Not only was the AFA MEC misquided by the newly voted in MEC Pres Mike, but worse, the MEC Pres never put that part out on the MEC E-line..nowhere was it written how a vote came about and that the East concession provision for profit sharing was given to the West. Flight attendants know about this through aviation. The MEC Pres said he would put it out a few months ago when I wrote him a scathing note, but as of late, no info on it.
I am sure when and IF there is a end of year net profit, he'll come out and wash it out with some lame comment about the profit sharing, but I doubt he will mention how the MEC came about a vote last January to leave the company off the hook, and share the East contract provision with the West f/as.
One MEC member gave me some excuse that even with a $300 million profit pull and 10% being about $30 million, with f/as part being 14.5% of that, that adding 3,000 more f/as to the appox. 4,600 from the East meant the difference of about $100 bucks less for each East f/a, and it was a non-issue.
Really? 🙄 How'd he come up with that when its driven by W-2.