OK, y'all, I'm going nuts here trying to figger out exactly what you mean by "overfly"...no one is responding to my PMs.
Does East have a cap on monthly hours?
West does not. You can work whatever you can fit on there, DPU or ETB, and the program won't allow it if its not legal.
Another question: WHY, WHY would anyone actually WANT PBS?
D Gal
Overfly is when a lineholder exceeds their block hours. Example...My line is worth 82 hours. I am obligated to fly that 82 hours with a window of 2 hours under or over the said obligation.
SAP allows you the oppotunity to drop trips down to 60 hours. Lets say you need a weekend off and you are scheduled to work and REALLY need it off. You can drop that trip in SAP...no questions asked, unless restricted holiday. Well, that's all well and good BUT you STILL have to make up that time and it must be done by using the AIL, which means trips available each day to pick up the day before. You would still have to fly your scheduled obligation of 82 hours.
BTW, some months the company has required the f/a's obligation to go up 5 hours. That has been easing up lately.
If you dropped a 20 hour 4 day trip on that weekend that you needed off and was dropped down to 64 hours and could somehow drop the next 20 hour trip on the ETB leaving you with 44 hours, your obligation to the company would then be 64 hours because the only way you can decress your obligation in by dropping a trip on the ETB. Since you would be down to 44 hours now, you would have to pick up 20 hours off the AIL to get you back to your company obligation of NOW 64 hours. You can still pick up on the ail to 82. You just aren't OBLIGATED.
By the same token, you could take your chance and just drop your needed weekend 20 hour trip on the ETB (if you think it will go with no problem) and instantly you have lowered your company obligation. The SAP system would guarantee that weekend off.
Regardless, you can pick up as much time on the ETB as you can stomach, providing the time is there.
It sounds confusing. Our system of bidding each month is a two month process, so you have to think about how important it is to either use SAP to get rid of a trip or wait to list it on the ETB. Just remember, our ETB is the company's way of washing their hands of hour options which we had for years..50-55. 70-75, 90-95, and 100-105.
As far a PB, I will agree that the most senior picked a big old biitch fit, but I think the company got in over their heads and left a gray part as an out. PITBULL...if she reads this will be able to set that straight as she knew Teddy well.
The thought behind it was that there would be more blockholders, but there seems to be alot of theories behind all this.
I am with you. FLEXIBILITY rules and since East management crammed the AWA contract down our throats, we should INSIST UPON THE SAME VACATION!! No MORE, no LESS!!
I hope this helps. If you want to talk over the phone, pm your phone # and I will call you.