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Retiree Question


Apr 3, 2003
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How come each month justplanenews lists retirements (must be 40+ each month), yet the employee furlough numbers never decrease? Shouldn't some of these folks be called back? I believe the employee furlough list for pilots has been the same for a long time (somewhere near 1,700?), yet there have been many retirements along the way.
I don't know about the pilots, but if they're anything like CS agents, they are not being replaced. This company seems to think that it can operate with 2/3 the number of employees it has already. They have no intention of filling empty positions and if there are early outs in any of the labor groups, I doubt the company would attempt to replace all those who leave with furloughees or new hires.
While checking in passengers, flt arrived, dad pushing baby stroller,

Outloud dad says, The Unserve Airline!


I kept about my business, but IT was EMBARRASING>>>

He was on a RJ of course!

I'm soo embarrased it's been quite a long time since I WENT OUT IN PUBLIC after work with my set of Blues on!

I'm sitting on my pride...
golden1 said:
While checking in passengers, flt arrived, dad pushing baby stroller,

Outloud dad says, The Unserve Airline!


I kept about my business, but IT was EMBARRASING>>>

He was on a RJ of course!

I'm soo embarrased it's been quite a long time since I WENT OUT IN PUBLIC after work with my set of Blues on!

I'm sitting on my pride...
Likewise, I also refuse to be seen in public with anything that hints USAIRWAYS.
It's sad its to this point.