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Question To Cio And Twuer

Boy, quite a few replies from amfa supporters about a question that was directed to twu supporters. What's wrong, you afraid we will step on your wittle toes? 🙁

Regarding your question Hopeful I believe that CIO answered alsmost the exact same way I would have. You guys want to change something that can't be changed. You want to be in a "class" all your own when we all know that it's not possible. You don't respect or even care about the men and women who are in your own craft and class. I believe MCI AFL-CIO put up something about what Delle (your all powerful leader) said regarding getting away from those people, did he not.

And like Your Ex-Wife stated, I am not concerned with other groups other than my own. You guys talk and talk about how amfa is good for the profession. There is NO proof of that Hopeful. How long has amfa been in existance and look what they have accomplished in the long run.

One thing I am "deadset against" is amfa getting in as my representation and I am going to fight you until the end. I want no part of a union that promises protection and then allows devastation to occur. Case in point. . .I saw the letter that Delle has on amfanatl web site in regards to the retirees and what they are looking to lose now. What a crock of sh**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He doesn't care about those retirees because if he did they wouldn't be in the situation they are now in. I blame Delle and the other greedy amfa leaders for what happened at UAL and what continues to happen. Let them get in at AA and it is sure to happen again!! I have no doubt about that. The Force Majeure case you keep bragging about, that was nothing but a ploy, and farce to keep the members "strung up" hangin on to what false hope they had left. Any layperson could have looked at that and known that it wouldn't have passed. But for some strange reason you guys keep defending it. Those people were lost on amfa's watch plain and simple. Not just a few but thousands Hopeful.

So you continue to dream about a union euphoria and soooo much more money in your pocket. The rest of us (twu supporters) will continue to fight you and your sorry excuse of a union 'til the end!
Buck said:
So what is your opinion concerning the OSM wages that will take effect at MCI when all are recalled from furlough?
How much should the people in the support shops be paid? Considering the OEM probably does not even know what an A&P is?

Maybe AA should contract out all work not requiring an A&P, and then see if whats left is worth the overhead of plant support.
I kind of thought this was worth repeating (previous find from CIO!)

7700 Edgewater Dr., Suite 839, Oakland, CA 94621
*510-568-8446 Fax 510-568-8529

January 22, 2004

To: AMFA National

From: Hillary J. Francois III
President Local 37

Ref: 2004 Convention Eligibility

It is regrettable that AMFA National has picked this time to bring this Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca issue up again. It was thought to be dead and of no concern to this Local membership. The membership of Local 37 spoke to this issue months ago when it voted not to fund Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca. The membership even went as far as to answer an intrusive survey from AMFA National about the Local membership decision.

As stated in the survey the decision was made with representation from all of Local 37 membership. A quorum was in attendance the vote was taken and the membership voted no to the funding. The decision of the Local 37 membership did not sit well with several members of the NEC and NWA ACAC. When did the NEC or the NWA ACAC get the power to tell any Local what will be funded? Is it not the decision and vote of the membership of a local that governs how a Local will be run? If this has changed please let me and the other AMFA Locals know when it happens?

Now comes the question of this Locals 2004 Convention Eligibility because the Local has refused to fund Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca. This Local is well aware of the statement in the AMFA Constitution about, “ Each Local in good standing and free of delinquency of any nature to the National within ninety days prior to the opening date of the convention shall be entitled to be representedâ€. At the last convention, this Local and others were in delinquency to National and others, a loan was granted to us that put us in a different kind of delinquency, yet we were allowed to attend? No question of the Locals delinquency was mention at anytime after that!

