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Rick Mullings fear versus APA Pilots open and honest communications

Why do the Pilots always provide detailed and professional communications, while the TWU tries to manipulate everyone's opinions using Rick Mullings fear propaganda in self made videos and media interviews? Mullings has his own agenda and uses his appointed position to advance that agenda. Is the Mullings agenda the same as your agenda?

Based on the below review from the APA, anyone that tells you they already know the outcome of AMR Bankruptcy proceedings is either a liar or and ignorant fool. The laws are still evolving and no two cases are ever the same.

The question is "which path do you feel is best for your profession, and which path leads to further destruction of your profession"? Because anyone that tells you they know the outcome before the law is fully engaged is telling you a lie!

Do you wish to continue the fight with AA management and make a new ruling of law?
Or capitulate before further ruling of law is made and leave that battle to someone else?

That is the only question or direction that is left to answer.

One direction provides for potential gains while still facing more risk.
The other direction, assures years of more concessions, but very little risk.

Would be an easier decision if all three unions would share their resources for the same fight, instead of one (TWU) cowering in fear while the other two (APA, APFA) take membership controlled steps towards a decision, while open and honestly communicating with the membership.

From the APA Pilots

Don't know about the " very little risk", maybe " very little left to risk".
While I found that opinion informative the author left out something very relevant that Judge Lane also said. He said that no matter how he rules that the parties still had to negotiate and come to an agreement. So yes if abrogated they may not impose the pay raises etc, but if they refuse to negotiate then the pilots have grounds to request a release under Sect 6. The question is does the company really want to continue along such a path?
Had we taken that contract they would have still gone BK and asked for the same things the contract would not have changed a thing except you would have a few more dollars but all the job guarntee's and out sourcing pension loss etc etc would not have survived the BK keep on dreaming!
Not dreaming. The MCTs are not being asked to take a pay cut are they? In fact they are getting the annual raises on top of their best in the industry wages. Yes AA would probably have gone to BK due to the APA however wouldn't it have been better to be working from $37/hour as a wage starting point then $33/hour?
Not dreaming. The MCTs are not being asked to take a pay cut are they? In fact they are getting the annual raises on top of their best in the industry wages. Yes AA would probably have gone to BK due to the APA however wouldn't it have been better to be working from $37/hour as a wage starting point then $33/hour?
You mean like we were in 2003?
Well I figured out one reason why we are in this mess. I finally saw a video of Mullings.
What was the TWU thinking in putting this guy in charge? We need to get out of this union fast. When you have guys that sound like they barely have a high school education talking to the press and representing a group of skilled workers then its time to really worry about our future.
Not dreaming. The MCTs are not being asked to take a pay cut are they? In fact they are getting the annual raises on top of their best in the industry wages. Yes AA would probably have gone to BK due to the APA however wouldn't it have been better to be working from $37/hour as a wage starting point then $33/hour?

Once again no one could predict we were going into bankruptcy, All you can do is make decisions based on what is happening right then, that is what were doing now, if we get something worth voting for then we will but this last offer raised our medical cost's etc. & didn't even give us ANY DOS pay raise..... Ugh that don't work for me.
Like I said, isn't detailed information better than fear mongering Mullings?

Adults, at least most are capable of reading the facts and making up their own minds.
As the general public gets distorted facts from the media, and forms opinions based on half-truth propaganda. How can anyone get to the absolute truth with all of the politics in the way?