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Pennant fever perhaps? Go Red Sox :up:


Talk about "Poetic justice" !!

Here we're talking about NW/Bad Employee policy/(the) BOS Red Sox and an A L pennant race.


NW is based in MSP(think Twins)
The Red Sox just LOST to the Twins tonite(while the BIG BOYS in the BRONX Won)

Interesting !

To be honest, I guess it's better to control ones destiny(BOS need only win 2 of the 3 remaining games it has, providing NY does'nt lose anymore)

To all you folks who don't live in New England(as Red Tail Bear, and I do), IF you want to shorten your LIFE span, just root for the BOS Red Sox .

The NE Patriots, or old Celtics/Bruins........they DEFINITELY are NOT, and will NEVER EVER be !!

"PLAY BALL" :up:
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