What I want to know on behalf of all Locals is the only time that the voice of the Local membership means anything to AMFA National is when it just goes along with the NWA ACAC because it is what he wants to do? Even if AMFA Legal has said it is a waste of time and money to fight Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca. Now this Local is going to be punished because we did not go along or agree with the NWA Locals and their ACAC. What you are saying is that if a Local membership makes a decision that is not inline with what certain Locals want to do then we are going to be punished for our action of Local Antimony. Does this action not violate some basic AMFA constitutional rule?With all this said, it is still in question as to this Locals 2004 Convention Eligibility. We are told that the Convention delegates are going to be the ones that will determine the 2004 Convention Eligibility of Local 37. It should not be up to the delegates, the Membership of Local 37 made their voice known. There is no delinquency owed to AMFA National for Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca from this Local. Because the membership said not to fund Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca. Are we not obligated to do as we are instructed to do by our membership, because it is my understanding the Local membership has the final decision in the running of a Local, Not a larger Local, ACAC or the NEC!

If we are wrong please let us know, because we have been doing it that way for years.

One other small idem, since Local 37 has been Right Sized and we no longer have NWA members, have you inform the new Locals that they will be billed for the NWA Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca pro rated to the population of the NWA members in their Local without a membership vote on funding once they get charted?

On behalf of the membership of Local 37.

Yours truly,


Hillary J. Francois III
President AMFA Local 37

Any comments. . .weren't too many last time except from BOB!

We're waiting. . .
twuer said:
I kind of thought this was worth repeating (previous find from CIO!)

7700 Edgewater Dr., Suite 839, Oakland, CA 94621
*510-568-8446 Fax 510-568-8529

January 22, 2004

To: AMFA National

From: Hillary J. Francois III
President Local 37

Ref: 2004 Convention Eligibility

It is regrettable that AMFA National has picked this time to bring this Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca issue up again. It was thought to be dead and of no concern to this Local membership. The membership of Local 37 spoke to this issue months ago when it voted not to fund Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca. The membership even went as far as to answer an intrusive survey from AMFA National about the Local membership decision.

As stated in the survey the decision was made with representation from all of Local 37 membership. A quorum was in attendance the vote was taken and the membership voted no to the funding. The decision of the Local 37 membership did not sit well with several members of the NEC and NWA ACAC. When did the NEC or the NWA ACAC get the power to tell any Local what will be funded? Is it not the decision and vote of the membership of a local that governs how a Local will be run? If this has changed please let me and the other AMFA Locals know when it happens?

Now comes the question of this Locals 2004 Convention Eligibility because the Local has refused to fund Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca. This Local is well aware of the statement in the AMFA Constitution about, “ Each Local in good standing and free of delinquency of any nature to the National within ninety days prior to the opening date of the convention shall be entitled to be representedâ€. At the last convention, this Local and others were in delinquency to National and others, a loan was granted to us that put us in a different kind of delinquency, yet we were allowed to attend? No question of the Locals delinquency was mention at anytime after that!

What I want to know on behalf of all Locals is the only time that the voice of the Local membership means anything to AMFA National is when it just goes along with the NWA ACAC because it is what he wants to do? Even if AMFA Legal has said it is a waste of time and money to fight Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca. Now this Local is going to be punished because we did not go along or agree with the NWA Locals and their ACAC. What you are saying is that if a Local membership makes a decision that is not inline with what certain Locals want to do then we are going to be punished for our action of Local Antimony. Does this action not violate some basic AMFA constitutional rule?With all this said, it is still in question as to this Locals 2004 Convention Eligibility. We are told that the Convention delegates are going to be the ones that will determine the 2004 Convention Eligibility of Local 37. It should not be up to the delegates, the Membership of Local 37 made their voice known. There is no delinquency owed to AMFA National for Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca from this Local. Because the membership said not to fund Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca. Are we not obligated to do as we are instructed to do by our membership, because it is my understanding the Local membership has the final decision in the running of a Local, Not a larger Local, ACAC or the NEC!

If we are wrong please let us know, because we have been doing it that way for years.

One other small idem, since Local 37 has been Right Sized and we no longer have NWA members, have you inform the new Locals that they will be billed for the NWA Force Majeure – Customer 10 / Seneca pro rated to the population of the NWA members in their Local without a membership vote on funding once they get charted?

On behalf of the membership of Local 37.

