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Qatar Air CEO: Delta CEO Uses Terrorism Rhetoric to ‘Hide His Inefficiency

It would be freakin hilarious to read that DL had attracted Emirates to the Leftover Alliance and had formed a joint venture and would be seeking ATI with EK. Although I don't believe that's very likely to ever happen, I don't think it's an impossibility.

"DL doesn't want anything to do with the ME3." Uh-huh. Tell us another tall tale, WFT. After all, DL's Leftover Alliance has no problems with AF/KL being in bed with EY or with EY owning almost half of failing alliance member AZ. And although not part of the "ME3," DL has no problem with Saudia belonging to its Leftover Alliance.
I have no idea why Saudi is in Skyteam. But then I wonder the same thing about AR too.

feel free to mock the larger alliance if you would like.... the one that actually has better global coverage than AA's.

and EK and DL are both so set in their principles that they aren't likely to ever cooperate.

just remember that the ME3 flies to DFW, not ATL.

the only reason why you see contradictions is because you want to see them instead of what is said.... or you don't have the mental horsepower to keep up with the conversation.

feel free to let us know which one is true.

AA/BA has a whole lot more at risk than DL does.
WorldTraveler said:
I believe in values
One of my favorite movies of all time is "Paper Moon" with Tatum and Ryan O'Neal who for those of you that have'nt seen the movie are Depression Era Con-men.  During an arguement between Ryan and his 10 year old daughter Tatum, Ryan tells Tatum that he doesn't want to con someone because and I'm paraphrasing here  "I've got scruples, do you know what scruples are?"  Tatum replies, "I don't know what scruples are, but if you have them I know that you stole them from someone!"
If you belive in values with your reputation on these forums, I'm afraid to know what they are.
and yet you and others are the ones that repeatedly focus the attention on me and not the topics at hand.

The scruples you and others don't have is to admit that I have been repeatedly right about a number of major issues in the industry completely against what people on here have believed.

my scruples is that I stand up for what I believe regardless of the response of others.
WorldTraveler said:
The scruples you and others don't have is to admit that I have been repeatedly right about a number of major issues in the industry completely against what people on here have believed.
You'd think that.  But one just has to visit the AA board a read a few posts in the AA-KE codeshare thread to see you "mental horsepower" and your correct "grasp" of major issues in the industry.
700UW said:
The ATSB money wasnt subsidy?
Technically, no. It was a Federally guaranteed loan program to provide some liquidity post-9/11, and the loans had to be repaid with interest.

Quest is an embarrassment in general, but Richard really stuck his foot in his mouth with the statements about the 9/11 hijackers and Emirates being from the same region. Doesn't he realize that most of the hijackers were Saudis, and that Saudi is one of DL's partners?... Doesn't he realize that harping about state owned enterprises like EY will eventually draw attention to other state owned enterprises like MU and CZ?

This isn't a battle that should have been fought on CNN. DL and the other airlines would have been far better off keeping this one within the regulatory sphere of influence and not trying to drag the public into it.
Not correct the ATSB doled out $5 billion in direct aid and $10 billion n loan guarantees, I had to meet with them several times in the second US bankruptcy.
Hot off the presses:

A clumsy comment from Delta's CEO, apparently linking Gulf-based air carriers with the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has sent the Atlanta-based airline into a PR tailspin.

Richard Anderson said Monday that it was "a great irony" for the Middle East airlines to bring up the post-9/11 government assistance, especially since the terrorists who flew planes into New York's World Trade Center were from the Arabian Peninsula.

Delta (DAL) apologized Wednesday for CEO Richard Anderson's remarks, which he made on CNN's "Quest Means Business."

"He didn't mean to suggest the gulf carriers or their governments are linked to the 9/11 terrorists," the company said in a statement.

"We apologize if anyone was offended."

I love that corporate-speak "apology." Not an unconditional "Delta is sorry for the bone-headed remarks of our CEO," but instead, a non-apology, which I'll paraphrase as, "Delta is sorry if anyone out there is so stupid as to take our CEO's comments literally."
As World Fraudster would say (but in fewer words):  It's a perfect apology.  Since DL doesn't make mistakes / is perfect, they really have nothing to apologize for.
robbedagain said:
whats even more ironic is that the CEO of Qatar Air claims its BS that their FAs are more restricted if they have weight gains or get pregnant  yet I read on yahoo the other nite that they have a 1960s-1970s era style thing and can be punished for just that.    Not to mention the CEO of Emirates also had claimed that the US carriers used CH 11 to its advantages     Ironic
and the fact that they have basically an open check book from their governments. The ME3 aren't the only ones....
looking at you Air India. 
WorldTraveler said:
DL is simply willing to be in the front of a campaign to fight subsidized carriers who have decimated the European airline industry, weaker Asian carriers, and who have their focus on the US.

Richard Anderson might be more outspoken but AA and UA are absolutely a part of the same process to make the US government realize what has happened in Europe and how Arab subsidies to the ME3 are not at all market based or compatible with Open Skies agreements.
I don't disagree. 
700UW said:
The ATSB money wasnt subsidy?
Tax breaks on income and fuel tax breaks arent subsidies?
Give it a rest.
I have seen studied done by Delta that show the ME3 have gotten well over 40 Billion, with a B, from their open check book governments. 
But I somewhat agree with E. Two of Delta's biggest partners are also ran on the states dime.
Dawg i did not know Air India was or is getting dough i had long heard theyre struggling did things change for them?
robbedagain said:
Dawg i did not know Air India was or is getting dough i had long heard theyre struggling did things change for them?
They are a huge failure. Not to long ago they came out and said they are flying loss making flights to the US just cause
and the Indian governments just keeps giving them money and giving them money. 
DL is and will stand up for free and fair competition.

That is the issue with DAL and the ME3.

Air India is no real threat because of their horrid service.

The ME3 offers good service -that is heavily gov't subsidized.

DL isn't going to roll over.

and neither is AA or UA.

As usual, Anderson is more outspoken. In the case of linking state subsidies with 9/11, I think he can have left that part out.

but his point is valid that the Arabian Peninsula is the source of radical Islam.... it is also true that the more western leading gov'ts including Qatar and the UAE are strong US allies. They know what can happen to their gov'ts if radical Islam is allowed to run amok.
WorldTraveler said:
DL is and will stand up for free and fair competition.

That is the issue with DAL and the ME3.

Air India is no real threat because of their horrid service.

The ME3 offers good service -that is heavily gov't subsidized.

DL isn't going to roll over.

and neither is AA or UA.

As usual, Anderson is more outspoken. In the case of linking state subsidies with 9/11, I think he can have left that part out.
As you said previously, the EU carriers are at much more at risk from the ME3.  Ofcourse I don't expect the French to speak up or do any of the 'fighting' but why is DL getting speaking up?  Specifically, what is the threat to DL?  As you bragged, they don't care to serve ATL, let alone DTW, MSP, SLC (although DTW I'm a little surprised there is not a ME3 carrier there yet).

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