Well, from what I'm reading here, dosen't seem like the East system makes much sense, nor does it offer much flexibility. And, it looks like some see it as "unfair".It will be interesting to see what system they go with in the combined contract.
Blockholders that drop time and lower their monthly obligation must then use the ETB to collect time. They are still using the AIL and that is a violation of the contract.
Well, from what I'm reading here, dosen't seem like the East system makes much sense, nor does it offer much flexibility. And, it looks like some see it as "unfair".
A little history for you.
When we went the route of the SAP (schedule adjustment period) and ETB, we were to have preferential bidding whereas we f/a's would build our schedules until all the time was gone. The only open time would then be from sick calls or unusual circumstances. On a day to day basis, all trips would be covered and rvs would be used for what they were intended to be used FOR.
This would lower the amt of rsvs and create more blockholders. Since flexibilty would be almost 0, the company adopted the etb for trading trips, dropping obligations and picking up unlimited time. Sounds good. One problem.
The company never implemented the PB system so we still have a system where 20% of our trips are open on a day to day basis. How did the company decide to make sure the almighty weekend was covered? In ch. 22 they made weekends an obligation if your schedule has a trip in it....UNLESS you can drop it in sap or off the etb. This is the inflexable part. Therefore, istead of trip improving off the weekend on the AIL, you pretty much have your hands tied. The weekend obligation is my main beef.
The company knew the rsvs wouldn't fly as much so they allow them to pick up off the etb on their days off...the premise being that if you don't work on your days ON, you could at least make up time on your your days off. Alittle odd, but the saavy reserves have figured it out, do well, and love it. So much that some lineholders HAVE made the switch.
The only ones biithchin are the commuters and those that think they should not pick up on their days off but expect lineholders to pick up on their days off. Think about it. It takes 22-24 days to fly 103 hours as a lineholder. For a saavy rsv? SIX!! 23 days off!! HUM...and some still whine!! There are those that aren't happy, but I will tell you, more than a few have told me it's the best kept secret. I'm just too chicken shiit to make the switch.
I might have some of the details wrong but I think reserves get 11 or 12 days off. You are obligated to the company on reserve days (consequently they are not days off).The only ones biithchin are the commuters and those that think they should not pick up on their days off but expect lineholders to pick up on their days off. Think about it. It takes 22-24 days to fly 103 hours as a lineholder. For a saavy rsv? SIX!! 23 days off!! HUM...and some still whine!! There are those that aren't happy, but I will tell you, more than a few have told me it's the best kept secret. I'm just too chicken shiit to make the switch.
What happened to Preferred Bidding? Is the union on top of following through on pushing the company to get this implemented?
I recall a few years ago a very senior flight attendant that liked to brag about how very much she over flew as it brought her earnings WAY up for retirement. As a furloughee, I saw this as a blatent disregard for fairness let alone a violation of the contract. She was not the least bit concerned about an over fly letter from the union or company.
Being savvy always has its place in working the system but as in everything else, within bounds. 😉
A little history for you.
The only open time would then be from sick calls or unusual circumstances. On a day to day basis, all trips would be covered and rvs would be used for what they were intended to be used FOR.
This would lower the amt of rsvs and create more blockholders. Since flexibilty would be almost 0, the company adopted the etb for trading trips,
The only ones biithchin are the commuters and those that think they should not pick up on their days off but expect lineholders to pick up on their days off. Think about it. It takes 22-24 days to fly 103 hours as a lineholder. For a saavy rsv? SIX!! 23 days off!! HUM...and some still whine!! There are those that aren't happy, but I will tell you, more than a few have told me it's the best kept secret. I'm just too chicken shiit to make the switch.
Do I have to move to Texas?Commuters are the only ones having problems with this? Do the FA's not have families as well? Are those people having problems with this system? If not, see me for job, can use people like that in my business 🙂 Non complaining and doing as i say no questions asked.
You are kidding..Right? I am at MAA an about to lose my job again and we are finally able to come back..and you say this... :down:If we are so desperate for time, maybe a petition should be started to void the recall and ask the company to make sure all reserves fly at least 73 hours before any recalls!