Didn't throw out my suggestions (which nobody ever in a million years would adopt) in order to be popular. In truth, I threw those out not because they sound good....but because I am a radical theorist and figure when you have nothing left to lose, and what you are doing isn't working, you might as well try something else.
I am not an airline employee. I am actually an officer in the United States Army. I spent 3 yrs working in the res center for WN while I was in college, having started when WN had a fleet of 5 aircraft and leaving prior to them getting their 18th. I also busted bags in CLL for a commuter carrier that was absorbed by Rio AIrways (who code shared with DL for a number of years.)
I grew up in an airline household...dad was in management for TT, FL, and was one of the original folks at WN back in '71. He's been retired for many many years.
I was actually the guy who suggested to WN....when they had to sell the 4th airplane to help pay the bills but needed to retain an hourly schedule in order to be competitive with BN....thaqt they could go to a 10 minute turn. I actually took a piece of notebook paper (I was a Junior in high school at the time) and drafted a 3 aircraft schedule which ran hourly between Dallas and Houston and kept 4 trips a day DAL-SAT and 3 trips a day HOU-SAT. Where had I come up with the idea that you could turn a 737 in 10 minutes? I remembered back when I was flying around with dad on DC-3s that TTa managed to turn their DC-3s in 3 minutes at certain intermediate points by leaving the engine on the opposite side of the aircraft from the airstairs running and by having everyone ready to board when the plane taxiied up. With loads being what they were when WN had to go to the 10 min turen (we thought 50 folks was an outrageously full aircraft) I figured you could shove everyone off, let the hostesses (as FAs were called back then) run thru, pick up trash, cross seat belts, and put the 35 or 40 passengers back on the plane in 10 minutes. And even if you didn't, the enroute and taxi times were often less than the 50 minutes scheduled.
I was in the area when my dad got a call (from a pay phone...no cell phones back then) on a Thursday afternoon telling him that the TAC had awarded WN the route into HRL....and that in order to keep a judge from issuing a temporary restraining order, would it be possible to inaugurate service the following Tuesday morning. So leaving Dallas late on a Thursday afternoon, I watched while my dad and the Dallas station manager managed to get phone lines run, a ticket counter built, and the required FAA inspections completed over a weekend and into Monday.
In my present line of work I am notorious for telling people what they don't want to hear but telling it in a way that is usually palatable....and is always accepted as true. My integrity is never in question. The same applies here.
It all boils down to this, however - we KNOW what USAirways is doing isn't working. There should be no question in anyone's mind on that. Thus it would seem that they ought to try something else. I don't know if what I suggested would work either.....but it couldn't be any worse than the current situation. Once you find a formula that works, you want to build on it. If you make changes, and they don't work, it would be time to try something else.
Lunch hour is over here in ELP so I will get back to work. Will check in later.