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Pull Together Win Together?

Mark Inman

Jun 22, 2004
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I have written a letter and forwarded a copy to all American Airlines VP's. The VP's at AA need to know that appeasing the TWU in this election dispute will do irrefutable damage to the majority of the mechanic's opinion of managements goals to pull together. They need to know that letting democracy rule in this matter is the best course of action. The aa.com e-mail addresses of all the VP's can be found on JetNet on a terminal at work. Let them know this is not over until there is a vote of the Mechanic and Related craft and class as described by them in the 2002 craft and class determination. I have attached a copy of the letter I sent them and would be very interisted in reading other letters. I have also added a link to look up your districts Reps in congress and the senate. We are down to the dead line guys. When you see the whites of there eyes Fire. To Whom It May Concern :

I am writing this letter in regard to the representation dispute concerning your mechanic and related work force. As you may or may not know American Airlines previously requested and was granted by the National Mediation Board a determination of the break down of the craft and class in relation to American Airlines ground workers, reference: 29 NMB 240, 245 (2002)( http://www.nmb.gov/representation/deter2002/29n051.html ). In this determination American Airlines stated that the break down of the work force was mechanic and related, fleet service, and stores. They also pointed out that each craft and class was covered by their own separate collective bargaining agreement. At that time the mechanic craft and class was determined to be 16,501. As of today American Airlines has stated to the National Mediation Board that there are 18,697 potential eligible voters in the mechanic and related craft class. This position is impossible for American Airlines to explain to the extent of maintaining any acceptable level of respect between AA and more than 75% of the mechanic work force. If you consider the fact that Americans mechanics submitted over 9,250 authorization cards to the NMB requesting a vote on union representation of choice. The over 9,250 cards submitted were signed predominantly by aircraft mechanics. This number of cards represents more than 75% interest for an election by the mechanics and over 60% interest by the mechanic and related work group. It is extremely difficult to understand why American would take the position of trying to dissuade a vote by a group of people who have given so much in an effort to improve the company’s financial outlook. Given the fact that moral is at an all time low, why would American Airlines want to give the slightest indication of leaning one way or another on this issue? If the list were cleaned up and an election was called it would put an end to the dispute with a democratic process which neather side could deny. As you know many airlines have had to go to their employees for concessions in the past. Therefore many of the employees working at American Airlines have history or knowledge of giving concessions to save the carrier at which they previously worked and it did not have the desired effect. In fact many gave concessions time after time only to find out there was no hope of saving the carrier. These same people not only lost their jobs but, also years of retirement benefits they thought were secure. These people in many cases had invested 20 years or more of dedicated service to a company and were left with little or nothing to show for it. The last thing these people need after the considerable concessions given, is to be denied the lawful right to choose their representation.

Please review the attached documents that are a summary of AMFA’s appeal to the NMB related to American Airlines proposed list of eligible voters. If you have any questions feel free to contact myself Mark Inman at 918-810-5089 or you can email me at ymahog@cox.net. I would appreciate your consideration in this matter and any help that you might provide would not go un noticed by the thousands of aircraft maintaince technicians Currently seeking a change in representation.


I did not have time to fix all the tabs and spaces on this copy but you get the idea.
With the links above you can locate your state and federal Rep's.
Well Mark, there is no room left for upper management to not understand how we feel about a vote and how it affects us all. Now the question is, will the company want to keep their lapdog union in place or are they willing to give it up for the "pull together win together" slogan and their mechanic and related work force? You can bet the twu is in there like a calf on it's mother, as hard as they can but, will it be enough?