Yours truly,


Hillary J. Francois III
President AMFA Local 37

Any comments. . .weren't too many last time except from BOB!

We're waiting. . .
Maybe they are waiting for your response on the graph of AA mechanics wages vs CPI.

You guys seem to be avoiding that one.

Why is that?
Answering a question with a question. . .good Bob. :up:

I believe I made my comment on that one. I don't believe anything you amfa guys come up with on your own. Anyone computer literate can make up a graph and claim it to be true Bob. You know that as much as I do. I also think that I made a comment regarding making a graph of the number of mechanics at NWA and UAL before amfa and then make one of the number of mechanics at NWA and UAL after amfa became the bargaining unit. Not too much response from that one.

Imagine that. . .
twuer said:
Imagine that. . .
Answering a question with a question. . .good Bob. :up:

Wrong. I gave an answer then asked a question.

I believe I made my comment on that one.

Yes but then you abandoned the debate. If you feel the numbers are inaccurate then give me other numbers and the source.Would you like all the raw data? I got the pay scales from Koziatek, you can ask Little, he was there and I used the governments CPI. The EPI-Labors economic think tank agrees with me that if anything the official CPI undereports the real inflation that working people feel. You on the other hand appear to be siding with the anti-labor side.

I don't believe anything you amfa guys come up with on your own. Anyone computer literate can make up a graph and claim it to be true Bob.

Ah but my graph your own Jim Little agreed was true. Would you like to see the E-mail? By the way I initially made the graph when I was a TWU officer, does that make a difference?

I also think that I made a comment regarding making a graph of the number of mechanics at NWA and UAL before amfa and then make one of the number of mechanics at NWA and UAL after amfa became the bargaining unit. Not too much response from that one.

Well go ahead and make one up. Are you asking me to work for your point? Come on now, is that realistic? You are the one on UB and Tulsa can afford it.
Yo foos...ya wanna keep yo losing history out of my history, that's what concerns me. Democratic...HAHAHA....for our profession...HAHAHA...craft/class...HAHAHA...wait for FM1 results!...HAHAHA

Get mah drift....we do not wany ya losing union...amfa's history is all hat and no cattle...HAHAHA
Hopeful said:
Then please explain how the pilots are at a disadvantage not having other work groups under their umbrella. How about, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc?

I hope you are not still hung up on the strength in numbers drill!

Let's not refer to the current debacle of a contract we have now.

Let's go back to that highly coveted 6 YEAR CONTRACT WHICH BROUGHT US 6 1/2% INCREASE IN PAY!

So much for strength in numbers!
How about, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc?

Hopeful............Carpenters are carpenters, no janitors, fleet or stores.
Plumbers............are plumbers, no janitors, fleet or stores personnel to represent
Mechanics? all in same union? If you include Fleet Service, Stores, Maintenace,everyone involved with the operation of safely delivering the finished product. When you are willing to represent all fairly than maybe and only then will a ALL ONE UNION work

j7915 said:
How much should the people in the support shops be paid? Considering the OEM probably does not even know what an A&P is?

Maybe AA should contract out all work not requiring an A&P, and then see if whats left is worth the overhead of plant support.
How much should the people in the support shops be paid? Considering the OEM probably does not even know what an A&P is?

If the work is that of an Aviation Maintenance Technician, then these people should receive the same pay as their brothers and sisters, just as it was prior to the SRP classification instituted by the TWU. Of course you J7915, are an advocate of cutting wages of the support shops to save jobs right? But you did not stop there, you believe that cutting your fellow brothers and sisters wages in every work group to further your job creation scheme.

So you are saying just because the OEM probably does not know what an A&P is that there are not any at their shops? And that if they are performing mechanics work that they should also be paid less. What are you, Anti-Union?

Maybe AA should contract out all work not requiring an A&P, and then see if whats left is worth the overhead of plant support.

Now you are advocating the outsourcing of the work because your past concessions of the QAM have allowed for the mechanics work to become OSM work? Are you also attempting to rid the TWU of it's Title II work group?

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