Raises for CONgress

La Li Lu Le Lo

May 29, 2010
President Obama has ordered raises for Congress.


Right now President Obama wants:
Control of the debt ceiling
To spend more
To raise taxes
Gun control

And has:
Forced unconstitutional health care
Ignored felony immigration
Ignored federal drug laws

Regardless of how you feel about some of these controversial issues our President has refused to uphold the law of the land. The very law he swore to uphold when he took office.

We pay Taxes (dues) to a Government (UNION) that refuses to uphold the Constitution (contract). Where oh where have I seen this before?
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Negative two in rep. Care to comment on what you found so disagreeable about my statements? Are you saying you think the President should not uphold federal law?

I do not ask that you agree with the laws I listed. That is irrelevant. I only ask you acknowledge the President has refused to uphold them, and he has indeed refused. He has also violated constitution with the Federal Health Care Law. President Obama's request for sole control over the debt limit is a clear violation of Article 1 Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution. That is yet another attempt to violate our Constitution. Do you dispute any of this?

Do you dispute that this behavior mirrors our very own UNION?
Bumped you up one, in total agreement. The libs won't comment on facts,...they will just attack you personally,... so standbye.
President Obama has ordered raises for Congress.


Right now President Obama wants:
Control of the debt ceiling
To spend more
To raise taxes
Gun control

And has:
Forced unconstitutional health care
Ignored felony immigration
Ignored federal drug laws

Regardless of how you feel about some of these controversial issues our President has refused to uphold the law of the land. The very law he swore to uphold when he took office.

We pay Taxes (dues) to a Government (UNION) that refuses to uphold the Constitution (contract). Where oh where have I seen this before?

Please feel free to tell me and the moderators what this has to do with American Airlines. Take a trip over to the water cooler and see if you can debate this there.
Congress votes themselves pay raises. The president does not give them to them. As far as I know the vote has never failed so both parties are guilty here. Obama has done a lot of stupid stuff but giving raises to congress is not one of them. But the rest of it is pretty accurate. We need a third party.
Congress votes themselves pay raises. The president does not give them to them. As far as I know the vote has never failed so both parties are guilty here. Obama has done a lot of stupid stuff but giving raises to congress is not one of them. But the rest of it is pretty accurate. We need a third party.
Now that is the smartest thing I've heard in a long time on this forum!!!!
No stupid people don't vote. I find myself voting for the lesser of two evils. But it's all how you look at it. The stupid people are the ones who refuse to sign an AMFA card.
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Please feel free to tell me and the moderators what this has to do with American Airlines. Take a trip over to the water cooler and see if you can debate this there.

American Airlines? Nothing. I was making a comparison between the TWU and U.S. governments modus operandi. I find the fact that you missed that disturbing.
American Airlines? Nothing. I was making a comparison between the TWU and U.S. governments modus operandi. I find the fact that you missed that disturbing.

There is no fact comparison there. Leave the Republican/Democrat debate for elections. Let's keep this Bipartison and yes I caught the analogy of pay raises. I do agree with OldGuy the only stupid people are the ones that don't vote.

Kind Regards,
Harvey West

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There is no fact comparison there.
Analogies are not based in fact, they are based on perceptions of similarities.

Leave the Republican/Democrat debate for elections.
Don't lecture me about bipartisan. The UNION made this a political issue when they started funding liberal terrorist with dues money out of my check.

Let's keep this Bipartison and yes I caught the analogy of pay raises.
If you thought the analogy was about pay raises you missed the point entirely.
Fa la la la le li lo lu. Happy New Year Southwind. I delivered your soulmate over here from the AA thread.