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Questions for Jim Little in Tulsa meeting....

I encourage everyone to take some time out and read the FULL TEXT.....THE CONTRACT!

If anyone was leaning one way or another just looking at the "side-by-side comparison," you will not be fully informed unless you read every line of every article on every page of the full text contract.

Please do not make your decision based on the side by side sheets.....The language changes are where most of the details are.
I believe the ONLY reason for the rush to vote is simple. TWU wants to mitigate job loss at the expense of other Union Members. They want to mitigate removal of dues payers so bad that they are willing to set new industry lows to make the attempt, even though the job losses will still come and even the TWU cannot give you accurate numbers as to what we are paying to save.

The RUSH equation comes from the thought process that once the Judge's ruling takes place, regardless of the ruling, head count reductions will commence. The TWU believes that if the RIF begins, bringing those lost, back to the payroll will be near impossbile.

So the rush to vote is to attempt to save the jobs before they hit the street, with the understanding that once they are RIF's getting any of them back will be next to impossible.

The problem is, in their haste and fear, the company simply is taking advantage of them by leaving open ended language that will surely bite even those they might save square in the ass.

Are you willing to vote on open ended langauge and set a new industry low to save an unkown and changing number of heads/dues payers? Even if you are one about to get RIF'd, do you feel setting a new industry low is what should happen to save yourself? What we are doing is making a once proud profession into just another job, and you might find that being saved into it wasn't so great afterall. This is really what this vote is about, nothing more, nothing less. All the deabte otherwise is just denial and workers attempting to find jsutification for doing that which they know is wrong. Nobody can say what is on the platter is right, they are just looking for some plausable excuse to justify doing something wrong.
One thing I have noticed in the section 1113c, is that there is a 1.5% pay raise every year like the "agreement" we're voting on, but in the side by side comparison it says, "wage increase terms will not apply if court rejects contract"

side by side comparison http://www.twubkfact...isonChartMR.pdf

term sheet http://www.twubkfact...rm Sheet MR.pdf it's almost as if the union info is designed to scare us. If this info is wrong or over looked, what else has the TWU misinformed us about, who checks the accuracy of the info provided to us to make the best educated decision.

Duke, I noticed that too, and I have to admit, it is disturbing.

It's quite clearly included in the term sheet. It's at the top of page 1:

Items marked with an asterisk (*) in this Term Sheet are contingent upon a consensual collective bargaining agreement, i.e. they will become effective as described only upon the effective date of a new collective bargaining agreement between American and the Transport Workers Union.

I don't see any discrepancies in the union's side by side. They've simply clarified it much better than the term sheet did, mainly because the term sheet had nothing to be compared with when it was submitted to the court.
can we get aupdate on the rally how hard is tulsa pushing this lbo
It's quite clearly included in the term sheet. It's at the top of page 1:

I don't see any discrepancies in the union's side by side. They've simply clarified it much better than the term sheet did, mainly because the term sheet had nothing to be compared with when it was submitted to the court.
The side by side really doesn't clarify anything. it is a vague outline.If you REALLY want clarification read the full text proposals.It is there you will see the "jobs saved" are a temporary and hollow promise.There is positively no language protecting jobs anywhere.The removal of the Eagle ASM cap( pretty much un addressed and glossed over by the TWU) will allow AA to run an unlimited parallel low wage operation and will allow AA to outsource unlimited flights. does that sound like job savings to you?TWU doesn't seem to care about that.....They represent the "dues payers" at Eagle!
Heard a rumor that they were giving out one A5 buddy pass in exchange for a yes vote. Can anyone at the yes rally confirm that?

That was to start with, within 2 hours the company reduced that to one D3 which the employee will be charged double the normal D3 NRSA Travel cost when used, this offer is contingent upon consensual agreement.
I am not sure if this May 4th video is a duplicate, but here is the link.

Some of it is repetitive to the points already made here, but one thing for sure is you get to vote and it is you alone that will be responsible.
What was said by the great OZ yesterday? Anybody go?
You guys crack me up. You act like a bunch of two year olds! Especially TWU Informer basically chanting "Life's not fair! Life's not fair" Well guess what, life isn't fair. This thing is going down one way or another. One way more of you will be lose your jobs, the other less. Those of us who remain can decide if we want to work under the terms or not. Simple really.

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