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SCAB NFL Referee's start season

I see that now Scott Walker even supports bringing back the Union Referees after the Seahawks/Packers debacle last night. I guess it is ok like union workers when it is your team?


As I'm not a team owner, I could care less if the Refs wanted a Gazillion dollar raise, and could decide to contribute to it via my wallet.............my decision! As a Tax-payer, I do care what public employees make, since I'm the employer and footin' the tab. Maybe that's the way Walker see's it !
I see that now Scott Walker even supports bringing back the Union Referees after the Seahawks/Packers debacle last night. I guess it is ok like union workers when it is your team?


Who says walker doesn't like union workers?
That's rather off the wall. I believe it was certain bargaining tactics he wanted changed.
Like the right to bargain collectively and the right to strike or self help.
In case you missed it, recently Judge Sumi struck down parts of Walker’s collective bargaining law on a procedural technicality. The court concedes that there’s no constitutional right to collective bargaining; the argument is that the state discriminated against union employees, which makes it an equal protection issue.
Most would argue that even the high paid union jerks are blind unless they rule in their favor 😛
Simi was the last case; this was Colas.

He based his verdict on the idea that Act 10 violates the constitutional rights of state employees. Specifically the rights of free speech, freedom of association and equal representation under the law. For the latter, he cited the stripping of bargaining rights of most workers, while maintaining the rights for fire/police/EMT's...

I'm sure it'll be before the state Supreme Court soon enough, but I think it'll stand. 'Course, that court also has a man who has no qualms about choking female justices who disagree with him, so it should be interesting...
As I'm not a team owner, I could care less if the Refs wanted a Gazillion dollar raise, and could decide to contribute to it via my wallet.............my decision! As a Tax-payer, I do care what public employees make, since I'm the employer and footin' the tab. Maybe that's the way Walker see's it !

Whoa! So paying a hundred dollars to watch a game is OK, but god forbid if the government raises your taxes by a few cents to offset costs of what you take for granted is a problem???

Fix your own roads, pick up your own trash, if in a snowbelt-plow your own snow, don't call for fires or crime-oh wait, these don't count because everybody needs the PUBLIC EMPLOYEES that fight fire and crime, and so on!

That's the problem, we pay the high salaries for sports and events that entertain us, but some things most feel they are entitled to and take for granted are just outragious!

Hmmmm. Let the useless tax payer fix his problems. The same tax payer who still can't get recycling right!

Yes paying to watch sports live, PRICELESS. UNIONIZED PUBLIC EMPLOYEES, worthless!

Got it 🙄
Whoa! So paying a hundred dollars to watch a game is OK, but god forbid if the government raises your taxes by a few cents to offset costs of what you take for granted is a problem???

Fix your own roads, pick up your own trash, if in a snowbelt-plow your own snow, don't call for fires or crime-oh wait, these don't count because everybody needs the PUBLIC EMPLOYEES that fight fire and crime, and so on!

That's the problem, we pay the high salaries for sports and events that entertain us, but some things most feel they are entitled to and take for granted are just outragious!

Hmmmm. Let the useless tax payer fix his problems. The same tax payer who still can't get recycling right!

Yes paying to watch sports live, PRICELESS. UNIONIZED PUBLIC EMPLOYEES, worthless!

Got it 🙄

Time for a recent "Check-up on Unions"

CTA (chicago teachers)....................W I N !
NFL Refs. .........................................W I N !
Scott Walkers last court case ...........L O S S !
AA Management to Pilots, ................."C A N WE T A L K" ?

(and after Nov. 6th) , ....." You ain't seen nothing YET" !!!!!!!!!!! : ) : )

Bend Over UNION Haters, cause HERE IT COMES . With or Without ...'K-Y'. (Your Choice) !

In Solidarity !
NewHampshire Black Bears
Time for a recent "Check-up on Unions"

CTA (chicago teachers)....................W I N ! Losers parents students
NFL Refs. .........................................W I N ! Losers NFL fans everywhere
Scott Walkers last court case ...........L O S S ! How did that recall work out?
AA Management to Pilots, ................."C A N WE T A L K" ? In the judges hand ultimately

(and after Nov. 6th) , ....." You ain't seen nothing YET" !!!!!!!!!!! : ) : ) If the Pats/Celtics/Red Sox coach had 4 straight losing years would you support giving him a contract extention?

Bend Over UNION Haters, cause HERE IT COMES . With or Without ...'K-Y'. (Your Choice) !

In Solidarity !
NewHampshire Black Bears

since it's mid day I'll try to give you a pass and figure you weren't sober when you posted
' rat '

Look at my post #27, and your post #28.
See anything different ?
In my post I never wrote anything about the Boston Red Sox, or Celtics. Yet in post #28 there IS a line in there about the red sox/celtics that SOMEHOW mysteriously Appeared.

No wonder your confused !

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