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profit Sharing?

I wonder why this Profit Sharing forum has become a Political blog?
It makes me wonder how many Democrats own firearms. How can you own a firearm and be against the 2nd Amendment  at the same time.
Also your unionized political divergency is in the structure of the Socialist unions that  have their core at the AFI-CIO, where your skill does not matter.
How is it laid out at the IAM, everyone performing maintenance is compensated  the same regardless of what their skill is?
Unlike the Pilots and Flight Attendant at American which run their unions without the help of the AFL-CIO?
Buck said:
I wonder why this Profit Sharing forum has become a Political blog?
It makes me wonder how many Democrats own firearms. How can you own a firearm and be against the 2nd Amendment  at the same time.
I would think a lot of Democrats own firearms AND support the 2nd Amendment.  Believe it or not, there's actually people out there that are able to see situations for the complex manner that they are.  Not black & white as the NRA would have you believe.  Does the "Right to keep and bear arms"...mean the right to bear ALL arms?  Does every citizen have the right to own a bazooka?  A tank? A fully armed jet fighter?
A line has to be drawn somewhere.  Some people feel it's at bazookas.  Other's feel it's at assault rifles.  So, just cause someone supports gun control...doesn't mean they're against the 2nd amendment.
Yeah profit sharing!!!!!  Thank you union members for putting the pressure on DP.
Now back to 2017 profit sharing....
My personal opinion is it would have meant more for the "team" if there had been a 2016 PS. Hell, I'll take what I can get but why not a 2016 PS? Could it be because multi millions in management bonuses were on this year's agenda? Or favoring in that inside Intel has it that stocks will plummet and a loss of profit is looming? Anyone?
BigMac said:
Now back to 2017 profit sharing....
My personal opinion is it would have meant more for the "team" if there had been a 2016 PS. Hell, I'll take what I can get but why not a 2016 PS? Could it be because multi millions in management bonuses were on this year's agenda? Or favoring in that inside Intel has it that stocks will plummet and a loss of profit is looming? Anyone?
They are trying to move the needle however at some point you say to yourself - no matter what we do there will be the long list of complainers that just want to constantly fight with the company so why keep trying
jcw said:
They are trying to move the needle however at some point you say to yourself - no matter what we do there will be the long list of complainers that just want to constantly fight with the company so why keep trying
You also can't simply react to the loudest voices who put their opinions out on Social Media. That's why Parker needs to continue on with those roadshows to gauge the actual pulse of people. You're always going to have complainers no matter what. It's a part of people's nature. It's easier for people to complain then it is to say, wow I have it pretty good.

And if the complainers can't seem to change their mindset perhaps buyouts in the future are good ideas? Give the old mindset a way out if they're so incredibly miserable and replace the mindset with new blood that hasn't been tainted.
WeAAsles, I doubt seriously that a buyout would change a thing.  My prediction:  if a $40,000 buyout with travel benefits were offered, the complaint would change to "why didn't those stingy skinflints offer $50,000 with travel benefits."  I see it with flight attendants all the time.  Nothing is ever enough.  I just got an email from someone who is just senior to me (14 years in January).  Our last buyout required a minimum of 15 years on the flight attendant payroll (i.e., top of scale).  She now thinks that because top of scale with the new contract is 13 years, the company should offer a buyout that requires only 13 years service.  The fact that we need flight attendants for the company's expansion plans, and we have already graduated 5 or 6 classes of new hires just this year, is of no consequence.  Because she was not eligible for the last buyout, the company should offer one now for which she qualifies.
jimntx said:
WeAAsles, I doubt seriously that a buyout would change a thing.  My prediction:  if a $40,000 buyout with travel benefits were offered, the complaint would change to "why didn't those stingy skinflints offer $50,000 with travel benefits."  I see it with flight attendants all the time.  Nothing is ever enough.  I just got an email from someone who is just senior to me (14 years in January).  Our last buyout required a minimum of 15 years on the flight attendant payroll (i.e., top of scale).  She now thinks that because top of scale with the new contract is 13 years, the company should offer a buyout that requires only 13 years service.  The fact that we need flight attendants for the company's expansion plans, and we have already graduated 5 or 6 classes of new hires just this year, is of no consequence.  Because she was not eligible for the last buyout, the company should offer one now for which she qualifies.

Your friend is crazy. It makes no sense to offer buyouts to someone junior especially when the company is expanding. Buyouts should only be offered to people over 50 with 20 or over in the company. Not just because they are at top pay but again to try and weed out maybe a certain type of mentality that can't fall in line to maybe having a more positive outlook about the future. Especially in a direct line of sight customer contact position if someone is miserable why would a company want to keep a person like that around. Those attitudes are often transferred onto our customers and it could even drive away some business. It's actually kind of sad if a person is so ingrained with hatred and mistrust that they can't change themselves but those people do exist and that's just reality.

