Informer, I believe your understanding is quite clear.. I have tried to tell people in my shop that abrogation isn't the end of the negotiation process (not sure if they believe)... How long will the interim relief process take? will the court rule immediately or is there a separate hearing??
I believe that without a consensual agreement between company and union that the court would never approve a plan to emerge.
This is the only Union Leverage left in this situation.
Unless of course you pay your monthly dues to the most docile union in the industry. Then you will be force fed fear and emergency voting without clear understanding of what the vote outcome actually means.
I believe judge Lane at best will give AA interim relief and then there should be time for binding arbitration.
AA claimed there wasn't time for binding arbitration. If they were to be given interim relief there would be time.
All three unions offered binding arbitration, which AA rejected.
Judge Lane should rule for interim relief and then order all parties to embark upon the offered binding arbitration.
I have no idea why the TWU has placed this deadline upon themselves. Other than just plain ignorance, or worse the TWU and James C Little really are company unionized and we are all just pawns.
Nothing would be more fair in this situation than binding arbitration outside of the emergency of Bankrutcy procedures.
In the event of more time needed, Judge Lane has that in hiw power to extend. With interim relief given time is no longer the issue.
This would resolve the pending hostile merger attacks, and resolve the fairness issues for employees.
All three Unions should diligently fight the term sheets in front of the court, and at the same time respectfully request that if Judge Lane rules in favor of the company that bench ruling be an interim order and he order all parties into binding arbitration since all Unions agreed to that earlier.
Upon completion of the binding Arbitrations, the Union Labor issue will be resolved. Meanwhile, the courts can proceed with the other unresolved issues at hand.
How fair is that?