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Questions for ChipmunnChip,

On 12/29/2002 11:51:00 PM Dea Certe wrote:

What we need is a coalition of all the labor groups on the property. I was mighty proud of AFA for refusing to cross the IAM picket line and even prouder when I saw my fellow flight attendants marching the line and carrying signs. I believe that AFA's support help shorten the strike and get us all back on the job.

I had a rather unpleasant encounter with a pilot from CLT during the strike. He came up to me and said in a very threatening manner I needed to mind my own business and not try to "intimidate" his crew.

Just to set the record straight. In any group over two people strong, there is a good chance you'll find at least one jerk. As to picketline crossers, ask some of the IAM guys about the 1985 UAL pilot strike, and how the IAM treated that picket line. The AFA as a union stood up and honored the picket line (the iam didn't), but again, there was a fair number of line crossers

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