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Reserve Petition

I agree 109. I just want folks to know there IS another side instead of the constant dribble that comes across the threads. Now I haven't spoken to ALL the rsvs, but DO talk to them and it has been my own experience that the ones who biitch and moan the most are those that commute and those with families. The inbase single have learned to deal with it and get around things. I don't think that means I or anyone think rsvs have it MADE. I just think it's nice to see people learn how to stick to the company by learning how to take advantage of the system. If it were so bad, I highly doubt the 10 people I know who chose to be on rsv would.

The major complaint from most RSV commuters(most of which have decent seniority)is just that they cannot fly on their days on, instead of just sitting in a hotel. With the old system, they could come in and fly out the next day, due to the fact that their senoirity would get them a trip from future sched. Now they are sitting in hotels/crashpads with 10 hours. With the old system, they could hold a trip. I feel for them. I commuted for 8 years on the old system and was always able to get my time in DCA, due to the fact that I would have been a junior rsv in CLT. It's not that RSV's want to stick it to the company, most just want their senoirity back andjust fly on their days on duty. Sure the new system looks good on the outside, but when you give up your days off to get a decent paycheck and then have to sit on duty in base, that really isn't that great. IU would love to go back to the old system. I feel there should have been a disclaimor that if Pref. Bid wasn't implemented by a certain date(Jume 2004), that the old RSV sytem would be put back in place. Just my opinion.
I feel there should have been a disclaimor that if Pref. Bid wasn't implemented by a certain date(Jume 2004), that the old RSV sytem would be put back in place. Just my opinion.

I agree 100%
This was brought to the floor at one of the PHL local meetings by the members in attendance and voted on at the meeting to add as an agenda item at the next MEC meeting in PIT. It went to the MEC and was unanimously voted down by the MEC in 2003

Again, protecting the BH's. I don't see anyone wanting a rotating RSV system, except maybe the senior RSV's.
This was brought to the floor at one of the PHL local meetings by the members in attendance and voted on at the meeting to add as an agenda item at the next MEC meeting in PIT. It went to the MEC and was unanimously voted down by the MEC in 2003
You don't say...Geeze I'm shocked.
Everyone, remember this post was started so the USA East RESERVES can voice their problem with lineholder OVERFLYING by signing this petition http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/overfly

I agree that we are quite unhappy at USA-EAST with the contract that was forced upon us, so I will start another thread AWA/USA contract issues what should stay, what should go. Please use this area to voice these comments and concerns.

Let’s stay on topic here...
Also, just because you DROP a trip on the ETB, it DOESN'T mean you don't want the time. It could mean you need those days off, don't like who you are flying with, or just don't like the trip and want to pick up something else.

The above was a quote be Kobe1 from a previous post

WOW...and the only way a reserve can get out of an on-call day is to call out sick. Gosh if the rest of the working world only had it so easy...not come to work on a day your scheduled because you have something else to do..or better yet cause they dont like their co-worker. GET A CLUE!!!

A blockholder could get all weekends on duty every month for a year (not me specific) A reserve can bid some weekends off. That's all I meant, geez....so many immature crybabies ready to jump down your throat over everything.
All I can say if you guys think that this sitting around will continue it won't. Our director of crew scheduling does not believe in wasting time nor money. And he does not like to pay people to sit around. It won't be long until the west sked gets ahold of east sked. Mike Finn is probably thinking about it in his sleep how to get you guys flyin with out breaking contract. It's only a matter of time.
A blockholder could get all weekends on duty every month for a year (not me specific) A reserve can bid some weekends off. That's all I meant, geez....so many immature crybabies ready to jump down your throat over everything.
Again the rest of the working world scheduled to work weekends... just has to work them...again I say GET A CLUE!!!
Bravo, LCC. At ;east you understand the frustration of those flying an actual 103hrs vers 40 or so.

If we are so desperate for time, maybe a petition should be started to void the recall and ask the company to make sure all reserves fly at least 73 hours before any recalls!
Again the rest of the working world scheduled to work weekends... just has to work them...again I say GET A CLUE!!!

The rest of the world has weekends and Holidays off....ever been out shopping on the weekend? You make absolutely no sense.
All I can say if you guys think that this sitting around will continue it won't. Our director of crew scheduling does not believe in wasting time nor money. And he does not like to pay people to sit around. It won't be long until the west sked gets ahold of east sked. Mike Finn is probably thinking about it in his sleep how to get you guys flyin with out breaking contract. It's only a matter of time.

I sure hope so!! :up: So many are excited about coming back to flying but i think several are unaware of how many reserves aren't even close to making their time each month. I told my friend the other day...its NOTHING like
it was before the layoffs. The good old days of calling "out of time" with 95-105 hours each month by the 20th...except maybe in the winter are long gone for now. Getting called almost every day when on call by "future" asking what you are looking for. Its just not like that anymore :down:

Its obvious there is a reason for the recall. I just hope there will be more flying out there for everyone once this is all said and done!!
This system we are under now is all geared towards the blockholder, make no mistake about it. If those flight attendants that are holding blocks think we have "perks" being on reserve then by all means bid it and we will be happy to have your block. As for a flight attendant "choosing" to commute whether blockholder or reserve is rediculous. We all understood in the beginning that displacements could occur but I was not told back then that we would be displaced with a roughly $12,000.00 pay cut as well. Though we are employed by US Airways we have lives. It does NOT revolve around work. We are not payed enough to relocate. Some have husbands, wives and partners that can not relocate due to their jobs. It does not make a wrong a right with this system we work under. I would take the crappiest block I could hold if it meant getting off reserve. After all I can just drop the trip I don't like anyway right? We have NO flexibility nor seniority being a reserve. Give me a break. The overflying has to stop as well. All reserves should start complaining about this. We must create a system for ALL of us to work under.
You know airportman, I know alot of f/a's that have done JUST that and LOVE it!! In all fairness, most live in base. For those out of base, too bad. If I sound heartless, you CHOOSE to commute.

My observation has been that it is the commuting f/a that USUALLY biitches. The inbaser are laughing all the way to the bank. They have weekends off, fly 30 hours off the ETB and get paid 103 hours total. And the thought has crossed my mind and before it's all said and done, I might bid RSV. I'm just a tiny bit power thirst and don't want to give anymore power to scheduling than I have to.

I do NOT believe a person should overfly but that is the base managers fault for not enforcing and disciplining people for doing so.

And BTW, it is alot easier to be at a computer on the 23 and 24 of the month to pick up the first etb trips listed than those of us actually working. I mean, if you aren't working, you probably have plenty of time to pick up etb trips. 😉

You are right some love it then wait to you fly with the one that gets the first qc, or am opr then they see the picture.

As for commuters, remember they ALL did not choose to commute, remember this is different times....the company has forced many to commute.

AS i said before those who Think they have it bad and the reserve is getting something for nothing they need to GET A LIFE.
Again the rest of the working world scheduled to work weekends... just has to work them...again I say GET A CLUE!!!

Don't agree. Airline industry gig gets old. After leaving U, its great having weekends off and being OFF at 4:30 p.m. every weekday.In fact, many companies offer for you to work from a home office on certain days, saves in gas, not having to dress up.

It great having real holidays not worrying about having to bid for those days off and worrying if you will get them off. The world keeps turning, and life keeps marching on, kids grow up, and before you know it...a lifetime has passed, as my dad talked about before he passed..."enjoy the family, it goes by quick".

I surely didn't want to spend the other 25 working years of my life in an a/c and hotel rooms away from my element.

Much less anxiety.

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