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Questions for ChipmunnChip,

However if you want to ride on a plane completly automated, be my guest. Just be sure to leave a next of kin list at the gate.

Don't take this guy serious, "DELL" until he gets serious in his posts.
On 12/27/2002 4:14:10 AM DELLDUDE wrote:

I DON'T CARE WHAT IS SAID....A320-don't you guys think you're overpaid for what you do?it isn't like you have an exclusive on a job anymore...what the heck,some punk kids already doing your job on playstation2....he'll out fly you soon from the living room...hell i even got flight sim2002...well what do you think?watch for corporate america to come after you guys big time...they can't afford your salaries anymore,you cut into their profits big time....stifle them when they want perks....don't you see the writing on the wall?ww2,united flying fannies in b-24's....its all over.....just another job replaced by TECHNOLOGY....face it,i'm right.....soon to be edsels.....whats it take to put a heavy up in the sky anymore?we aren't flying fast movers here.....flying overstufed fannies....ass makes cash......
auto land,auto fly.....nasa doesn't even let them fly it either.....some day soon when you board a 777 it will say on the cockpit door"INTEL INSIDE"...sure there will be someone up front on take off's and landings,but in the meantime you'll probably be in the back after leveling off serving coca-cola's and peanuts....no need for stews anymore,we've streamlined... welcome to the 2000's...duh.

You should go take a few flying lessons Dell. Your flight sim is junk. Has nothing to do with actually flying. As to the new auto pilots, I and you would be dead a long time ago if pilots relied completly on autopilots. On any given day an auto pilot does something weird (ie not what it was supposed to) at least a couple of times. Auto pilots are there to reduce the work load, As far as auto landing, I never did one on the line the only ones I saw were in the sim on 6 month checkrides. (1 per 6 months) There may be a day when your "Intel inside" is accurate. But until you can build a computer that thinks and reacts with its own problem solving and reasoning (Artificial Intelligence) you will need a pilot up front. Anybody that flies for a living has had an autopilot try to kill them on many occasions. That is why the disconnect button is there. When robby robot locks up (Much like your home computer) someone has to be there to clean up its mess. An auto pilot only knows what it is told, even when flying with it coupled the pilots still have to tell it where its going, what altitude to go at what heading, speed, approach to use, etc.

However if you want to ride on a plane completly automated, be my guest. Just be sure to leave a next of kin list at the gate.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/27/2002 11:33:23 AM cavalier wrote:
[P]However if you want to ride on a plane completly automated, be my guest. Just be sure to leave a next of kin list at the gate.[BR]----------------------------------------------------------------------[BR][BR] Don't take this guy serious, "DELL" until he gets serious in his posts.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]serious?stop by pit engine shop,see the serious clt engines hanging there...i told you guys then ,no bull.....
serious?stop by pit engine shop,see the serious clt engines hanging there...i told you guys then ,no bull.....

I have no idea what you mean, but the REAL jet shop was closed a while back. I know, they called and told me to stay home because there was no work. So the REAL jet shop is gone forever, what you are talking about is a shadow.

BTW, we must know each other. . .

tarfu= Totally and Really Fouled Up (polite form)
The thread that wouldn't die.
[P][SPAN class=BodyFont]your right amfa would have sold you down the road long ago[BR][BR][/P]
[H4]------------------------------------------------------------------------------[BR][BR][FONT size=2]
[P] I don't believe it would make a difference. With what has and is occurring, one has a better chance of survival without this union for all the good they are doing. Numbers rule, NOT TALENT, which is the reason high number members are crying woe is me least you vote to accept. Been there done that, only in this union because I had a gun held to my head in the name of dues card and MUST belong to work on the property. Union leaders who feel that unless you have an A&P, (I hold both) one is not worthy of the time of day. Ask the guys who don't hold the A&P tickets how much they are loved by our union leaders. AMFA was and is the battle cry because at least people would get some respect, licensed or not. To all the people crying ALPA is greedy and for themselves, I say GOOD GOOD and only wish we had the same kind of leadership. But we don't, we have mechanics as leaders who are completely out of their element when it comes to dealing with the ivy league management running the show. We have clowns as leaders stuck in the 50's failing miserably, they are fools as far as I am concerned. We are a little part of UAL and have little say in what happens to us. ALPA on the other hand is a worthy contender for the big boys, while we have foolish mechanics begrudging them when they should be demanding the same kind of leadership. Go ahead and call a pilot a bus driver, then go look at your dirty greasy face in the mirror, then look at your pay stub, then look at your future and who has control of it, the IAM, this company, or YOU.[/P]
[P]Have a Great New Year and to all the whiners, carry on. [/P][/FONT][/SPAN][/H4]
On 12/27/2002 11:33:23 AM cavalier wrote:

However if you want to ride on a plane completly automated, be my guest. Just be sure to leave a next of kin list at the gate.

Don't take this guy serious, "DELL" until he gets serious in his posts.

