitted, you would not have submitted this garbage!

50% of the members on Layoff and growing! Is'nt that a big enough loophole? But wait! I believe the last third of the heavy's will be eliminated in short order! You can thank amfa for that!

I have a question? Your site claims amfa has over 20,000 members but amfa national is claiming 18,000! Is this where you are getting the 2000 number from?

We all know that amfa is unhappy with the list supplied by the company (amfa looking to place blame somewhere other then on themselves!!) but it appears, by an appeal sent to the NMB by the offices of Seham and Seham, they are wanting MORE TIME to get more signed cards!!!!

Why should AMFA be content with a list supplied by AA that includes deceased, retired, resigned, fired and double name entries? I know that this style of democracy and truth is common with the appointed twu international and their alias posting stools, but this is NOT how a fair election takes place.

What would the twu do if they were given such a list at an airline they are trying to organize? Oh, that's right. The twu is NOT organizing any other airline. They are busy trying to just stay on the property at AA. Oh, and orgainze the casino dealers.

GO AMFA! :up:
Ken MacTiernan said:

We all know that amfa is unhappy with the list supplied by the company (amfa looking to place blame somewhere other then on themselves!!) but it appears, by an appeal sent to the NMB by the offices of Seham and Seham, they are wanting MORE TIME to get more signed cards!!!!

Why should AMFA be content with a list supplied by AA that includes deceased, retired, resigned, fired and double name entries? I know that this style of democracy and truth is common with the appointed twu international and their alias posting stools, but this is NOT how a fair election takes place.

What would the twu do if they were given such a list at an airline they are trying to organize? Oh, that's right. The twu is NOT organizing any other airline. They are busy trying to just stay on the property at AA. Oh, and orgainze the casino dealers.

GO AMFA! :up:
And you think there are over 2000 of these on "the list"????? You are reaching and you know it Ken!!!!

Have you read that appeal that Seham sent in??? Quite the document. :huh: If that's the best he has then you guys are definately screwed!!!

I wonder what you all will come up with next????
The twu people on this board have not changed a bit. They still think if they say it often enough that it will happen 😛. It is just like your propaganda on base. On a Friday I was given an informer that stated NW had 60%, on Saturday I received the twu rag that said 50%, then on Monday I get another informer that says NW has 43%. Now if that is true, then that is a darn powerful union that can get 17% of its people back over a weekend, or it is more twu LIES :angry: . So which is it cio or twuer!

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