(Addressed to PTO);

HEY, :censored:,

Hows that HARRASMENT complaint(WITH a person of minority status) going ?????

Certainly looks like KEN Mc. "called you out"

It's decision time !!!

(Addressed to PTO);

HEY, :censored:,

Hows that HARRASMENT complaint(WITH a person of minority status) going ?????
Certainly looks like KEN Mc. "called you out"

It's decision time !!!

Oh my gosh, this board is just too exciting! Much more exciting than the other one. Well.... There is such a thing called scab companies and scab people.

I know one company (because...welll it's part of my job to research their accounting) and one of them is on the verge of collapse because they are paying too much fines for stupid mistakes (like ramming a truck into an engine, doors being forced open on a/c while it is pressurized... )

Some are established outsourcing companies ran by investment groups who diversified (like buying up tiny commuter airlines to offset costs...LOL...that airline is tanking too)
But some do seem to be stable. Just marketing off of other people's misfortunes. Sad.

Oh and another thing. You know, some people are so proud of scabbing (why not tattoo it on your forehead?) That they don't realize that when NW contracts out these scabs, the scab company makes a profit off of each of you. For example if Swissport is paying them 19/hr, NW is most likely paying them at least 26/hr for their work. Swissport makes 7/hr off of these workers. SWEET, aint it?
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  • #19
Hackman, "He apparently did attend the rally."

If he did indeed attend perhaps it was to see what real union men & women look like. Of all the rallys and informational meetings I have attended I have NEVER seen a person identify themselves as, "Hi, my name is COWARD." , or, "Hi, I'm a SCAB.". Regardless of opinion or question being asked each and every person identified themselves because that is how reality works.

Posting on a web site BB an alias is an option. But when a person CLAIMS they are PROUD to be a SCAB and hides it from no one but doesn't identify themselves, well, it just goes to proove my point AND FACT that this person does not possess INTEGRITY.

But that is what constitutes a coward & liar. Right, pto? ;)
Hackman, "He apparently did attend the rally."

If he did indeed attend perhaps it was to see what real union men & women look like. Of all the rallys and informational meetings I have attended I have NEVER seen a person identify themselves as, "Hi, my name is COWARD." , or, "Hi, I'm a SCAB.". Regardless of opinion or question being asked each and every person identified themselves because that is how reality works.

Posting on a web site BB an alias is an option. But when a person CLAIMS they are PROUD to be a SCAB and hides it from no one but doesn't identify themselves, well, it just goes to proove my point AND FACT that this person does not possess INTEGRITY.

But that is what constitutes a coward & liar. Right, pto? ;)
Him doing so would have been equivelant to a jew walking into a Palestinian Mosque and declaring his jewish heritage. Does the Jew stay silent because he is ashamed of his religion, or does he stay quiet to prevent his head from being removed from his body? I think PTO was in a similar position. Going to the rally was ballsy enough on its own. Declaring his status would have been just plain stupid and masochistic. You guys goated him into climbing the mountain, and now your dispariging him for not jumping off?

This whole line of reasoning is just silly. I can't believe you guys let PTO get under your skin to such a degree that you make all of these ridiculous arguments.
Him doing so would have been equivelant to a jew walking into a Palestinian Mosque and declaring his jewish heritage. Does the Jew stay silent because he is ashamed of his religion, or does he stay quiet to prevent his head from being removed from his body? I think PTO was in a similar position. Going to the rally was ballsy enough on its own. Declaring his status would have been just plain stupid and masochistic. You guys goated him into climbing the mountain, and now your dispariging him for not jumping off?

This whole line of reasoning is just silly. I can't believe you guys let PTO get under your skin to such a degree that you make all of these ridiculous arguments.

Did you read what you just said? A Jew walking into a Palestinian mosque declaring his jewish heritage?!!
TALK ABOUT SILLY...... :jerry:
I am a PROUD AMT. My name is Ken MacTiernan. I work in SAN for AA. My e-mail is
I do not see the point in this but I will go along with it.

I am a Proud NWA Scab. My name is PlayTheOdds. I work at DTW as an A&P Line Mechanic, an AMT if you wish. As I have posted here before,(Boy I wish that our Admin/Moderating team would bring back the "View Members Posts" tool), my E-Mail address is I have no idea why you feel that this is important for there is a PM option provided for us right here, you know how to use this option don't you Ken? If you wish to know more I invite you, Ken, to pay a visit to DTW. Bring the Princess with you if you wish. :)
This whole line of reasoning is just silly. I can't believe you guys let PTO get under your skin to such a degree that you make all of these ridiculous arguments.
:lol: Ignore groundcontrol he/she has difficulty comprehending such things. If any discussion goes beyond a bunch of hillbillies or sluts making fools of themselves on T.V. it is simply beyond his/her comprehension.

