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Qualifications For Amfa Local Vp

Nightwatch said:
WOW Bob, you speak for all in NY, all battle worn union members everywhere, all that is good in this world, and all I want to do is speak for one guy..is that a bad thingy?

Oh yeah dummie...Little made that statement months ago....you was busy under delle's table unable to hear I guess.

Somebody has to speak for Do-little, it might as well be his sweet little Nightbitch.

Things in MCI are about to take a turn for the worse. I hope your ready... honey.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

Hackman said:
Somebody has to speak for Do-little, it might as well be his sweet little Nightbitch.

Things in MCI are about to take a turn for the worse. I hope your ready... honey.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.


Yes I heard some rumors also. Something about a "Repair Station Certificate". It doesnt make sense to me, but rumors have been flying around a lot lately. However the guys in MCI would have had more peice of mind if they would have rejected the rollback of system protection. When they rolled it back to 98 they effectively rolled it back four times that for ex-TWA guys. System protection would have stopped a layoff at an AA worker with 2001 seniority because layoffs are done by occupational seniority, that person would have in effect protected any TWA worker with 4 years or more. I mentioned this to the MCI E-board but they were in such a panic after just hearing about UAL that they didnt want to listen to anything.
*yawn*...Booby...no one listened to the "mouth from the North" because we weren't impressed with you..bottom line...nothing more...nothing less.

Hey..why not contact your amfa buddies at MCIE and get the real skinny? I bet they both know what's going on...HAHAHA!
Nightwatch said:
*yawn*...Booby...no one listened to the "mouth from the North" because we weren't impressed with you..bottom line...nothing more...nothing less.

Hey..why not contact your amfa buddies at MCIE and get the real skinny? I bet they both know what's going on...HAHAHA!

So you dont care that by voting to roll back system protection that you exposed any former TWA worker with less than 1983 seniority to a layoff with no where to go?
Booby...you care about former TWA employess now? You need to get you your own show...
Nightwatch said:
Booby...you care about former TWA employess now? You need to get you your own show...

Sure, why wouldnt I care? Just because I did not want them bumping me doesnt mean that I want them to lose their jobs.
You're full of
! You could care less about the members here, we're the ones ya know Booby that are tearing away at your wages in NYC...cry to us some more...I miss that.
Nightwatch said:
You're full of
! You could care less about the members here, we're the ones ya know Booby that are tearing away at your wages in NYC...cry to us some more...I miss that.

Looks like you have a new toy. You sure are getting maximum use out of your little turd there. Sure gives your posts a "professional" look to it.

I think you have a complex. Everyone is not hostile to Ex-TWA workers.
Yeah right Booby...you're an exception to everything bad in this world. Go preach to someone that believes ya.
Nightwatch said:
Yeah right Booby...you're an exception to everything bad in this world. Go preach to someone that believes ya.

So are you saying that everything is bad in this world?

So you dont care that by voting to roll back system protection that you exposed any former TWA worker with less than 1983 seniority to a layoff with no where to go?
"So you dont care that by voting to roll back system protection that you exposed any former TWA worker with less than 1983 seniority to a layoff with no where to go?"

Hey Booby...with or without system protection rollback....just where does the mechanic at MCI have to go? Would my 26 years be good in NY?, or TULE? The AA family already "exposed" us all they could.
NW, I borrowed your little pile for a good use! How befitting such a fine organization.
Nightwatch said:
"So you dont care that by voting to roll back system protection that you exposed any former TWA worker with less than 1983 seniority to a layoff with no where to go?"

Hey Booby...with or without system protection rollback....just where does the mechanic at MCI have to go? Would my 26 years be good in NY?, or TULE? The AA family already "exposed" us all they could.

You might make afternoons in NY. Your 26 years would be just shy of 9 years in NY. You would have 4/10/01 in Tule thanks to your 514 brothers. Remember those are the good ole boys that you feel you have so much in common with. So you would have been ok anyway but what about the guys with 1983 or less?

Do I sense a little hostility towards the "AA family"? Was it the "AA family" that exposed you or the TWU? Couldnt the TWU have ruled dovetail? They never listened to the members before and have done what they feel is "best" before, why didnt they do it this time? If I recall, Dave Stewart and most of the AMFA supporters in TULE called for dovetail, it was the leadership(?) of Local 514 that called for 4/10/01. Now they are your buddies!?

I'll admit that I was against dovetailing, especially in light of the fact that if we had dovetailed it would bounce ex-EAL and Pan Am workers, many who were also long in the tooth, on to the street. I could not see rewarding workers who gave concessions to keep a mismanaged company going and punishing unionists who fought mismanagement and tried to keep wages and working conditions better.

However once we get all the mechanics in one union it would be understood that we carry our seniority in the event of a merger, I would rather take that decision out of the companies hands and extend that to we carry seniority even in the event of a voluntary move from one company to another. This would greatly reduce the companys ability to use our seniority against us.

Lets also not forget how Art Luby put in the successorship clause at negotiations well after it was announced that AMR was buying TWA too.

When are you going to realize that the company you work for is not your family? Maybe I do spend too much time here as your alter ego Calvin claims, but at least I know what my family is.
ah excuse me booby boy...we are all one UNION including other people who work for AA not just a&p. since when do you or any of your other amfa(PUKE) buds care about others? read the bottom line on nightwatch posts.......says it all booby boy
you care only for the a&p..... you some how think that they/you are better than anyone else who works for the airlines. when amfa(PUKE) negotiates a contrat for anyone then you may have something to talk about & don't even bring up NW that was a slap in the face to all M&R......where is their work for the bases? can you say RO!! yup that is real good you care about others ok you care to get job for that moves you up on the SL right? thats what its all about with you amfa (PUKE) SCABS. do you drive del around like you used to Jim Little? seems like your plan back fired on you huh? horray for our side seeing right thru the scam of it.
hEy CraB CRapER :blink: , YouR RIght aBOut The NW cONtrAcT bEinG A slAp in THe fAcE!

It SLAppED tHe twu IN thE fAcE SO HaRD iN 2001, ThAT tHeY HaD TO mATch iT

oR THerE WoUlD hAvE bEEn A rIoT In TuLSa At THe LocAL 514 KreMLin oN pinE

StReEt! OnLY a STUPID dumBASS twu PUKE:wacko: LiKE YOu COuld WriTE LikE THiS. iT

ReaLLY shOwS JuSt HoW bRaINdAMagEd :blink: yOu Are!

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