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Reserves Getting No Contacts

Our old reserve system is a standard that we should look to as a "must have". We had the best damned reserve system in the industry.

It had Quality of Work Life issues addressed. We could pass for better trips. We could pass for afternoon departures. We could pass for a number of issues and life was great because we could live our life and make living. But more importantly...we had our senority.

I worked under this system for 14/15 years and I always put in 85 hrs. Reserve now is like the Seventh Ring of Hell.

So, ladies...shake out your old contracts....use them as tool. They are important. Use them as guide line.

OK, so again I am now #1 to be called and there is a trip on the screen that has been there for an hour. It has an early morning departure. Why would scheduling not fill it immediately? I've had this happen before where it sat there from 8pm-11:55 and then right before midnight they called me for it and the check in was 6am. I couldn't even go back to sleep. I just called around 9 to find out if they were going to assign it to me or not and they said no. Well, before they said no and look what they did. Ugh! Hmmm. Do I go to bed and risk getting a no contact or do I stay up. I'm a heavy sleeper and I probably won't hear the phone ring. That's it! I am over it!
OH, and OVERFLY is just plain wrong and there must be consequences for those blockholders. Why even have overfly language in the contract if it has never been enforced?

I'm not a big Catcrew person... is there a way to see who's overflying? If so, email the names around and give them the Cyndy Atkins treatment. Put an end to that real quick.
Our old reserve system is a standard that we should look to as a "must have". We had the best damned reserve system in the industry.

It had Quality of Work Life issues addressed. We could pass for better trips. We could pass for afternoon departures. We could pass for a number of issues and life was great because we could live our life and make living. But more importantly...we had our senority.

I worked under this system for 14/15 years and I always put in 85 hrs. Reserve now is like the Seventh Ring of Hell.

So, ladies...shake out your old contracts....use them as tool. They are important. Use them as guide line.

They won't go straight back to the old system. One reason we are on this new system is to make all of those rsv's who passed for 2E's all the time go back to work. They were costing the company alot of money. I suggested to my LEC in CLT to bring up limited passing or no passing, or even just get rid of those folks. He said he didn't want to do it. I told him thanks for the representation. They didn't want to be here anyway. Remember that 13% paycut we got, all that did was support those people not working. We took paycuts so they could pass and never fly. Thanks. Don't get me wrong, I believe in passing, just not passing the whole month because you don't want to work and just want to collect min. guarantee and benefits. We have plenty of people who are on furlough who would love to come back and be part of a productive workforce.
Oh, I agree, they won't go back to the old system but I think it's a great guide line for the reserves to use as a tool for a better system.

I may be wrong but I think most would tolerate not passing if they could get their senority back. That and changing how trip splits are calculated. And full pay and credit for DH. This deadheading all over timbuckto and not getting full pay or credit for it is crazy.
<SNIP> One reason we are on this new system is to make all of those rsv's who passed for 2E's all the time go back to work.
Are you sure about that?

Those that didn’t fly their obligation got a chance to talk to their Supervisors and explain their actions. Doing that month after month was not a career enhancing strategy.
Too bad the people overflying don't get the same treatment.