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profit Sharing?

WeAAsles said:
I would like to think we should be able to do that? But I'm thinking I may put that money into an extra mortgage payment to try and get out from under that burden for when I retire.
Indeed, if/when I see any profit sharing check it's going to be used to better my financial situation if only incrementally, to pay down some debt and pad my savings.  Any bit helps.  I plan on being prepared when the industry takes it's next cyclical downturn, whenever that may be.
WeAAsles said:
Excellent. I think it's great that you're going to at least try to change your way of thinking. It would probably be a very good idea if you sought professional help though? I'm not really sure from your posting if you're someone who has the ability to change on your own?

You probably would be much better off if they do offer a package, just leaving. Take what you can and try to forget the horror of having ever been associated with AA or any Union.

Maybe work on private Jets in Denton or something? Lots of employers in small airports around that area I'm sure would love to have that smiling face of yours be a part of their team.
People enjoy complaining, but it's like anything else in that it becomes unhealthy in excess.  Some people become too attached to the sense that they're right and someone else is wrong, the reassuring feeling that the company or the universe owes them something; it's a convenient license and excuse for acting as they like and performing at the bare minimum.  Okay, fine, that's their prerogative.  I'm convinced by now that for some people if you were to give them a contract that included everything they could possibly want and more, why, they'd riot in the streets for having to come down off their crosses and turn in their Eternal Victim Platinum Whiner's Club Card.  But that's what happens when they perpetually cast themselves in the role as the victim - it becomes an integral part of their own identity, so much so they have to defend it, and anything that challenges the notion, i.e. the possibility of free money from the company, or any other tangible improvement in their lot, they will attack, deride, and dismiss.  This thread is a case in point.
This is an excellent industry for people who get off on being chronically unhappy, I found that out very early, and also found out that people like that get off if they find they can spread their discontent.  I'm sure you've noticed this as well.  I also found out pretty quickly that the easiest way to piss these people was to keep an upbeat attitude and simply do my job without having a giant chip on my shoulder.  If I'm going to spend 40 hours a week (or more) of my waking life at work I'm not going to do it with a sneer on my face all the while, no matter what I think I'm owed or was stolen from me because life is simply too short and I don't want to become one of those jaded angry lifers we all goofed on when we were in training.  In the end you lose it all anyway.
I too have had the opportunity to work with new hires and it's important to me that they learn not only to do the job properly and safely but also to enjoy the work and working with others and to get the most they can out of the time on the clock and the opportunities/benefits they get from the airline.  What I said in the preceding paragraph I've conveyed to many of them.  I'm not trying to instill a plastic sense of false happiness or convince them they have to give 110% or that they have to love the company unconditionally or that they have to kiss management's a**.  If I have to work around these people and depend on them and can make a positive impression then that's what I'll do.
There are a lot of things I could complain about, but profit sharing isn't one of them.
Worldport said:
Do the AMTs have their own bus at DFW if not they should try for one in this new contract
They park at the Maintenance Hanger. They threatened to strike in the early 80's over riding the bus with the rest of the employee rabble so the company capitulated and layed down the cement.

They have a guard on duty that says "Good day Sir" and a rotating group of Golf cart drivers to bring them to their cars. And if it rains the drivers use an umbrella for them.

Nice huh?
ChockJockey said:
Indeed, if/when I see any profit sharing check it's going to be used to better my financial situation if only incrementally, to pay down some debt and pad my savings.  Any bit helps.  I plan on being prepared when the industry takes it's next cyclical downturn, whenever that may be.

People enjoy complaining, but it's like anything else in that it becomes unhealthy in excess.  Some people become too attached to the sense that they're right and someone else is wrong, the reassuring feeling that the company or the universe owes them something; it's a convenient license and excuse for acting as they like and performing at the bare minimum.  Okay, fine, that's their prerogative.  I'm convinced by now that for some people if you were to give them a contract that included everything they could possibly want and more, why, they'd riot in the streets for having to come down off their crosses and turn in their Eternal Victim Platinum Whiner's Club Card.  But that's what happens when they perpetually cast themselves in the role as the victim - it becomes an integral part of their own identity, so much so they have to defend it, and anything that challenges the notion, i.e. the possibility of free money from the company, or any other tangible improvement in their lot, they will attack, deride, and dismiss.  This thread is a case in point.
This is an excellent industry for people who get off on being chronically unhappy, I found that out very early, and also found out that people like that get off if they find they can spread their discontent.  I'm sure you've noticed this as well.  I also found out pretty quickly that the easiest way to piss these people was to keep an upbeat attitude and simply do my job without having a giant chip on my shoulder.  If I'm going to spend 40 hours a week (or more) of my waking life at work I'm not going to do it with a sneer on my face all the while, no matter what I think I'm owed or was stolen from me because life is simply too short and I don't want to become one of those jaded angry lifers we all goofed on when we were in training.  In the end you lose it all anyway.
I too have had the opportunity to work with new hires and it's important to me that they learn not only to do the job properly and safely but also to enjoy the work and working with others and to get the most they can out of the time on the clock and the opportunities/benefits they get from the airline.  What I said in the preceding paragraph I've conveyed to many of them.  I'm not trying to instill a plastic sense of false happiness or convince them they have to give 110% or that they have to love the company unconditionally or that they have to kiss management's a**.  If I have to work around these people and depend on them and can make a positive impression then that's what I'll do.
There are a lot of things I could complain about, but profit sharing isn't one of them.

