Hey, Obama has had four years to change that! -------- So what's he done? ------- Nothing!!! S0 what has Obama done?
Lets not forget that Obama has had to deal with an obstructionist Congress which openly stated that their number One objective was , not to help fix this country , or decrease unemploymemnt, or stop the exportation og American Jobs, or get Osama Bin Laden, but to get Obama out of office!!!
I fault Obama as being too soft on his opponents who want to further wealth inequality and failing to use the media to take his message directly to the People like FDR and Ronald Reagan did.
As far as the RIF, it looks like at the end of the day the most that would see the street would be less than 230 people, not including those who could bump back into a prior classification.
Some will tout this as a success, say that the sacrifice we all made made the disruptions less severe, but the fact is that enough people felt this place wasnt worth staying is what lowered the number of RIFS, thats certainly nothing to boast about. AA is still only keep the amount of mechanics it needs to run their operations and that number would be the same whether we are making $33/hr with the worst contract in the industry or $40/hr with the same benfits and workrules we see across the industry. AA got everything they think they wanted thanks to people who pretend to be Union.
AA will get to continue to reduce headcount, some of that headcount reduction is due to the fact we get less vacation than anyone else, for every 50 guys on payroll with one less week vacation they get to dump one more worker and still get the same amount of hours of work. That currently gives AA the labor of 230 more mechanics without the 230 heads. The elimination of yet another week, as a large number of workers who remain aproach the years of service where they would get that week allows the company to reduce headcount that much more. Now we have workers that not only get half the sick time, one fifth the amount of equivelent HW hours but also get two weeks less vacation. Even at our reduced wage this represents a pay gap in addition to the lower wage of nearly $7500/year compared to their peers at UAL. When you add in the wage gap of $8300, without adding in any value for our inferior OT, FT and workrules we are already looking at a gap of $16,000/yr.In other words United gets the labor of 5263 mechanics for the same price that AA pays for 7070 mechanics, AA gets the labor of 1807 mechanics essentailly, for free. Thats the equivelent of 3,758,842 manhours of labor per year for free.
What management in the world wouldnt accept a deal that gives them nearly 4 million man hours for free?