I believe the ONLY reason for the rush to vote is simple. TWU wants to mitigate job loss at the expense of other Union Members. They want to mitigate removal of dues payers so bad that they are willing to set new industry lows to make the attempt, even though the job losses will still come and even the TWU cannot give you accurate numbers as to what we are paying to save.
The RUSH equation comes from the thought process that once the Judge's ruling takes place, regardless of the ruling, head count reductions will commence. The TWU believes that if the RIF begins, bringing those lost, back to the payroll will be near impossbile.
So the rush to vote is to attempt to save the jobs before they hit the street, with the understanding that once they are RIF's getting any of them back will be next to impossible.
The problem is, in their haste and fear, the company simply is taking advantage of them by leaving open ended language that will surely bite even those they might save square in the ass.
Are you willing to vote on open ended langauge and set a new industry low to save an unkown and changing number of heads/dues payers? Even if you are one about to get RIF'd, do you feel setting a new industry low is what should happen to save yourself? What we are doing is making a once proud profession into just another job, and you might find that being saved into it wasn't so great afterall. This is really what this vote is about, nothing more, nothing less. All the deabte otherwise is just denial and workers attempting to find jsutification for doing that which they know is wrong. Nobody can say what is on the platter is right, they are just looking for some plausable excuse to justify doing something wrong.