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profit Sharing?

I do think it is a good start that all of us will share in the PS  but given the past history of the crooked mgmt team  Im afraid that something will be given up  when in my own opin we should not be given anything up   as the profits speak for itself and the projected profits etc   esp as long as oil stays low and I would think it will stay low for quite a while   
Upanaway by the way I do like my job I keep the flying public safe and I especially like the people I work with including management. What is disheartening is the fact that most current unions are run like corporations and are more concerned with having as many dues payers as possible rather than having higher paying jobs and better benefits for their members. Also where would we be without the Bad unions. No 40 hour work week no OT no child labor laws ect.
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maintenance
Worldport said:
Where are you coming up with this B/S? Check your facts before you post you are sounding like a jack ass
Because it was in the agents contract I did check my facts
Worldport said:
You are correct that would be Customer service. Mr Conehead is stirring the pot
conehead777 said:
Because it was in the agents contract I did check my facts
Only one group at LUS got profit sharing, the majority did not. You are just stirring the pot, I hope no one takes you  seriously. 
Worldport said:
Where are you coming up with this B/S? Check your facts before you post you are sounding like a jack ass
you are rude I had facts in the agents contract . You need to check your facts before calling someone a jack ass .
Don't be fooled; We have morale issues here too...[/quote]

Only with the disgruntled unionist
I'm happy with this ....

And if this helps the unmotivated people actually care enough to do their jobs then this is a good thing ...
freedom said:
I'm happy with this ....

And if this helps the unmotivated people actually care enough to do their jobs then this is a good thing ...


  • FB_IMG_1444758295102.webp
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Put a billboard (a very big one 100x100) at every class one station airport entrance with all the concessions we are working under. Now that's a moral booster....
BTW give me my money and keep your profit sharing
Only with the disgruntled unionist
Then money is not the answer then[/quote]

Being well compensated is a bedrock. It takes the pressure off your personal life. The one outside of your job. It provides comfort and security in knowing that you don't have to worry about paying your bills. That you can now get ahead and pick up a few extra creature comforts for yourself and your family. You don't feel like you have to work OT anymore just to make ends meet and be desperate during those times of the year when OT dries up and you have to hustle to try and get extra hours. So hopefully you're more happy in your personal and family life and that's something you can bring to work with you.

But at work then both sides need to feel like they're involved in an appreciated partnership. That your opinions and concerns to management are being listened to and the same in reverse. No one wants to feel that they aren't engaged. That they're not just a number on that employee card. Management is in the leadership role so it's up to them to figure out how to foster that and it's up to us to go along and change our old mindsets of mistrust. But management has to wait for trust to grow. That doesn't come overnight and no you can't pay your way to trust.

There's still a lot of problems at AA but I am noticing improvements in many areas and think that will continue over time?

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