I am always serious when it comes to safety. The super auto pilot that the uninformed talk about does not exist. There are too many variables in even a ten minute flight to be able to trust todays electronic systems.

I am surprised that a mechanic would make a statement such as this anyhow. I mean after all, my truck was built 100% by machines. Right? And we all know Cruise control in your car means that the driver can go to sleep. The assumption that an autopilot flies the plane with no pilot input is just as dumb.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/27/2002 12:36:25 PM cavalier wrote:
[P]serious?stop by pit engine shop,see the serious clt engines hanging there...i told you guys then ,no bull.....[BR]--------------------------------------------------------------------------[BR][BR][BR]I have no idea what you mean, but the REAL jet shop was closed a while back. I know, they called and told me to stay home because there was no work. So the REAL jet shop is gone forever, what you are talking about is a shadow.[BR][BR]BTW, we must know each other. . .[BR][EM]only second shift was eliminated....i stayed home also...was a sunday morning,11 o'clock if i remember..............................................................
.........i[/EM] tarfu= Totally and Really Fouled Up (polite form) [BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P][EM] [/EM]
Hey A320,
I never begrudge any group who is able to get what is negotiated. But that 33% of that first 38% give up was pariety increases received from United pilots getting huge unprecedented increases that they negotiated. I know the plan in your negotiations from management who forced pariety, was not to be a "windfall". But, hell it bought you all a huge stake in this company of 19.9% plus another 2% with this go around of concessions. Not bad when the pariety increases pilots gave up were only received over a 13 month period between 2001 and 2002.

But, there is that pension issue with ALPA, and I don't want to have to be the labor group that subsidizes that in the future through any "me toos".

Notice in my posts that I was not complaining. I'm simply responding to a series of attacks on the pilot group. But I'm swiftly coming to the conclusion that we will be scum to rest of the employee groups no matter what the facts are or what we have to say about it.


A320 Driver
[SPAN class=BodyFont]Notice in my posts that I was not complaining. I'm simply responding to a series of attacks on the pilot group. But I'm swiftly coming to the conclusion that we will be scum to rest of the employee groups no matter what the facts are or what we have to say about it. [BR]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[BR]
[P]Let them scream all they want, it's all in vain and falls on deaf ears. [BR][BR]When the whiners come to terms they will realize that it's not the fault of the pilots, mechanics, or any other group, including our current leaders. In this life you will have trouble, and in this life people will #### about it.[/P][/SPAN]
Yes, well said Cav.

Jerry Glass must be dancing a hip hop Irish jig over all the blame and fingerpointing going on between the labor groups. It certainly takes the pressure off management, doesn't it?

What we need is a coalition of all the labor groups on the property. I was mighty proud of AFA for refusing to cross the IAM picket line and even prouder when I saw my fellow flight attendants marching the line and carrying signs. I believe that AFA's support help shorten the strike and get us all back on the job.

I had a rather unpleasant encounter with a pilot from CLT during the strike. He came up to me and said in a very threatening manner I needed to mind my own business and not try to "intimidate" his crew. Of course, being the shy, retiring soul I am, I was forced to tell him he was crossing a legal picket line and how could he do that? Was he not also a union member? He then balled up his fist and threatened to "punch out my lights". I told him to go ahead. I was in need a better pension plan and would be most grateful it might be filled out nicely with his contribution persued by my lawyer. Assault and battery, wouldn't that be nice for his record? US Air might be a bit worried if a pilot, on duty in uniform slugged me in public. He stomped off, muttering slurs to my morals.

That's been my experience with ALPA. I like most of the pilots I work with and seldom have any problems with them. I trust them every day with my life. I think USAirways has many of the finest pilots in the business.

I do think ALPA needs to decide which side of the fence they're on. Management tries to make them feel like they are the elite; almost management. Pilots are trained to make decisions and to be in command of their aircraft. They work hard to get there, in the left seat. Most of them love to fly and want to keep at it as long as possible. They deserve to make good incomes. Don't begrudge them their pay. And they shouldn't begrudge the rest of us.

It's been said ALPA will eat its own. Take a look at NWA. The pilots have this green book/ blue book deal. It's a fence type agreement going back to the Republic/Northwest Orient merger. Affects their pay too. I believe it's still in effect until 2006. That's 20 years! I always thought of the pilots as fraternity of equals. Apparently, it's not. They'll stab another group in the back in a heartbeat. So, let's stay out of their business and let them know we'll stay out of theirs. Unless they want our support and are willing to give us theirs.
ALPA is a selfish fraternity of "I got mine, now you get yours!" Look at the present concessions; (My dad--a long time IAM member--says any concession is a strike issue; someone in the past went to strike to get what YOU are giving up!)all designed to protect the retirements of those who never gave, ie "B" scale. Unions!

I have tried the labor end and it is a miserable failure. Now "I be the boss." If I mess it up it is my fault. No more whinning, no more excusses.

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