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Reality Check Time

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United by September 15th? Highly unlikely given the FOS cutover date of Sept. 25th and a "mock" cutover two weeks prior. I'll gladly take your money though.
To Guest_bryan240sx_*:

. . . We are doing the best that we can with what we have! . . . Our management doens't really have a concept of how to run an airline or even deal with customers. They don't listen to us either!

Well, you aptly describe the position that all of us are in either as an employee or a pax ( I'm a US1 headng for US2 and who knows what next year).

And the truth is, there's not a whole lot anyone can do about Tempe and the mess that this airline has become. But there remains just that smallest niche for anyone to take a stand if they've got the gumption to do so. Call it a stand for self dignity. As you note, lots of employees are stuck with the job for a variety of reasons -- nothing wrong with that as life is tough and you do what you gotta do. The same applies to lots of your pax, especially those of us chained to PHL. This is a sh!tty deal for all of us.

It's us frontline employees who are holding this airline together and when we hear customer complaints over and over again it goes through one ear and out the other and only beats us down and makes us even more angry or apathetic and doesn't do anything to help

I know you don't quite mean that ( though you certainly do feel it ). Frontliners are the folks pax deal with, so that's part and parcel with the job. You gotta contend with upset pax given how this airline presently operates -- though negativity admittedly does wear one down, especially if it's an obnoxious pax. But remember, lots of us empathize with your situation so we're sharing a common opinion/experience as much as bitching. It's not fun in the galley or from the ( lousy pitch ) seat.

I'm not expecting any big changes at Tempe. And I'm not looking for any formula about how to run an airline or management algorithms 'cause it's all BS. Good employees, receptive management, and engaged pax make for a good airline, or at least the chance to become one (aviation is by nature a slippery entity ). At present Tempe ain't gonna do a damned thing which resembles credibility and character. They're gonna keep playing dodge ball so long as they produce revenue figures which keep the BOD and bankers happy. Nothing unique here, it's the nature of big business.

So kind of leaves us with what we've got. An older work force that ain't going anywhere except towards retirement while being chained to another airline, a management that is arrogant and clueless, and pax who are largely disengaged price-driven WN lemmings along with a chunk of folks who care about how and with whom they fly.

Yes, a lot of US employees are still trying. I don't know how much longer they will continue to do so because time and attrittion will indeed slowly change the character of the workforce as well. All the more important to grin and bear it. Also keep writing up every damned thing in the cabin that's broken or not working properly. Keep handing DP a paper trail just because you can and not because he cares or doesn't care. I send US feedback after most flights -- frequently to signal out those folks doing the job and increasingly to let them know what is broken and what went wrong. I know that Tempe blows it off -- I get the boilerplate response, but I've created a statistic, an event, an attitude which is now sitting out there -- just letting DP know I'm still here. That's about all anyone can do until they're not working for US or not flying them anymore.

I'm not being a cheerleader here. We're all f*cked in this deal and that's just the way it is. You guys show up with a smile and so too will I as we're all in the same boat. And who knows, if Tempe can't unite the workforce under one tent and aviation takes a turn down the slippery slope and revenues follow, perhaps abrupt change will occur at the top. Can't say it would be for the better, but it might keep us all watching the movie for a while longer.

Hey, we just had a nice flight home from PBI. I drop a water bottle on a FA while putting my wife's bag in the overhead ( didn't realize it happened at first ). Mid-flight I chat with her and apologize. She smiles and life is good. Gives me a pat on the shoulder as we deplane ( could been a kick in the ass ). So we all still have choices.

hang in there guys, we trying to as well.

You may have misunderstood my intent. It needs to be a package-there has to be a wage increase, but there also has to be some flexibility in workrules.

No, no and no.

If Tempe cannot run the operation with the lowest labor cost in the industry, then there are problems only management can fix that no labor concessions will fix, flex work rules or not.

This is not a give and take situation. It is past time for management to 'fess up. Poop or get off the pot. Any further concessions must only be from management.

I agree--I think their primary goal is other than fixing the operation.

That is why I use the term about management being unable or unwilling to fix the problems.

I think a sale of all or part is imminent--they are being too quiet.

I am not prognosticating, I just have a feeling.

All I know is it can't continue like it is and remain a viable concern.
AGREE completely. They have done NOTHING to improve the operation since the SHARES fiasco in MARCH......and it is Now AUGUST. (In passing thru PHL on Thurs when the weather WAS a factor......even the Village Idiots (Mgmnt) were NO WHERE to be found and Agents were stressed to the breaking point. It's DISGUSTING. Period.