From Mesa's annual report (their fiscal year ended September 30, 2003):
US Airways Code-Sharing Agreements
As of September 30, 2003, we operated 52 50-seat regional jets for US Airways under a code-sharing agreement, with an additional four 50-seat regional jets added in December 2003. Under the jet code-share agreement, we provide US Airways Express service between US Airways hubs and cities designated by US Airways.
In exchange for performing the flight services under the agreement, we receive from US Airways a fixed monthly minimum amount, plus certain additional amounts based upon the number of flights flown and block hours performed during the month.
Additionally, certain costs incurred by Mesa in performing the flight services are “pass-through†costs, whereby US Airways agrees to reimburse us for the actual amounts incurred for these items: insurance, property tax per aircraft, fuel and oil cost, catering cost, and landing fees.
We also receive a fixed profit margin based upon certain costs reimbursements under the agreement.
Twenty-four of the fifty-six jets must be in compliance with the ‘jets-for-jobs’ provisions in the US Airways pilot contract. ‘Jets-for-jobs’ is an agreement between Mesa, US Airways and their respective pilot unions in which furloughed US Airways Pilots receive an agreed upon number of captain and first officer positions on certain aircraft added to the agreement. Additionally, on November 22, 2002, the Company signed a non-binding letter of intent with US Airways to provide up to an additional 50 70-seat regional jets. The additional aircraft, which will also be subject to ‘jets-for-jobs,’ are expected to be delivered beginning in mid-fiscal 2004. Mesa and US Airways continue to discuss the terms of the Letter of Intent, but no definitive agreement has been reached and no assurance can be made that a definitive agreement will be reached that is mutually acceptable to both parties.
The code-share agreement for (i) the initial 32 ERJ-145s terminates on December 31, 2008, unless US Airways elects to exercise its option to extend the term for three years upon 12 months notice; and (ii) the additional 24 jets terminates in January 2013, unless US Airways elects to exercise its option to extend the term for two years upon 12 months notice. Further, on November 19, 2003, the Company signed a Seventh Amendment to the US Airways code-share agreement in which the number of additional aircraft was increased from 24 jets to 27 jets. These aircraft are expected to be placed in service beginning in the second quarter of fiscal 2004.
Perhaps the sentence that sums it up best is:
"We also receive a fixed profit margin based upon certain costs reimbursements under the agreement. "