1. The ineligibility of 24 retired employees, Attachment B to Investigator’s Rulings;
2. The ineligibility of 20 employees, who have resigned, Attachment C to Investigator’s Rulings;
3. The ineligibility of 144 Fleet Service Clerks, Attachment E to Investigator’s Rulings;
4. The ineligibility of 89 former employees laid-off while on probation without any recall rights, Attachment F to Investigator’s Rulings (AMFA’s Exhibit E – Probationary Layoff –No Recall Rights), (AA’s Exhibit E – Employees laid off from probation);
5. The ineligibility of 4 Management Employees, Attachment G to Investigator’s Rulings;
6. The ineligibility of 1 Former TWA Employee Without an Employer-Employee Relationship With AA And Without Recall Rights, Attachment H to Investigator’s Rulings;
7. The ineligibility of 24 Former Employees Working At Other Airlines, Attachment I to Investigator’s Rulings;
8. The ineligibility of 25 Furloughed Employees Who Have Waived/Declined Recall, Attachment K to Investigator’s Rulings;
9. The ineligibility of 1 Employee Working Outside the Craft or Class, Attachment L to Investigator’s Rulings;
10. The ineligibility of 1 Terminated Employee, Attachment M to Investigator’s Rulings;
11. The ineligibility of 249 Fleet Service Fuelers, Attachment N to Investigator’s Rulings, (AMFA’s Exhibit M – Fleet Service Fueler), (AA’s Exhibit M – Fleet Service Clerk/Fuelers), (AA’s Addendum to Exhibit M, Fuelers);
12. The ineligibility of 366 Cleaners and 149 Janitors, (AMFA’s Schaible (2) Decl. and Schaible (3) Decl);
13. The ineligibility of 244 Miscellaneous Other Exclusions contained within Declarations accompanying AMFA’s April 22, 2004 Challenges and Objections, which were not considered in the Rulings,
a. The ineligibility of 10 additional retired employees not considered in the Rulings,
b. The ineligibility of 104 additional employees who have resigned not considered in the Rulings,
c. The ineligibility of 4 additional Fleet Service Clerks not considered in the Rulings,
d. The ineligibility of 6 additional former employees laid-off while on probation without any recall rights not considered in the Rulings,
e. The ineligibility of 5 additional management employees not considered in the Rulings,
f. The ineligibility of 21 additional Former TWA Employees Without an Employer-Employee Relationship With AA And Without Recall Rights not considered in the Rulings,
g. The ineligibility of 12 additional Former Employees Working At Other Airlines not considered in the Rulings,
h. The ineligibility of 3 additional Deceased Employees not considered in the Rulings,
i. The ineligibility of 65 additional Furloughed Employees Who Have Waived/Declined Recall not considered in the Rulings,
j. The ineligibility of 7 additional Terminated Employee not considered in the Rulings,
k. The ineligibility of 8 additional miscellaneous individuals ineligible for various reasons and not considered in the Rulings.
14. The ineligibility of 1,167 Cabin Cleaning and Lavatory Service Personnel, Attachment O to Investigator’s Rulings,
a. 15 duplicates not removed from Attachment O,
b. 2 additional duplicates not removed from Attachment O,
c. 28 names on eligibility list not removed from Attachment O,
d. 2 names removed from Attachment O but not removed from eligibility list,
e. Double counting of 14 individuals alleged to be Cabin Cleaning and Lavatory Service Personnel who have been counted as Fuelers,
f. 5 ineligible AA employees should not have been added to the AA eligibility list,
g. 1,167 Ineligible Fleet Service Clerks.
15. The ineligibility of 21 Former TWA Furloughees, Attachment P to Investigator’s Rulings;
16. The ineligibility of 46 Individuals from AMFA’s May 24, 2004 Submission, Exhibit “O†entitled “AA Eligibility List – TWA Exhibit D – Additional Info Acquired From,†not considered in the Rulings;
17. The ineligibility of 36 additional retired employees from Flagship News not considered in the Rulings;
18. The ineligibility of 150 additional TWA employees Not on TWU’ Exhibit D and therefore without contractual recall rights, not considered in the Rulings;
Rusty I think Mr. Arpey is sincere about turning this company around and knows you can't do that with better than 75% of your higher skilled work forces feeling like there captives in a union that could care less about there interests. They need the mechanics they don’t need TWU representing them.NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
Thats funny, the NMB has already made a decision with the oppurtunity to submit objections. To date you do not have sufficient interest!!!

