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Reserve Petition


Sep 22, 2004
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Philadelphia, PA
Please take a moment of your time to read and sign this important petition about overflying.

We need to send a strong message that this has to stop! With the upcoming transfers and the recall of our furloughed flight attendants overflying could affect any of us.

“Block Today, Reserve Tomorrowâ€￾

It is important that we come together and finally make our voices heard

Sign and Send this to everyone you can! Simply click here Overfly
I hope everyone signs this!!! Seems like a real simple solution to stop overflying. I never did understand why scheduling would even schedule you over your option.
i applaud your efforts!!!
doug parker seemed genuinely concerned about overflying when the practice was introduced to him during one of the video archived crew news assemblies. i suggest, however, that you organize (and inundate him) with an e-mail campaign to him personally.
i worked on an overfly cost analysis in 2003 for afa. the cost of overfly was astonishing!!! well on its way to the million $ mark! the whole time balancing concept was then introduced, but, not surprisingly, reserves were proportionally not responsible for stealing time.
again, great initiative!!! i think doug will in fact listen!
What does 'overfly' mean?
What is AIL and SAP?

AIL is Availability/Improvement List

Overfly is when a flight attendant fly’s over the company established maximums. They have the ability to add trips to their awarded line by using SAP (Schedule Adjustment Period) to add and remove time for the month.
So, if Overfly was not allowed, wouldn't that be like a "cap" on hours?
West has never had a cap. Is that what you mean by the "company established maximums"?
I don't think West has a problem with reserves not getting any time, either.
Is AIL available all month? Like West's DPU? (drop/pick up)
SAP sounds like "high time" at West. Regular DPU opens at 6p on the 28th for the following month. "High time" opens a few days earlier, for those who checked the box on their bid promising to pick up to a certain range of hours. There's 3 ranges...not sure what they are cuz I would never check those boxes.
If you do choose a high time option, that becomes your new minimum guarantee, and you can't DPU below it.
So, you can see that picking up hours from company open time is encouraged at West, while it sounds like East is hoping to have it restricted.

"Low time self-adjust" also opens earlier than regular DPU for those whose line value fell below 70, if trips fell off due to conflict with carry-in, vacay, or training dates. If they don't bring themselves back up to at least 70 by a certain date, scheduling will put something on their line.
The idea is to get rid of all company open time, and never need a reserve.
Of course, reserves get used all the time anyway!
There are those crappy trips that lineholders trade out of that end up in open-time and no one would willingly pick-up!

Also, West has an ETB for personal trades, but it runs and loads MUCH S L O W E R than company DPU, and FAs have long believed its an intentional conspiracy on the company's part to get us to pick up from DPU instead!

Many FAs who are looking for something on their days off will go to the personal trades, to help out another FA rather than the company.
Plus, the personal trades often come with $incentives$ depending on how bad the poster needs those days off.
This works well for reserves to earn a little xtra scooch.
Please take a moment of your time to read and sign this important petition about overflying.

We need to send a strong message that this has to stop! With the upcoming transfers and the recall of our furloughed flight attendants overflying could affect any of us.

“Block Today, Reserve Tomorrowâ€￾

It is important that we come together and finally make our voices heard

Sign and Send this to everyone you can! Simply click here Overfly

You've got to be KIDDING me! The reserves are starving? Not in Charlotte. They get paid their 71 hours and pick EVERYTHING up off the ETB and get paid 130 hours!!!! They fly less than 100 but get paid this incrdible amount. Its the blockholders who are screwed by this. Maybe when they add all those newbies to PHL and reserves become blockholders, you'll see. Stop whining. You've got it made. And don't talk about giving up your off days to fly. If the company doesn't use you and you don't fly, ITS AN OFF DAY!
You've got to be KIDDING me! The reserves are starving? Not in Charlotte. They get paid their 71 hours and pick EVERYTHING up off the ETB and get paid 130 hours!!!! They fly less than 100 but get paid this incrdible amount. Its the blockholders who are screwed by this. Maybe when they add all those newbies to PHL and reserves become blockholders, you'll see. Stop whining. You've got it made. And don't talk about giving up your off days to fly. If the company doesn't use you and you don't fly, ITS AN OFF DAY!
Umm...can't the BHers pick up trips off the ETB as well? Ohh yeah I think thats how they are supposed to pick up time...if they used it to get rid of a trip!!! We all know the reserves are hard pressed to get there time in if they don't give up their days off. And Not being used on a day that you are on call is not a DAY OFF...your still ON CALL!!! You should try it and see. Just when you start to do something that's when they call you on this supposed day off.
You've got to be KIDDING me! The reserves are starving? Not in Charlotte. They get paid their 71 hours and pick EVERYTHING up off the ETB and get paid 130 hours!!!! They fly less than 100 but get paid this incrdible amount. Its the blockholders who are screwed by this. Maybe when they add all those newbies to PHL and reserves become blockholders, you'll see. Stop whining. You've got it made. And don't talk about giving up your off days to fly. If the company doesn't use you and you don't fly, ITS AN OFF DAY!

..can't the BHers pick up trips off the ETB as well? Ohh yeah I think thats how they are supposed to pick up time...if they used it to get rid of a trip!!!

Wow, so, are you saying if a line holder drops a trip on the personal board, and then wants to pick something else up, they can't pick up off the company open-time?