You da man Chock. Bravo.

Sometimes I wonder if it's because there's no good party bands like Van Halen around anymore?

WeAAsles said:
They park at the Maintenance Hanger. They threatened to strike in the early 80's over riding the bus with the rest of the employee rabble so the company capitulated and layed down the cement.

They have a guard on duty that says "Good day Sir" and a rotating group of Golf cart drivers to bring them to their cars. And if it rains the drivers use an umbrella for them.

Nice huh?
Maybe they can go for Valet parking in the new contract. I would imagine that golf cart may be hot in the DFW sun
Worldport said:
Maybe they can go for Valet parking in the new contract. I would imagine that golf cart may be hot in the DFW sun
It's ironic that you two post this BS, cause in my 30 plus years at the firm - some of the biggest whiners I have come across were fleet service clerks.  Backstabbing, plenty of that as well - not just on other work groups - but on themselves.  I have actually seen clerks rat on one another - a section chairman no less.  So, don't be hating on our limo service at DFW or ORD for that matter.
Vortilon said:
It's ironic that you two post this BS, cause in my 30 plus years at the firm - some of the biggest whiners I have come across were fleet service clerks.  Backstabbing, plenty of that as well - not just on other work groups - but on themselves.  I have actually seen clerks rat on one another - a section chairman no less.  So, don't be hating on our limo service at DFW or ORD for that matter.

I sometimes give the Pizza Hut guy 5 bucks and he carries me to my car.
Don't kid yourself, there are mechanics that will screw over other mechanics for 4 OT.

There wasn't a whole lot of complaining when Little gave away profot sharing far o 4.3% raise.

AA could have just as easily not have given ALL employees profit sharing and we would have continued to shown up at work. The employees at AA have had plenty to complain about for a decade, but when the CEO try's to do the right thing, the whiners still find fault.
bob@las-AA said:
Back on topic!
Thank you Mr. Parker for the profit sharing, but will I be able to dump that fat PS check into my 401k tax deferred?
Bob, the dispatchers at LUS got profit sharing this year. The last under their agreement as the new joint agreement doesn't have it. They were able to place it all in their 401k.

Not trying to say that's the way the new plan would be, but helps make the argument of why not, if they don't allow it.

My thoughts, they will allow it.
bigjets said:
Don't kid yourself, there are mechanics that will screw over other mechanics for 4 OT.

There wasn't a whole lot of complaining when Little gave away profot sharing far o 4.3% raise.

AA could have just as easily not have given ALL employees profit sharing and we would have continued to shown up at work. The employees at AA have had plenty to complain about for a decade, but when the CEO try's to do the right thing, the whiners still find fault.
If you're responding to my post, I said some - not all.  Every group is gonna have some people that don't play ball.  I wouldn't consider being a little critical, the same as being a whiner.  More money is always preferred.  After 14 years of getting the short end of the stick; with no end in sight, it's no wonder people have become jaded.  Let's be clear, that goes for the company, and the union.  This is no benevolent CEO. 
Completely off topic, but didn't want to start a new thread. What has happened to WT, banned for awhile or something more serious??
I will also add that it really is strange Bob does not contribute at all anymore. Cold turkey is tough, no matter what it is you are quitting.
Completely off topic, but didn't want to start a new thread. What has happened to WT, banned for awhile or something more serious??
I will also add that it really is strange Bob does not contribute at all anymore. Cold turkey is tough, no matter what it is you are quitting.
With respect to Bob, maybe he realizes that this forum is more of a venting outlet rather than one to enable change. I am finding myself tiring of talking about things I have no control over. I have no control over the ASSociation that was shoved down my throat. I have no control over negotiations, only that I have the right to vote yes or no. Why argue with people we most likely will never meet. I myself am leaning towards ending my participation here. 
You may be right. I just know as passionate as Bob was in his cause, even walking a very fine line, folks like him continue to battle, continue to get the message out until they see change OR they are silenced by the company (AA) or Organization (TWU) they work for. He may very well still be trying to get the message out, just maybe not on a public forum or social media anymore. If he did not run for office again and went back to the floor as a CC, maybe he is like many of us, wanting the one final contract and then get the hell out of dodge.
You may be right. I just know as passionate as Bob was in his cause, even walking a very fine line, folks like him continue to battle, continue to get the message out until they see change OR they are silenced by the company (AA) or Organization (TWU) they work for. He may very well still be trying to get the message out, just maybe not on a public forum or social media anymore. If he did not run for office again and went back to the floor as a CC, maybe he is like many of us, wanting the one final contract and then get the hell out of dodge.
I feel that the TWU, as lacking as it is, is even more so now that Bob has gone back to being a crew chief.  He was always on point and very educated about the subjects being discussed.  He also has a way of explaining difficult things in very few words.  We'll miss him and that is for sure.  The TWU is glad he's gone too I'm guessing.  

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