I think it's a valid comparison. In both situations, one group of people maintains a brainwashed hatred of another group of poeple because they believe those people are destroying their livelihood. Naturally, union thugs are not going to kill replacement workers, but I'm willing to bet violence would not be out of the question in the situation being discussed. Please tell me how this comparison is false.
This is where it is not a valid comparison.....A Jew is not stupid enough (unless of course you think differently about Jewish people) to walk into a Palestinian mosque. Whereas, PTO the dumba$$ that he (and all scabs are) would be stupid enough to walk into a union rally where he has (and no scab has) a right to be.

So tell me finman why would a Jew walk into a Palestinian mosque? ANSWER: looking for trouble! ;)

To me thats the same reason a SCAB would walk into a Union rally. :down:
...And your point is?

Heck even Judas Iscariot walked among his fellow desciples without detection of being the ultimate TRAITOR. He sold his soul for a measley "Thirty Pieces of Silver"...sound familiar?

In the end Judas met with his own undoing, The Gospel of Matthew says he hanged himself; the Acts of the Apostles (1:18), however, says that he "purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out"

And what is your point. :boring:
To me thats the same reason a SCAB would walk into a Union rally. :down:
I would have never gone or even known about that Rally had Hackman not called me out on it and I wanted to just show him up on his little Poll. Had I gone looking for trouble it could have easily been brought about. I was also curious to see what it was all about. The anti-scab singing was a bit over the top but all in all it was indeed enlightening and very comical. Plus I have to piss on that fence every now and then. Here is what I relate the Rally to:

Any of you guys belong to a Moose Lodge?:lol: When I lived in Houston my boss was a big time Moose Lodge guy. He was trying to move up the ranks and to do so he had to recruit so many new members. He gets his employees together and asks us to come and join and that he would pay all the membership fees plus he would give us a bonus. So we all agree to it and go sign up at the next meeting. :lol: :lol: Those guys have some strange traditions...:lol: ..."Everyone turn to and pray to the Moose." :lol: :lol: (BIG MOOSE HEAD hanging on the wall) :lol: :lol: I know these guys are part of a noble cause but the silly ceremonies they go through is somewhat extreme. Needless to say I never went back. Anyway when I was at the rally that’s the first thing I thought about.
I have to piss on that fence every now and then.
what can I say, some Idiots never learn! :blink:

“There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.â€￾
~Will Rogers

BTW your poor dumb average farm animal has enough sense to avoid that fence :shock:
I would have never gone or even known about that Rally had Hackman not called me out on it and I wanted to just show him up on his little Poll. Had I gone looking for trouble it could have easily been brought about. I was also curious to see what it was all about. The anti-scab singing was a bit over the top but all in all it was indeed enlightening and very comical. Plus I have to piss on that fence every now and then. Here is what I relate the Rally to:

That's the point isn't it 'Cods, you didn't show your apparent large Codsack or your scab mouth by hiding did you? I think you stated here recently that you would shout your "Proud to be a SUPERscab" diatribe anywhere, anytime. Just not the case is it? I proved my point, and you could not. End of story.

There are many honorable clubs and groups that go back many years. Masons, Elks, Moose Lodge, to name a few. To a disfunctional loner scab like yourself, these are all not worthy of commitment and are "silly". Unionism is not a club or religion, its about protecting workers rights and fighting corportate thugs and their never ending greed. We (you) as a worker are on a continuing slide into poverty and dispair. Don't think so? Look at all the personal bankruptcies and foreclosures in the past few years. People are not saving anymore, because they can't. Then the fact that the BK laws have been changed by the credit card lobbyists to prevent individuals from wiping the slate clean and starting over. Corporate America does it, Scab Air did it, but you can't....or at least it is very difficult.

Keep leading with your chin 'Cods. Your buddies in managment love it. Keep thinking you have all the answers, and your scab "cunning" and scab "negotiation skills" will win the day. Your in for a unpleasent surpise fit for a fool. :blink: :blink:
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I do not see the point in this but I will go along with it.

