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Reasons why this airline ROCKS to work for...

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you and flightchic are so bitter... you should both move on like they say birds of a feather

Listen up PHL BULL SH!T! I'm not bitter at all! Actually, I am enjoying my life thank you very much. Don't be such a jealous cow you heffer! Anyway, what does all of this have to with the topic of this thread anyway? You need to go back to kindergarten and learn to read because you obviously are having difficult time here. You're right! All the cool, hip, young, and fabulous birds do flock together! Too bad you're all alone! Ha! Ha! Ha! :lol:
i love the special feature we have on our B767 aircraft... when you watch the movie and plug in your headsets- you get one ear in english and one ear in spanish. very internationale.
french one ear and italian in other that was precious
Listen up PHL BULL SH!T! I'm not bitter at all! Actually, I am enjoying my life thank you very much. Don't be such a jealous cow you heffer! Anyway, what does all of this have to with the topic of this thread anyway? You need to go back to kindergarten and learn to read because you obviously are having difficult time here. You're right! All the cool, hip, young, and fabulous birds do flock together! Too bad you're all alone! Ha! Ha! Ha! :lol:

why are they bitter? because they are stating the truth?? what they say is exactly on the money, however when they are working they are professionals. Just like you are entitled to your opinion they are entitled theirs. If you are not a reserve YOU have no idea what we go through. So come off your high horse and bid reserve for a few months. then come back and tell us how happy you are

Thanks for the compliment! Nice avatar too!
Yes, EMBFA, Flight chic, Flightattend21, Beach Boy, Travel Pro, Lady Epaulette and all the other reserves on here whom I know are very professional at work. We just like to share our opinions. We say what we mean and we mean what we say. Why is that so wrong? BTW, anyone who has never experienced our reserve system should give it a try then you would understand.
Oh, I'm so jealous, I wish I was a fat male F/A for USAir claiming to be straight.
i love the special feature we have on our B767 aircraft... when you watch the movie and plug in your headsets- you get one ear in english and one ear in spanish. very internationale.

Oh , that's our new premium "learn a language" service that wasn't supposed to be unveiled until the new IFE rolls out. You were supposed to pay an extra $20.00 for that privelage.
Oh, I'm so jealous, I wish I was a fat male F/A for USAir claiming to be straight.
Chilling in the flop house in Phl waiting for the call to go fly!!


  • diaper.webp
    9.1 KB · Views: 51
I really must give you guys the addresses of some better porn sites! 😛 😛h34r:

Back on topic, I do enjoy working with most of the people I work with. Many of us have been through so much for so many years that we are probably closer to many coworkers than some family members.
That is the absolute truth. If I end up leaving here I'll miss all of my friends the most. It's not the lifestyle and certainly not the company. I have some really great friends that are here who I'd miss something awful. I have NEVER been through more at any other employer since with US. Definitely will be something to remember and look back on if I go.
Oh , that's our new premium "learn a language" service that wasn't supposed to be unveiled until the new IFE rolls out. You were supposed to pay an extra $20.00 for that privelage.
SSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH don't give them any ideas you know they want to charge for sodas?
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