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What I find interesting is that those who complain the most are the one's who have little alternative.

Nobody likes the reality of the marketplace, but the fundamentals have changed forever.

Those who provide a product at a competitive cost structure are the one's who will win. When a consumer goes to buy a product what's their first concern? Price then quality.

Everybody wants a cheap ticket and they are no longer willing to pay a premium. Thus, the airline and its employees adapt or the airline dies.

It's as simple as that...

To suggest otherwise is simply denial.


What I don't understand is why don't those who hate their pay or their contract just leave and get another job????
jack mama said:
What I don't understand is why don't those who hate their pay or their contract just leave and get another job????
what I don't understand is why the ones that want to give and give sinking money down a black hole won't just put their foot down until the company fixes what's broke or just leave and let the ones that want to fix the real problems stay and force company to fix the problems for long term survival
Jack Mama: People do not necessarily HATE their job, they HATE what is being DONE to their job. I for one, love my job, but I hate what is being done to it and to the employees. It is criminal. Gas is Up, Milk is Up, everyone I know around me in other industries, plants, offices, are getting at least a cost of living increase. This company wants to rape and pillage us. So you tie a knot at the end of the rope and hang on til all is broken.

This company has declared Mental Warfare on it's employees. We all know. We see it, we feel it. People at U are NOT stupid.

If you have been on these posts, then you have read time and time again why people won't guit. I am not going to rehash this any further. :down: :shock:
USA320Pilot said:
What I find interesting is that those who complain the most are the one's who have little alternative.
Prove it. You can't -- you haven't any data to support that statement because you don't have the background information on each and every individual in each work group to substantiate that monumentally illogical claim. Perhaps it isn't that you find it interesting, but rather that you hope it is true so that all the brainless lemmings will fall into formation and march to your 'do it my way' beat? :angry:
USA320Pilot said:
What I find interesting is that those who complain the most are the one's who have little alternative.

Nobody likes the reality of the marketplace, but the fundamentals have changed forever.
Those who provide a product at a competitive cost structure are the one's who will win. When a consumer goes to buy a product what's their first concern? Price then quality.

Everybody wants a cheap ticket and they are no longer willing to pay a premium. Thus, the airline and its employees adapt or the airline dies.
It's as simple as that...
To suggest otherwise is simply denial.
Why are you still here?

We all remember you wanted to burn the house down when your mentor Dave took away your pension and you told the whole board that you had a foreign flying job and you were quitting.

I see you are still here, why don't you grow some and practice what you preach instead of your blatant lies, false facts and scare tactics.

Like Tom Cruise's captain in Top Gun said, you will be lucky flying a DC-3 out of Hong Kong with rubber dog poop as your cargo.
usairways_vote_NO said:
Lies again

Employee's vote will decide. Not you, not the marketplace, not this forum
I don't know what rock you've been hiding under,
but the market WILL decide what happens to US.
It is already determining what the company can
afford to pay their employees and there really is no
choice in the matter for the employees. It's time
for everyone to recognize the facts and invest
in the future of the company, or you can be a
leech and attempt to meet your obligations on
unemployment which pays a lot less, and does
not pay for medical benefits.

I believe that you are in denial also. You do not have any alternative either. This is your last, best hope at salvaging a somewhat major airline career. You have a lot to lose by UAIR going under. Not many corporate flight departments would entertain your resume (unless you know somebody). Family keeps you from going overseas, assuming you had the opportunity to do so. And starting over at another major airline just isn't feasible considering your age. It is quite clear why you have been CCY's biggest cheerleader over that past few years.

Now look in the mirror and tell me im wrong!

700UW said:
Why are you still here?

We all remember you wanted to burn the house down when your mentor Dave took away your pension and you told the whole board that you had a foreign flying job and you were quitting.

I see you are still here, why don't you grow some and practice what you preach instead of your blatant lies, false facts and scare tactics.

Like Tom Cruise's captain in Top Gun said, you will be lucky flying a DC-3 out of Hong Kong with rubber dog poop as your cargo.
Either they are in denial, or dont have any other skills to get another job
UAIR wiil get a preview as to whether or not the RJ plan of smaller planes/point to point service (also known as the biz plan) is viable .(will people expect to spend less money to ride on small jets)

on the flip side will people in say phx/den/dfw/sea/lax/sfo/san ect... book on independence air or would they need the BRAND name/product for recognition...

USA320Pilot said:
See Story


Ah, yes. Just what you needed. Another dastardly villan in the saga of the Great Demise of USAir.

Good grief USA320PILOT, why can't you stop wetting yourself long enough to give this Internet thing a rest?

You must be tremendously unhappy; trust me, it shows. And don't give us the church going, little league coaching, happy as Ned Flanders in PIT line of crap. We all see just how much of your life you spend on the g'D@&*$# computer, and I'm sure many here know just how unfullfilling it is. You are losing out on life while you neurotically try to save your job through what you think is the best course: that of helping management scare the employees.

If you spent half of the time you spent here on sending management a loud, clear message that they ought to fix the freekin' problems that don't freekin' require anything contractually different than what they already have in freekin' writing.......sheeze, we could right the ship that way, but you choose this failed, lame, exhausting ploy. Did Michelle Bryant put you up to this? Hell, she's long gone. Why don't you STOP already!

And, honestly, on topic here: we already pulled our "competitive response" MetroJet out of Dulles YEARS ago! Clearly, Independence Air is more of a UNITED problem than a USAirways problem.
jack mama said:
What I don't understand is why don't those who hate their pay or their contract just leave and get another job????

We'll leave just as soon as we vote NO.

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