And yet you keep speaking!!!"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln
And yet you keep speaking!!!"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln
And then there is Local 514????Bob Owens seems to be the only one who speaks at all. He always supports his position whether you are for it or not he will speak it. Who else does that? Most members hear nothing and thats OK with you? I get the messages at the hall from other locals memebrs who are grateful for Bob Owens letters, information, and thoughts. Maybe other presidents should speak up on their plan or theory going forward? No one says you have to agree with Bob Owens but at least he is doing more than being silent.
And then there is Local 514????
Bob Owens seems to be the only one who speaks at all. He always supports his position whether you are for it or not he will speak it. Who else does that? Most members hear nothing and thats OK with you? I get the messages at the hall from other locals memebrs who are grateful for Bob Owens letters, information, and thoughts. Maybe other presidents should speak up on their plan or theory going forward? No one says you have to agree with Bob Owens but at least he is doing more than being silent.
RE-read that quote just before the next time you post the half-truths about how great the rejected T/A was."Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln
RE-read that quote just before the next time you post the half-truths about how great the rejected T/A was.
It is the job of the Thought Police, i.e. Overspeed, to uncover and punish thoughtcrime and thought-criminals, using psychology and omnipresent surveillance from telescreens to find and eliminate members of society who were capable of the mere thought of challenging ruling authority.
I'm grateful for info also, but when I get the info I want facts, not speculation, nor do I want rhetoric. I want to know what the COMMITTEE is doing/thinking, I would also like the info coming from the company, I think that info should come from the committee, Bob hates AA so much I'm not sure what info is real or perceived. I do not want to hear how one committee member disagrees with the rest, that should remain amongst the negotiators.
we deserve more Walter Cronkite
less Glenn Beck
You need AMP if you want contract negotiation updates and how your negotiators are working for you. You don't get that with the TWU Int. By the way, where has Bob not given facts?
You need AMP if you want contract negotiation updates and how your negotiators are working for you. You don't get that with the TWU Int. By the way, where has Bob not given facts?
Hope you are not working for straight time?When Bob gives us his speculation (his own admission) on how the airline industry is financed.................
Now get off the forum and enjoy the 4th of July......I'm on OT.......... 🙂
I would have been making double time if we passed the TA, we're down $6k and counting. I hope the next TA proves me wrong, but I doubt it. Unless we get full retro, we will never make up that money.
We fwd out pretty much everything, however I did stop forwarding out the crack price of oil reports, nobody cared. With hedges it was impossible to figure out what the effect would be anyway.
One thing that was very obvious is that any news related article that I've recieved from the International was one that would tend to lower expectations. Articles about bankruptcy, how much they may have to put into the pension, how much of a loss they are expected to post, how the latest fuel price increase was going to affect the airlines etc etc. Not once did I recieve articles that would tell us how much the revenue increased, how much they collected in baggage fees, or how high load factors were, how much fuel went down, how well hedged AA was or the need for more skilled workers. I would usually recieve those types of articles from Gary Santos.
I wouldn't want to ask my president.....he's one that got booted off the committee and Chicken Little's stooge. I'm talking about Gilboy!Hey i have a great idea, why don't you ask your presidents and get back to this board what they think we should do.
Chuck, if I was president of my local and on the negotiating committee I would.....all the Bob Owens haters, I have not heard all your individual words of wisdom and how to get a liivable contract! So here is the platform and tell us all what we need to do going forward and what is the plan of attack under the current conditions Hey i have a great idea, why don't you ask your presidents and get back to this board what they think we should do. I will await your responses.