Personally I'm loving all the new hires. They're fun as hell. They have a great attitude and I welcome that rubbing off on me everyday. I'm doing my best to join them in their enthusiasm.
ChockJockey said:
Not sure, but if not you could put it in an IRA and still enjoy tax deferment.
I would like to think we should be able to do that? But I'm thinking I may put that money into an extra mortgage payment to try and get out from under that burden for when I retire.
Yea, its gonna be so awesome, I'm going to pay off my house with that huge profit sharing check sometime in the future.  I cant wait, its going to be so great. I'm going to show all the new hires on the bus how I have such a positive attitude now, they are going to say to themselves, "Wow !! What happened to Dallasconehead? He has such a positive attitude now."  I'll let them know, its all because the company is really taking care of me now that they promised me all of this money sometime in the future. I'm even going to tell the new hires that I am so happy, that I want to do extra stuff for my great company!!! After all, they promised all kinds of stuff in the future someday and I think its just great.
No more crankiness or negativity for me, just happy, and glad I work for such a benevolent company now that they promised me all kinds of great stuff in the future someday..
I'm hoping to change my attitude so I don't get selected to receive a buyout for being so senior with such a cranky attitude, after all, we have to go with the new AA and all of these changes for the better, maybe start doing extra stuff. Let the leadership know how great they are and how thankful I am to work here for 30 years. And that I can look forward to all the stuff they're going to give me sometime in the future, when its going to be awesome.
Trying to change,
Greedy lazy whining airline mechanic. (That got his license from a cereal box top)
DallasConehead said:
Yea, its gonna be so awesome, I'm going to pay off my house with that huge profit sharing check sometime in the future.  I cant wait, its going to be so great. I'm going to show all the new hires on the bus how I have such a positive attitude now, they are going to say to themselves, "Wow !! What happened to Dallasconehead? He has such a positive attitude now."  I'll let them know, its all because the company is really taking care of me now that they promised me all of this money sometime in the future. I'm even going to tell the new hires that I am so happy, that I want to do extra stuff for my great company!!! After all, they promised all kinds of stuff in the future someday and I think its just great.
No more crankiness or negativity for me, just happy, and glad I work for such a benevolent company now that they promised me all kinds of great stuff in the future someday..
I'm hoping to change my attitude so I don't get selected to receive a buyout for being so senior with such a cranky attitude, after all, we have to go with the new AA and all of these changes for the better, maybe start doing extra stuff. Let the leadership know how great they are and how thankful I am to work here for 30 years. And that I can look forward to all the stuff they're going to give me sometime in the future, when its going to be awesome.
Trying to change,
Greedy lazy whining airline mechanic. (That got his license from a cereal box top)
Time for a daily regiment of Xanax my Devry technical school graduate buddy,or perhaps a change of scenery, with your qualifications they would make you store manager of Autozone in no time. Oh wait your a mechanic not a stock clerk maybe you can install the batteries.Then you can tell all the customers how Autozone is screwing you
DallasConehead said:
Yea, its gonna be so awesome, I'm going to pay off my house with that huge profit sharing check sometime in the future.  I cant wait, its going to be so great. I'm going to show all the new hires on the bus how I have such a positive attitude now, they are going to say to themselves, "Wow !! What happened to Dallasconehead? He has such a positive attitude now."  I'll let them know, its all because the company is really taking care of me now that they promised me all of this money sometime in the future. I'm even going to tell the new hires that I am so happy, that I want to do extra stuff for my great company!!! After all, they promised all kinds of stuff in the future someday and I think its just great.
No more crankiness or negativity for me, just happy, and glad I work for such a benevolent company now that they promised me all kinds of great stuff in the future someday..
I'm hoping to change my attitude so I don't get selected to receive a buyout for being so senior with such a cranky attitude, after all, we have to go with the new AA and all of these changes for the better, maybe start doing extra stuff. Let the leadership know how great they are and how thankful I am to work here for 30 years. And that I can look forward to all the stuff they're going to give me sometime in the future, when its going to be awesome.
Trying to change,
Greedy lazy whining airline mechanic. (That got his license from a cereal box top)
Excellent. I think it's great that you're going to at least try to change your way of thinking. It would probably be a very good idea if you sought professional help though? I'm not really sure from your posting if you're someone who has the ability to change on your own?

You probably would be much better off if they do offer a package, just leaving. Take what you can and try to forget the horror of having ever been associated with AA or any Union.

Maybe work on private Jets in Denton or something? Lots of employers in small airports around that area I'm sure would love to have that smiling face of yours be a part of their team.
Worldport said:
Time for a daily regiment of Xanax my Devry technical school graduate buddy,or perhaps a change of scenery, with your qualifications they would make you store manager of Autozone in no time. Oh wait your a mechanic not a stock clerk maybe you can install the batteries.Then you can tell all the customers how Autozone is screwing you
I bet he'd be great at hooking up that machine that tells people why they have a check engine light on? I understand he works with electrical wires.
WeAAsles said:
I bet he'd be great at hooking up that machine that tells people why they have a check engine light on? I understand he works with electrical wires.
As long as he and Bob@DFW don't hook up we should be alright
Worldport said:
As long as he and Bob@DFW don't hook up we should be alright
Conehead is a Aircraft Mechanic you know. I doubt he would even walk down the same sidewalk as him, much less work with him.

We should be safe?
WeAAsles said:
Conehead is a Aircraft Mechanic you know. I doubt he would even walk down the same sidewalk as him, much less work with him.

We should be safe?
Do the AMTs have their own bus at DFW if not they should try for one in this new contract

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