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What Part Of Unionism Do They Not Understand

Checking it Out said:
Go to the AL-CIO web site to learn more! You will see the truth speaks for it self.

Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!!! 
If you want a different Union (Association) so bad than go experience them first hand at the likes of Alaska NWA or the others they have a presence at! After a year or so, than come back and try and promote this inept group!!!

Your "if you dont like it leave" line is old. Once again a self proclaimed Liberal esposes far right wing rhetoric. If you actually believed in Democracy then, or is it than, you would make an arguement based on merit, and not use the same line that companies have used to fight unions for years. But then, or is it than, again, you cant make an arguement based on merit nor are you really in favor of Democracy because after all, you support the TWU.

Why should we walk away from our seniority? No, we will keep on pushing until the TWU is out the door. Then, or is it than, you can ask your beloved TWU to get you a job under one of the TWUs many $8/hr contracts if you truly believe in the "love it or leave it" philosophy.
Checking it Out said:
Go to the AL-CIO web site to learn more! You will see the truth speaks for it self.

Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!!!
If you want a different Union (Association) so bad than go experience them first hand at the likes of Alaska NWA or the others they have a presence at! After a year or so, than come back and try and promote this inept group!!!

Go to the afl-cio web site? Why? Do they have a link about our craft & profession showing what our responsibilities are? Do they have a link that show what it takes to become an AMT? Or maybe there is a link that shows that an AMT is responsible for EVERYTHING he/she repairs/overhauls? Where are these links on the afl-cio web site? Doesn't the afl-cio promote and protect the AMT profession?

Try going to www.amtausa.com and learn how our profession started. Try to promote our craft and not erode it.

I WANT to experience a different union, AMFA, at AA but for some reason when we try to have an election between the cancerous twu and the democratic AMFA the company and union insist that a list of dead people and people not in our craft & class be eligible to vote. Why is that cio? Hummmmmmmmm?

Why don't you tell us all about the twu card drives at the AMFA represented airlines. Come on, just tell us about one. What's that you say? Hummmmmmmm?
Jim Little, Dennis Burchette=AA management in union sheepskin. I understand Jim was AA Management for several years. DB and his bunch are nothing more than another layer of management in Tulsa. Would a real union man brag about having a pajama party with management? If thats not an indication of how in bed with the company DB and his cronies are I don't know what is. Jimmy Little walked through the flight attendents picket line and flew American during the strike by the attendents. It's no wonder why he see's no problem with STS hiring laid-off AA mechs at MCI for use as scabs in Minneapolis this summer for NWA. The TWU
also has no problems with making decisions for you. The new 514 hall being built was turned down by the membership 3 times yet the building is going in. Did any of the membership get a say on whether or not we should or should not support the 2025 drive? No, they made the decision for you. American asks for and receives TWU cooperation in order to save an additional $500 million in Tulsa yet the TWU does not even have the fortitude to ask for a Memorial Day Holiday in return. The TWU is against democracy and proved it by denying the mechanics and related their right to vote for union representation. The last time their was a vote was in the 1940's. The TWU is against democracy and proved it by building a new hall after the membership voted it down three times. The TWU is nothing more than a puppet company union that has no problems with its members training to become scabs.

What part of unionism do they not understand?

The TWU is an embarassment to the working man!

I can't help noticing that even in bankruptcy UAL mechanics have more vacation days and holidays than us. It is embarassing to be represented by a company puppet union of good ol' boys-It's embarassing to be represented by the TWU.
Checking it Out said:
Go to the AL-CIO web site to learn more! You will see the truth speaks for it self.

Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!!!!
If you want a different Union (Association) so bad than go experience them first hand at the likes of Alaska NWA or the others they have a presence at! After a year or so, than come back and try and promote this inept group!!!
Here flash, this is more truth than you can handle. Bury your head in sand again dummy!!!

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