I am going to respond to a certain poster that claims I was half asleep and I "don't get something". First off, there have been many posts on here of information that I have not fully understood or have been out of my realm as a F/A. Not all of us know each others jobs as well as others. I have found this forum to be very educational in many respects. I have always been under the opinion, that if one does not understand something, ask for it to be explained. Then, one learns a little bit more. I am not so pompous and arrogant to think that I still don't have room in my life to still learn. Not always, but alot of the time, the posts have valuable interests to me. That is why I am on here. I am not here to insult (although, I must admit, I have taken my share of jabs).
As far as being half asleep. I am not going to comment on that posters comment. That is childish and scraping the barrel just to insult.