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Flight Attendant Seasonal Furloughs

For bottom half of the seniority, this is a constant worry because we have gone through furloughs more than once. This "involuntary overage leave" is a furlough dressed up in fancy clothes. So far, for those of us hired in 2001 or late 2000, we have stepped on and off the furlough merry go round a total of 3x.

And I am very sorry for that. But how is that the fault of more senior flight attendants?
I know people with 30 years working with other company (non- airline) that have
lost their job in this economy. I actually think the company and the union have been trying
to a degree to mitigate some forlough. I do not know what I would do if I was in a situation
like the one you describe; but seriously what are the other options to quit. Lets just hope
that this economy gets better and hopefully start growing again. That is the only way we will
see improvements "seniority wise"