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Questions for Jim Little in Tulsa meeting....

You guys crack me up. You act like a bunch of two year olds! Especially TWU Informer basically chanting "Life's not fair! Life's not fair" Well guess what, life isn't fair. This thing is going down one way or another. One way more of you will be lose your jobs, the other less. Those of us who remain can decide if we want to work under the terms or not. Simple really.
What do you mean? Just asking what was the turnout, this vote is criticle for all AMT mechanics not just AA.
You guys crack me up. You act like a bunch of two year olds! Especially TWU Informer basically chanting "Life's not fair! Life's not fair" Well guess what, life isn't fair. This thing is going down one way or another. One way more of you will be lose your jobs, the other less. Those of us who remain can decide if we want to work under the terms or not. Simple really.

Put the Crack Pipe down, I am not chanting anything.

It is amazing that you have let us know that this "thing is going down one way or another".
How did you ever figure that one out?

And by the way, unlike some, AA, this vote, and the Bankruptcy are NOT MY LIFE.

If you feel the Airline Industry is your life, then you should prepare for a miserable and sad life.

If you have something constructive to add the debate, then have at it. If all you have to share is simpleton predictions that are obvious, well then you will be chewed up and spit out here.

I am willing to listen to your reasons for taking a position one way or the other. If you are willing to share?

Many are interested in what happened at the VOTE YES rally Saturday. Did you go? If yes, what was said?

Any mad as hell members screaming or yelling?
One way more of you will be lose your jobs, the other less. Those of us who remain can decide if we want to work under the terms or not.

Hmm, how do you figure that one way more of you will lose your jobs when in both versions the only aircraft we work will be MD-80s and 737s? As the 80s go away so will the jobs.

When they can contract out up to 55% of the work we normally do in house and all the stuff we dont normally do? (if RR backs out of Taesl that adds another 10% to the 35% plus what we already do. )

When there is no system protection? Why get rid of it if we are "saving jobs"? Why not just roll it back to the jobs that are supposedly being saved? Attrition will lower that pool of workers anyway, that was our beef with the scope back in 2001 when Art Luby asked us to back off on attacking our scope as insufficient, it automatically degrades through attrition,, he said but since most contract cycles are only a few years you can keep snapping it back up. We should never agree to getting rid of system protection because outside of that we have always had the weakest scope in the industry.

When we are getting rid of the ASM cap? All they have to do is strike a deal with the pilots to fly the A-320s under Eagle and once the 80s are gone they could walk away from Tulsa and do the 737s at DWH and lay off as many as they want, thanks to no System protection.

When we are more than doubling the threshold for station staffing?

Please explain to me how voting , I'm assuming you mean YES, will save jobs. Back in 2003 they told MCI that by voting Yes they would be saving the base, well where are they now? I went there personally to warn them, their E-Board would not listen, they have no one to blame but themselves, the 1200 or so yes votes from MCI gave them a 700 vote cushion and put the concession in place, now they are gone.

Forget what the company and those trying to sell this are saying, look at what the proposal says and ask yourself why they are making the language changes they are.
It's quite clearly included in the term sheet. It's at the top of page 1:

I don't see any discrepancies in the union's side by side. They've simply clarified it much better than the term sheet did, mainly because the term sheet had nothing to be compared with when it was submitted to the court.

in the companys term sheet 22march there are astericks for somethings that need to be voted in by a consenual agreement or they are out!!!

vote NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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