If you are so unhappy you can go apply at one of the Airlines Amfa represents!!! All indications are, this is the only option you have to join this organization. But remember they are in a downward spiral and will continue!!!

Fools are born everyday!!!!! Gut the Pension and Outsource the work is Amfa's favorite past time!!
Kevin empty open ended statements seems to be your favorite past time. If all AMFA supporters quit at AA there wouldn’t be enough mechanics left to keep the A300 fleet flying. If you and the 25% of the mechanics left want to stay with the twscrew you’re the ones that better find a new airlines. By the way when are you going to come by and call some MRO's liar. Talk is cheep and liars like you are a dime a dozen. Show some integrity and stand be hind your statements. American Airlines is under cutting the MRO’s thanks to the twscrew. We will change that very soon. The twscrew’s time here is over.NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!
By the way Kevin I here AE is represented by twu. You know that regional carrier we own yet call doing some work from them bringing in out side maintaince.NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!!!
: Old Wrench
Employer: NWA
Date: Saturday July 24, 2004
Time: 09:00:46 AM

Joey, there ain't been a single recall! It was just another AMFA lie! More of the same old AMFA Bull Chit we've been living with for 5 chitty years now. All that 150 recalls and the, "Great Victory" that AMFA declared to the press was just a show man. Delle and Mathews needed more organizing propaganda! I guess the right thing for AMFA to do is come out and admit that they lied but that will never happen. AMFA's motto was honesty, integrity and professionalism! When have they ever lived up to that? It should be AMFA= Lies, Bull #### and Job Losses! Remember what AMFA told you, none of this is the Companies fault, it was the "evil IAM"........what do you think about that statement now Joey? Can you see the light man? You've been had by AMFA, screwed and glued, by the Professional Union Busting Association! Joey, do you still have an AMFA NOW button? You were part of the problem!
James Kirk Did you for get to take your meds to day. Your saying Northwest has not recalled anyone and is not going to. You are way to stupid to reason with.
yea cause he's trippin on the star trek enterprise, hear they grow some killer shrooooms in "0" gravity! :lol:
Name: Light Checks, that's all we do.
Employer: NWA
Station: MSP, it's a ghost town now.
Date: Saturday July 17, 2004
Time: 07:48:09 PM

I find it amazing that there can possibly be one single Aircraft Mechanic in this Country that still supports AMFA. How much more do you have to see before, you'll recognize that AMFA's exactly what we've been told for years, a Company Union Busting Machine? It's not a coincidence that our ranks are being pillaged, it's not FM or any other event, it's the fact that AMFA gives away your jobs and thus your bargaining strength. Look at UAL, AMFA isn't even in negotiations and they're giving away retirement benefits, without a vote. Look at NW, it's a shell of what it used to be. Think about how many outside vendors work on NWA Aircraft from Singapore to Memphis, that's how many NWA Mechanics who will never be going back to work. It's a shame that AMFA has allowed their previous service with NWA to be wasted. Where's the big AMFA initiative to stop outsourcing? This is an election year and AMFA should be backing the candidate who would best stop outsourcing, but they can't because they're in bed with Airline Management and their Management Co-conspirators want to keep the Republicans in office so they can finish the job of busting all the Airline Unions with AMFA and it's "sister" Associations. After all of this I have to know, is it true, half of you + one are idiots at AA as well?

The ruling from the NMB is that there is not sufficient interest at American to hold an election! AMFA has filed an appeal.
JT Jurk that’s why you have such strong anti AMFA feelings you can't comprehend English.
Go get your wife to read your old contract or better yet an AA contract and than explain to you the advantages of having the one you have now if you’re a Mechanic at northwest. By the way the NMB did not decide nothing yet.
Kirk you and the other cultist write this stuff on the-mechanic.com then you bring it over here as twu documented proof. That freakin just cracks me up. LMAO

twu documents. LMAO



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