I am a Proud NWA Scab. My name is PlayTheOdds. I work at DTW as an A&P Line Mechanic, an AMT if you wish. As I have posted here before,(Boy I wish that our Admin/Moderating team would bring back the "View Members Posts" tool), my E-Mail address is I have no idea why you feel that this is important for there is a PM option provided for us right here, you know how to use this option don't you Ken? If you wish to know more I invite you, Ken, to pay a visit to DTW. Bring the Princess with you if you wish. :)

Thank you again for prooving my point.
pto: Liar. :eek:
pto: Coward. :(

"For the record... I am a Proud NWA Scab and I hide it from no one."

Your name is play the odds? That's an alias, not your given name. So now I will add, "IDIOT" to your list.
pto: Idiot. :stupid:

As for PMing you why would I PM an idiotic, cowardly liar who hides behind an alias? Hummmm? Your new "name" is now changed from "pto" to ICL. Very fiiting for a SCAB! ;)

As for visiting DTW when and if the time comes when I do visit I will certainly inform you of my arrival. You will know me instantly. I will not be the one sitting in the back, in the shadows, in an alternate reality.

"I have no idea why you feel that this is important..."

It's important because YOU claim to hide from no one. yet you continue to do so behind an alias. Face the facts ICL.
It's important because YOU claim to hide from no one. yet you continue to do so behind an alias.
Wow, you guys just won't let this die will you. This is probably the silliest conversation I've ever seen. So your basic argument is:

"Tell us exactly who you are and where you live so we can send some goons to threaten you and your family with bodily harm! If you don't tell us this information and willingly put you and your family at unnecessary risk, you're a coward!"

You guys need to get a grip. Your frothing at the mouth insults and intimidation deligitimize both you and the cause you stand for. The fact that PTO attended one of your little rallies just drives you guys nuts, and you'd be best served to just get over it rather than trying so desperately to defend your honor. To the casual observer, he is making you look like fools.
Wow, you guys just won't let this die will you. This is probably the silliest conversation I've ever seen. So your basic argument is:

"Tell us exactly who you are and where you live so we can send some goons to threaten you and your family with bodily harm! If you don't tell us this information and willingly put you and your family at unnecessary risk, you're a coward!"

You guys need to get a grip. Your frothing at the mouth insults and intimidation deligitimize both you and the cause you stand for. The fact that PTO attended one of your little rallies just drives you guys nuts, and you'd be best served to just get over it rather than trying so desperately to defend your honor. To the casual observer, he is making you look like fools.
Well, with 2,000 posts he's enjoying the fact that he's peeing people off with horsesh!t stories.

on top of this, as you read his posts you can tell this person didn't work in the airline industry that long.

I was hoping to find a NW forum that didn't have too much F/A but this did get old... especailly with the HS stories.

If it was a bit more realistic then it would be little bit interesting.........
I think it's a valid comparison. In both situations, one group of people maintains a brainwashed hatred of another group of poeple because they believe those people are destroying their livelihood. Naturally, union thugs are not going to kill replacement workers, but I'm willing to bet violence would not be out of the question in the situation being discussed. Please tell me how this comparison is false.

OK, since you're unable to understand my point I'll "bail you out" on this one. Nobody and I mean...NOBODY would use the Jew and PLO example to make a point unless the forementioned individual has ISSUES WITH ETHNICITY! DAMN! Get a clue fella!

Those of us who are very comfortable with the "melting pot" that is the USA would never even think of using the Jew and PLO comparison.

PUH-LEEZ! You couldn't even understand my objection to your comparison. You asked me "how was my comparison false?" DUH! The objection was based on a proposition antecedently supposed as a basis of inference. The objectionable premise in your reply was too much to let die. WTH are you thinking?
Wow, you guys just won't let this die will you. This is probably the silliest conversation I've ever seen. So your basic argument is:

"Tell us exactly who you are and where you live so we can send some goons to threaten you and your family with bodily harm! If you don't tell us this information and willingly put you and your family at unnecessary risk, you're a coward!"

You guys need to get a grip. Your frothing at the mouth insults and intimidation deligitimize both you and the cause you stand for. The fact that PTO attended one of your little rallies just drives you guys nuts, and you'd be best served to just get over it rather than trying so desperately to defend your honor. To the casual observer, he is making you look like fools.
Who had to hire the Vance goons for intimidation? Scab Air did.

Who had the video recorders going 24/7? Scab Air Vance goons.

Who's hired Vance goons attempted to incite and have people arrested by Airport Police? Scab Air did.

Who started this fight with AMFA? Scab Air management.