I do not know why these guys cannot comprehend that fact. I asked many of my co-scabs to join me but they would have nothing to do with it. The fact is I was there and walked amongst the AMFA Boys as one of them. If Scabs are indeed so deplorable and smell so bad they should have picked me out right away. I think they are more angry that I was able to blend in so well and even have a conversation with one of their leaders and he not even be able to tell who or what I was. It is strange how you can talk to a Scab and never know it but when you talk to a unionist you can tell it right away. I think that goes back to the cult thing. Thanks for the support Finman.
Hackman, "He apparently did attend the rally."

If he did indeed attend perhaps it was to see what real union men & women look like. Of all the rallys and informational meetings I have attended I have NEVER seen a person identify themselves as, "Hi, my name is COWARD." , or, "Hi, I'm a SCAB.". Regardless of opinion or question being asked each and every person identified themselves because that is how reality works.

Posting on a web site BB an alias is an option. But when a person CLAIMS they are PROUD to be a SCAB and hides it from no one but doesn't identify themselves, well, it just goes to proove my point AND FACT that this person does not possess INTEGRITY.

But that is what constitutes a coward & liar. Right, pto? ;)


I too have attended many rallies, information meetings and picketed with various unions. When the AMFA MCC from NWA went on strike/lockout I was one of the folks who joined picketing efforts imediately. Teamsters, AMFA, IAM and smaller local unions have always enjoyed my participation. Off late, I find myself now offended that other unions on NWA property did not support the AMFA MCC. While I don't belong to any of the NWA unions I nonetheless have trouble accepting the fact that other unions on NWA property are performing struck work and did not honor the AMFA picket line.

Unlike the filthy vermin who SCAB and hide on message boards exclusively, I was one of the first to stand nose to nose with the Vance thugs and challenge them. I've gone out of my way to personally insult, belittle and challenge SCABS in person. This NWA debacle is more than a passing problem. I will harrass SCABS for the rest of my days.

Here on this thread Finman used Jews and the PLO to make a point...NOT SO ELOQUENTLY! Does the guy have ethnic issues like some of the other SCABS we've been reading about? LOL
SCABS, the "bottom feeders" of humanity.
Here on this thread Finman used Jews and the PLO to make a point...NOT SO ELOQUENTLY! Does the guy have ethnic issues like some of the other SCABS we've been reading about? LOL
SCABS, the "bottom feeders" of humanity.
You guys are so bogus it is unreal. You try to defend equality and ethics for ones religious beliefs, race or nationality yet you call us worthless and spineless bottom feeding Scabs and threaten harassment. You are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. :down:
:lol: The fact is I was there and walked amongst the AMFA Boys as one of them.

If Scabs are indeed so deplorable and smell so bad they should have picked me out right away.

I think they are more angry that I was able to blend in so well and even have a conversation with one of their leaders and he not even be able to tell who or what I was.
...And your point is?

Heck even Judas Iscariot walked among his fellow desciples without detection of being the ultimate TRAITOR. He sold his soul for a measley "Thirty Pieces of Silver"...sound familiar?

In the end Judas met with his own undoing, The Gospel of Matthew says he hanged himself; the Acts of the Apostles (1:18), however, says that he "purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out"

Here on this thread Finman used Jews and the PLO to make a point...NOT SO ELOQUENTLY! Does the guy have ethnic issues like some of the other SCABS we've been reading about?
I think it's a valid comparison. In both situations, one group of people maintains a brainwashed hatred of another group of poeple because they believe those people are destroying their livelihood. Naturally, union thugs are not going to kill replacement workers, but I'm willing to bet violence would not be out of the question in the situation being discussed. Please tell me how this comparison is false.
my E-Mail address is

what a cute little name, you must have thought long about coming up with that. Your wife and kids must be so proud of their husband/father.

jizz: redirect-see

se·men (smn)
A viscous whitish secretion of the male reproductive organs, containing spermatozoa and consisting of secretions of the testes, seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands.

PRICELESS...... :lol: :lol: :up:

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