[P][SPAN class=BodyFont]your right amfa would have sold you down the road long ago[BR][BR][/P]
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[P] I don't believe it would make a difference. With what has and is occurring, one has a better chance of survival without this union for all the good they are doing. Numbers rule, NOT TALENT, which is the reason high number members are crying woe is me least you vote to accept. Been there done that, only in this union because I had a gun held to my head in the name of dues card and MUST belong to work on the property. Union leaders who feel that unless you have an A&P, (I hold both) one is not worthy of the time of day. Ask the guys who don't hold the A&P tickets how much they are loved by our union leaders. AMFA was and is the battle cry because at least people would get some respect, licensed or not. To all the people crying ALPA is greedy and for themselves, I say GOOD GOOD and only wish we had the same kind of leadership. But we don't, we have mechanics as leaders who are completely out of their element when it comes to dealing with the ivy league management running the show. We have clowns as leaders stuck in the 50's failing miserably, they are fools as far as I am concerned. We are a little part of UAL and have little say in what happens to us. ALPA on the other hand is a worthy contender for the big boys, while we have foolish mechanics begrudging them when they should be demanding the same kind of leadership. Go ahead and call a pilot a bus driver, then go look at your dirty greasy face in the mirror, then look at your pay stub, then look at your future and who has control of it, the IAM, this company, or YOU.[/P]
[P]Have a Great New Year and to all the whiners, carry on. [/P][/FONT][/SPAN][/H4]