So don't come here Finman and tell anyone Scab Air management has taken the "high road" when it comes to morals and ethics. Thats just a management twisted falsehood. The "We are the innocent management and scab sheep and the big bad union wolves are after us" diatribe is sinking like a rock. It makes your case of "its not us causing trouble...its those mean union thugs" that much more ridiculous.

Who threatened anyone with bodily harm? Nobody here. If anyone would have been assaulted or harmed, it would have already happened by now, don't you think? There is no one that I know of that would risk being incarcerated for a POS scab. However, we reserve the right to continue the fight, and if your thinking that means violence and threats, then thats your problem. Your the one with the "get a grip" inadequacy.

The fact that PlaytheCods attended the union rally is just what I requested, doesn't faze me in the least. Its the fact that he refused to state his case TO ANYONE, RUN HIS MOUTH AT ALL. SHOW SOME REAL SCAB CONVICTION RIGHT??? Yeah, he wrote "PTO was here" in the snow....WOO- HOOO...thats a buttload of "scab pride" I tell ya! Its pure cowardice, he had to hide.....Period....end of story. GOT IT?

The real fools??? A shipload of Scab Air.
OK, since you're unable to understand my point I'll "bail you out" on this one. Nobody and I mean...NOBODY would use the Jew and PLO example to make a point unless the forementioned individual has ISSUES WITH ETHNICITY! DAMN! Get a clue fella!

Those of us who are very comfortable with the "melting pot" that is the USA would never even think of using the Jew and PLO comparison.

PUH-LEEZ! You couldn't even understand my objection to your comparison. You asked me "how was my comparison false?" DUH! The objection was based on a proposition antecedently supposed as a basis of inference. The objectionable premise in your reply was too much to let die. WTH are you thinking?
Nice try, but your false outrage is a little transparent and juevinile.

How about if I use a black guy attending a Ku Klux Klan meeting (in robes of course) comparison. In any of these hypotheticals, it's the person that is hated that is infiltrating the group that hates him to try to get a glimpse of what that group discusses, and maybe try to understand the enemy. In any of these hypotheticals, loudly announcing that you are a black, jew, or scab would be masochistic at the least.

Claiming that using examples of factual dislikes of one poeple by another exposes a person's ethnic insensitivities is a very intellectually lazy assertion. If people are disallowed to speak factually about relations between different peoples out of fear that they will be considered "insensitive", then we will all be much less informed people. I never even hinted at my own personal ethnic background or opinions, but used factual and widely accepted dislikes between specific groups of poeple. If you believe the PLO does not hate jews, or that the KKK does not hate blacks, then I guess you could take issue with my point, but otherwise you're just looking for a phantom inference in a vein attempt to deflect an argument.
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Wow, you guys just won't let this die will you. This is probably the silliest conversation I've ever seen. So your basic argument is:

"Tell us exactly who you are and where you live so we can send some goons to threaten you and your family with bodily harm! If you don't tell us this information and willingly put you and your family at unnecessary risk, you're a coward!"

You guys need to get a grip. Your frothing at the mouth insults and intimidation deligitimize both you and the cause you stand for. The fact that PTO attended one of your little rallies just drives you guys nuts, and you'd be best served to just get over it rather than trying so desperately to defend your honor. To the casual observer, he is making you look like fools.


What won't I let die? This is a silly thread? Your buddy, (alter ego?), icl, claimed on this web site that he is a proud SCAB and hides it from no onr. I called him on it and he remains the coward he started out as.

As for threats of violence and bodily harm please show proof where I or anyone threatened icl, yourself, or any other SCAB with direct harm. Using facts to show the lunacy of the SCAB thought process is a reason for such BBs as this.

As to the casual observer seeing fools please give this "observer" the benefit of doubt. ANY observer visiting this BB can readily see that icl is exactly what he is, an idiotic, cowardly liar who is anti-union and ant-AMT.

Come on icl, step up to the plate and be proud of being a SCAB. Identify yourself. ;)
I have already stated that if you want to know more you will have to come to DTW. So come on Ken and step up to the plate.
Why should Ken step into DTW to have you tell him more? That is why this board is here. You got the balls to be anti union and to be proud of it, but you aint got the balls to tell this board who you are. it i s a nowonder that you are a coward and a liar. And with scabs such as you, it is a no brainer that NWA is now in my books as an UNSAFE AIRLINE.

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