Sounds like the reserve scheduling/time problem at East could be due to too many restrictions.
Flexibility is the #1 priority for Westies, and it seems to benefit both sides.

I agree that a reserve day you are not called to work is not the same as a day off. Can't plan anything, can't go too far from home, must have proper rest, no adult bevvies, etc...
Just my opinion...But, I would rather take a chance and not get called on my reserve day and pick up a trip on my off day. Yes..the reserves are more than broke..they are starving and if this is what they gotta do than by all means they should be able to do it. These are trips that are fair game, right? So, if they are off and want to fly..why should anyone stop them? My 2 Cents..
You've got to be KIDDING me! The reserves are starving? Not in Charlotte. They get paid their 71 hours and pick EVERYTHING up off the ETB and get paid 130 hours!!!! They fly less than 100 but get paid this incrdible amount. Its the blockholders who are screwed by this. Maybe when they add all those newbies to PHL and reserves become blockholders, you'll see. Stop whining. You've got it made. And don't talk about giving up your off days to fly. If the company doesn't use you and you don't fly, ITS AN OFF DAY!

Kobe1 you know that overflying has been a big problem for years. I did not post this to cause some Blockholder/Reserve WAR :rant: . I am sure that to a blockholder seeing 103 hours for a reserve is ugly on paper but they have the same opportunity to pick up the time of the ETB just like the reserve did. They also have SAP to build a big fat block of great trips long before those are dumped into open time or built into Secondary lines.

The problem is that our reserves shouldn’t have to use the ETB to make sure they can pay bills. The part of the equation that you’re forgetting Kobe1 is reserves are only getting about 40 hours of company time each month and anything they are lucky to pick up off the ETB just helps soften the blow of not getting a full month’s paycheck. There is no Per-diem on the 73 hour guarantee and I can only imagine (because I live in my base) the expense of hotels sitting in base day after day and no trips getting down to the reserves.

Blockholders are GLOATING on trips and in the crewrooms about the fact that they overfly. “I can’t be bothered with using the ETB, I just get the time from schedulingâ€￾. Its out of control and has to stop! :cop:

Also, lets not forget that the time on the ETB are trips that the Blockholders didnt want to fly...so if the reserves are picking up the time they are doing the Blockholder a favor by getting them out of the obligation, Right?
Wow, so, are you saying if a line holder drops a trip on the personal board, and then wants to pick something else up, they can't pick up off the company open-time?

Sounds like the reserve scheduling/time problem at East could be due to too many restrictions.
Flexibility is the #1 priority for Westies, and it seems to benefit both sides.

I agree that a reserve day you are not called to work is not the same as a day off. Can't plan anything, can't go too far from home, must have proper rest, no adult bevvies, etc...
You are correct! If a lineholder drops time from their line by using SAP or ETB they lower the monthly obligation to the company...blockholders have been dumping time in the ETB down to 50 hours then going later in the month and getting time from scheduling off the AIL flying "OVERFLYING" their month. :bleh:
Kobe1 you know that overflying has been a big problem for years. I did not post this to cause some Blockholder/Reserve WAR :rant: . I am sure that to a blockholder seeing 103 hours for a reserve is ugly on paper but they have the same opportunity to pick up the time of the ETB just like the reserve did. They also have SAP to build a big fat block of great trips long before those are dumped into open time or built into Secondary lines.

The problem is that our reserves shouldn’t have to use the ETB to make sure they can pay bills. The part of the equation that you’re forgetting Kobe1 is reserves are only getting about 40 hours of company time each month and anything they are lucky to pick up off the ETB just helps soften the blow of not getting a full month’s paycheck. There is no Per-diem on the 73 hour guarantee and I can only imagine (because I live in my base) the expense of hotels sitting in base day after day and no trips getting down to the reserves.

Blockholders are GLOATING on trips and in the crewrooms about the fact that they overfly. “I can’t be bothered with using the ETB, I just get the time from schedulingâ€￾. Its out of control and has to stop! :cop:

Also, lets not forget that the time on the ETB are trips that the Blockholders didnt want to fly...so if the reserves are picking up the time they are doing the Blockholder a favor by getting them out of the obligation, Right?

A junior bh does not fly fabulous trips...more like 737 4 day 14 hour duties.

A bh can't sit at home hitting every 5 seconds on the ETB because they are out flying their block, not getting paid to stay home.

While some reserves get called unexpectedly, I go out with reserves who drink like fishes because "there is no way they will call me I'm # 160 to be called" so that to me is a day off.

*******I propose limiting the ETB to picking up a max of 4 duty periods total. If you drop 2 duty periods, then you could pick 6 back up (6-2=4). That way there is something for everyone.*****

A junior bh does not fly fabulous trips...more like 737 4 day 14 hour duties.

A bh can't sit at home hitting every 5 seconds on the ETB because they are out flying their block, not getting paid to stay home.

While some reserves get called unexpectedly, I go out with reserves who drink like fishes because "there is no way they will call me I'm # 160 to be called" so that to me is a day off.

*******I propose limiting the ETB to picking up a max of 4 duty periods total. If you drop 2 duty periods, then you could pick 6 back up (6-2=4). That way there is something for everyone.*****

Also, just because you DROP a trip on the ETB, it DOESN'T mean you don't want the time. It could mean you need those days off, don't like who you are flying with, or just don't like the trip and want to pick up something else.

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