
APL Refugee said:
...why can't you stop wetting yourself long enough to give this Internet thing a rest?
Pot: "Black"
Kettle: "Yes"

As for this thread, it still amazes me that so many people lurk online just waiting to pounce on someone as soon as they post. As for this threads OP, the entrance of Independence Air into the DC area does have significant impact for US as it's yet another LCC to deal with. I appreciate the articles posted here... so thanks!
Hey USA320.........

Why don't you work for 28,000 per year with a 250.00 ins. per month and then come to me. You have no idea what it takes to work in the front lines what I would call the rock pile...and you want me to do it for less...You need to wake up...
Hey doc:

Why would you worry or care what someone else's compensation package is? Why the personal attack towards another poster? If you think one of the other employee groups at US is not compensated appropriately then by all means say so but directing a comment like that to a specific individual is simply wrong.
Yes, Another low-fare carrier dumping fares in similar markets will make life for US Airways difficult. This is not news. Next topic please.
PITbull said:

We'll leave just as soon as we vote NO.

Yeah. I've got a hangnail that's been bothering me alot
lately so I guess I'll just cut off my arm and it won't bother
me anymore.

Yes. That is EXACTLY what you are proposing. The company
needs the unions to help them correct the hangnail, yet
the unions would rather sever the arm than lend a hand to
fix the problem and move on to better things.

The company can't afford to buy out the senior members
of the union workforce to keep the junior workforce. The
only way the plan will work is for the company to keep the
most senior (1-3 yrs. to retirement) people, manage their
costs until they retire, and then hire NEW people at a C-scale
wages with diminished benefits. The bottom end will then be
the norm and in the current industry environment, that is
acceptable to most people.
PineyBob said:
Working for a large corporation is like a tree full of mankeys.

The Monkeys at the top look down and see nothing but smiling faces

The Monkeys at the bottom see an entirely different picture.
What do the monkeys symbolize and would you consider Usairways a large corporation?

I cannot for life of me understand how upper management (monkeys?) could see any smiling employee's (monkeys?) under them at this point.
PineyBob said:
Good Grief! It was an attempt at humor.

Yes, US is a "Big" company, a general rule is onver a billion in Revenue annually.

As for what the Monkeys at the top and what they see, How do you know that all of the other Monkeys have negative attitudes?
Sorry I do not see any humor in whats going on at Usairways. But ok haha, good one.

You also did continue with a comparison to Usairways.

Your quote said "see nothing but" mine said "could see any"

how about 10% smiling 90% not? that would seem fair and about true given the situation

also I didn't say negative attitudes I said smiling faces same as your first post.
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Fatburger said: "I believe that you are in denial also. You do not have any alternative either. This is your last, best hope at salvaging a somewhat major airline career. You have a lot to lose by UAIR going under. Not many corporate flight departments would entertain your resume (unless you know somebody). Family keeps you from going overseas, assuming you had the opportunity to do so. And starting over at another major airline just isn't feasible considering your age. It is quite clear why you have been CCY's biggest cheerleader over that past few years. Now look in the mirror and tell me im wrong!"

USA320Pilot comments: If US Airways fails, I will most likely no longer fly. Although I have three contacts where I could have a meaningful pilot job, my wife and I have created a contingency plan where I will no longer fly and thus be away from home.

Thanks for your consideration though.


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  • #41

Doc said: “Why don't you work for 28,000 per year with a 250.00 ins. per month and then come to me. You have no idea what it takes to work in the front lines what I would call the rock pile...and you want me to do it for less...You need to wake up...â€￾

USA320Pilot comments: With all due respect, the marketplace decides what an employee and their job is worth. If a company cannot afford to pay its employees above average wages the employer cannot pay. The new reality is that the LCC’s are the only airline’s making money and every, every, legacy carrier is losing hundreds of millions of dollars.

Therefore, either US Airways and its employees embrace the upcoming change or your pay and benefits will go to zero in a blink of an eye.

I recognize it’s sad, but it’s true. We are only worth what the market can provide.

Doc, if this is unacceptable than I suggest you leave US Airways and seek employment elsewhere.


USA320Pilot said:
( insert name of whomever is the condescention target du-jour )... if this is unacceptable than I suggest you leave US Airways and seek employment elsewhere.


<nasal twang> "This is a re CORDing"...........................
USA320Pilot said:
...the marketplace decides what an employee and their job is worth.
Certainly true in the non-union world. The feedback loop in the union world is mighty slow, however.

It all comes back to the question of whether or not we're all bound to work for Wal-Mart wages. My gut says that, as a nation, we are. Hence why I am focused intently on protecting myself and my family from the effects of this shift, to the best of my ability. From the words you've typed, I guess you have as well.

Thanks for the reply. I guess you are confirming my post above in an indirect, round about sort of way. Whichever way the fork in the road takes you, good luck.

Retraining funds to be available for airline workers
Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The U.S. Department of Labor has awarded $800,000 to Pennsylvania to help laid-off airline workers obtain job retraining. :D

The funding, which will go the state Department of Labor and Industry, is expected to help about 500 workers, mostly in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, said U.S. Sens. Rick Santorum and Arlen Specter.

"Airline employees in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have been hit especially hard by declining airline travel and the subsequent layoffs," Specter said.

800,000 for 500 people=$16,000, not bad

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