Frank Szabo
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No more ot and field trips. You want to talk about CHAOS!!!!!
While that's a great idea - a pity it would never happen.
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No more ot and field trips. You want to talk about CHAOS!!!!!
WHAT stop posting,this is the only place where we can hear what the latest company B/SChuck, if I was president of my local and on the negotiating committee I would.....
1. Stop talking on this forum.
2. Hold more strategy sessions with committee members on ways to force the company's hand to negotiate. One way is to have an understanding within the union negotiators that other locals will not go on field trips, work ot and will approach management that the union doesn't recognize the CS policy in the contract, and therefore will not allow members to CS.
Now, you all may think I'm CRAZY. I'm not! Right now, members are pretty much content because there's plenty of ot, field trips and more importantly CSing. Somehow the only way to engage the membership is to piss off the membership, and have them take it out on the company. Much of the finger pointing has been towards the union leadership....this strategy will turn it towards management. I would put the hurt on the membership, then go around and tell the members that management decided to pull the CS policy, No more ot and field trips. You want to talk about CHAOS!!!!!
I already know we need to get rid of the TWU....but that wasn't the question here. Read Chuck Schalk's request?WHAT stop posting,this is the only place where we can hear what the latest company B/S
The only stradegy we need is how and when to get rid of TWU !
This company's got money for everything but the employees
There would be no access to Billions For A/C financing if BK was in the picture.
I"m kind of getting tired of working two jobs
Keep up the FIGHT Bob theirs more of us with u then against u !!!
Do not forget about the new Flight Tablets, about 2 lbs. vs a 35 lb. Flight Bag.
"A satellite-based air traffic control system in the U.S., several years away, that could cut fuel consumption by 12 percent. Airlines and the government are fighting over who will pay for it. The current system is based on less precise World War II-era radar, which can force planes to zigzag miles out of their way.
-- Aerodynamic improvements to jets, including vertical extensions at the tip of each wing called "winglets" that prevent drag. They've been around for several years but are being deployed on a wider range of planes.
-- Carrying less weight inside the plane. American is replacing its 19,000 catering carts with models that weigh 16 pounds less. Southwest is testing seat covers made with lighter fabric. JetBlue chose thinner seats for its new A320s. Every pound removed from a plane saves 30 gallons of fuel a year.
-- Replacing older jets faster. American, which has the worst fuel economy among U.S. airlines, is replacing aging MD80s with 737s that use 35 percent less fuel per passenger.
Airlines are cutting costs in other areas as well.
Ten years ago, salaries and benefits accounted for 39 percent of industry expenses. Now they account for 28 percent. Several major airlines filed for bankruptcy and that allowed them to renegotiate labor contracts."
I don't have to come on this forum to see how the company's spending billions on things, other than employees.WHAT stop posting,this is the only place where we can hear what the latest company B/S
The only stradegy we need is how and when to get rid of TWU !
This company's got money for everything but the employees
There would be no access to Billions For A/C financing if BK was in the picture.
I"m kind of getting tired of working two jobs
Keep up the FIGHT Bob theirs more of us with u then against u !!!
I voted yes on the TA right or wrong but no one here has a right to bash Bob Owens he has been the only one to give us info (I REPEAT THE ONLY ONE) even if you dont agree with him he is fighting for all of us, even if you disagree with him you would be hard pressed to disagree with that. I do think informer is right he is going to be the fall guy in all this and I dont think we are going to get anything better than the failed TA, but to bash Bob is pure B.S he is a union man through and through to bad he doesnt have a union lol.all the Bob Owens haters, I have not heard all your individual words of wisdom and how to get a liivable contract! So here is the platform and tell us all what we need to do going forward and what is the plan of attack under the current conditions Hey i have a great idea, why don't you ask your presidents and get back to this board what they think we should do. I will await your responses.
I voted yes on the TA right or wrong but no one here has a right to bash Bob Owens he has been the only one to give us info (I REPEAT THE ONLY ONE) even if you dont agree with him he is fighting for all of us, even if you disagree with him you would be hard pressed to disagree with that. I do think informer is right he is going to be the fall guy in all this and I dont think we are going to get anything better than the failed TA, but to bash Bob is pure B.S he is a union man through and through to bad he doesnt have a union lol.
For all employees and TWU members-if you are so unhappy with TWUs leadership and ability to produce a good contract for you, why don't you want to decertify the union and try taking the non-union approach? Perhaps it would be better for many and you could get the JetBlue wages everyone seems to want.
Bob has stated outsourcing is not cheaper but has given no facts other than anyone who states otherwise is talking like management (mis-direction).
Blames the Int'l for dictating the votes on the Committee, if that was the case it's not the Int'l, it is the very Presidents that were directly elected. They can always vote no. They are either weak or understand the gravity of the situation.
States only half the truth when referring to other's pay. Never once discussed that a contract must be viewed as a whole and not as stand alone parts. Everyone he quotes as getting paid higher have major outsourcing of overhaul.
Stated that the TWU started the B-Scale. Not true. Read below about the APA under the direction of AMFA counsel Seham.
There is a ton more. Ten plus years of BS its hard to figure out the web of half-truths that make up Mr. Owens.
You've been reading my stuff for 10 years yet you only decided to jump in to the debates a week ago? Somehow I get the feeling that you've posted before but under some other discredited alias.Overspeed Joined: 28-June 11
I think the plan is kiss butt from behind an alias, help push through concessionary deals, then jump either into management or the International, whichever they get offered.all the Bob Owens haters, I have not heard all your individual words of wisdom and how to get a liivable contract! So here is the platform and tell us all what we need to do going forward and what is the plan of attack under the current conditions Hey i have a great idea, why don't you ask your presidents and get back to this board what they think we should do. I will await your responses.
Who said he was booted? Because that didnt happen.I wouldn't want to ask my president.....he's one that got booted off the committee and Chicken Little's stooge. I'm talking about Gilboy!
Ohhhhhh! So, what is he, Little's stool pigeon or stooge, or are you the union's defacto stooge put in place so you can take the heat off of Gilboy and co.????????? I'm going to guess the latter. I feel for you Bob!! Get out while you can!!! I'm Just Saying!!!Who said he was booted? Because that didnt happen.
I'm just saying he was not booted. It was his choice not to be there.Ohhhhhh! So, what is he, Little's stool pigeon or stooge, or are you the union's defacto stooge put in place so you can take the heat off of Gilboy and co.????????? I'm going to guess the latter. I feel for you Bob!! Get out while you can!!! I'm Just Saying!!!
There is a rift between the TULE membership. The loyal TWU and those who want a descent contract. It would be amazing if the votes were published by skill, but that is another story.For all employees and TWU members-if you are so unhappy with TWUs leadership and ability to produce a good contract for you, why don't you want to decertify the union and try taking the non-union approach? Perhaps it would be better for many and you could get the JetBlue wages everyone seems to want.