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Profit Sharing will shut airline if this happens!

I agree with 700UW....Without US Airways, AWA, would have filed for CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY by December. US Airways would've made it awhile longer. So yes, the East employees with all due respect deserve at least 90% of the Profit Sharing
Below you will find a link directing you to the e-line put out by our MEC explaning where the profit sharing plan came from and why the West f/as were included. We should all make sure we are completly informed before we spread rumors. It does nothing more than add to the problems we have already.

The biggest problem that our union has is MF. He is nothing more than a politician and has definitely forgotten that he is a flight attendant NOT management. We all should find out who in the MEC voted for this. Does anyone know the answer or how we would go about getting this information? MF really showed his true colors when he put his name in for the International President Position when he is our MEC President and our Negotiator too. So informed1 how about providing us with this information.

The East F/A have given up alot in concessions and we are still doing so. We are charged 100% sick time but yet only get paid 70%. We have lost vacation, pay, pay much more in health coverage, pensions, and the list goes on.

I do know the answer to who voted how, but I think the members should ask their respective lec how they voted. There are also the "minutes of that winter Jan. 2006 MEC meeting, and if you request it, you can see how all the votes went. I believe it was a conference call, and those are recorded as well. Call Buddy Brannon, the MEC V.P., you can trust he will provide the minutes that you request.

I think Mike's days are numbered depending on who permanently takes PHL. He knows this as well. Just watch who he tries to "buddy" with and who he thinks may win the votes. I believe he is planning on the Winter 2006 MEC meeting for Feb. I think its because he thinks he can control the PHL reps and nothing unusal will happen in Feb which will buy him time.

The paramount problem I have been able to view from where I sit is that the current MECP gives INcomplete information or untimely info to the MEC making it difficult for them to make an educated vote. This way, they depend on what he is able to bring to the table in the form of information from the company and neg. team, and his opinions will weigh heavily. This untimeliness cripples the MEC and doesn't give them time to ponder, go to their members, and do some investigating of their own of the ramifications of a nay, or yea vote. In this manner, he is able to mainpulate and control the events depending on who he is trying to please, managment, International, or his team. He is packed with an agenda...I know him very well. He went after the AFA International president position because he is not sure of his fate at U since Laura is poof! He made some lame excuse that he threw in his name last minute because he was mad at what the International Pres said to the MEC at a meeting regarding our pension termination a few days prior to the election....bs, bs, bs, from him. He is so self serving that he can't finish one term of anything. I suspect if he is not pleased with who wins in PHL, or feels threatened in any way, he will run for LECP in CLT this come Feb. Just watch his moves. B) He's quite predictable once you know his MO.

The other issue I have with the MEC and MECP is that they don't let the membership know again timely, what is being voted on. Mike F. also does not provide timely e-lines letting the members know how that vote went down.

As you can note, the NEWBIE who placed the link to the MEC-Eline regarding the "vote" on the profit sharing above is dated in Aug. 2006, however, the conference call and vote on this very issue and other important issues were voted on in Jan. 2006. Mike only put it out in Aug. because of much pressure by those in the know who demanded an explanation and a written response to the membership.

Read the E-line again. You will see that in his first paragraph regarding the profit sharing, he writes due to inquiries by the f/as....

Why didn't he put this out in Jan., and why, why,why do the LECPs of their respective bases don't put out the timely informtion to their members on their e-lines? It doesn't matter what Mike F. take is on issues, the point is the voting members of the MEC, who are the LECPs need to inform their own members how they voted, and why they voted on issues the way they do.

I don't see this anywhere, anymore. Mike F. has too much control of the MEC, which is not in his role. Again, the MECP takes direction from the consensus of the majority voting members of the MEC.He doesn't know his limitations in his authority or where its to come from, and the current MEC doesn't know how to give him the direction or ask the right questions to elicit information from this guy. That's my perspective.

Hopefully, the new LECP from PHL will give new breath in the MEC and start following the procedures and framework set forth in the C&B and MEC Policy and Procedures. Perhaps some members of the MEC who have been silenced by the "elephant" in the room, will find their voices now that she is gone.
Since it appears that the pilots group and the flight attendant groups have worked this issue out in their respective transition agreements, my question is whether or not the M&R transition agreement talks have included this issue as well. Aren't there talks going on now or in the very near future?

True, DP needs to step up to the plate and ensure no further or no continuance or even appearance of division amongst work groups continue.
Since it appears that the pilots group and the flight attendant groups have worked this issue out in their respective transition agreements, my question is whether or not the M&R transition agreement talks have included this issue as well. Aren't there talks going on now or in the very near future?

True, DP needs to step up to the plate and ensure no further or no continuance or even appearance of division amongst work groups continue.

The only problem Airwoman is that the company is in no hurry to do anything, with only meeting 1 or 2 days a month what can you do and how fast will it get done! look what they did to the ramp side the company laughed at their proposal when they brought up money. I guess that would cut into their take!

just remember cost nuetral effert nuetral!
The only problem Airwoman is that the company is in no hurry to do anything, with only meeting 1 or 2 days a month what can you do and how fast will it get done! look what they did to the ramp side the company laughed at their proposal when they brought up money. I guess that would cut into their take!

just remember cost nuetral effert nuetral!
Totally understood.

Has the profit sharing issue been brought up at the meetings.........by the west employees to the union?
I agree with 700UW....Without US Airways, AWA, would have filed for CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY by December. US Airways would've made it awhile longer. So yes, the East employees with all due respect deserve at least 90% of the Profit Sharing
What are you smoking? I could see that AWA was NOT in bankrupcy and we had boy genious(DP)!( Doug would have figured something else out!) Where are facts to back that up? Im not saying that both airlines would have drowned without each other but theres no way AWA was that close to demise. By December? By the way, its profit sharing. What if theres no profit to share? I think there could be a desert flu -or maybe the bird flu has migrated. If you put me in that position I might take sick days over the holiday. I hope you all feel justified. Im sick of hearing about the east CBA, west Passenger Services have also been included in Profit Sharing but I will support my fellow west employees. We're so close out here, Im sure I'll catch it at the ato! Way to go, destroy solidarity for a few dollars! Do it and Im sure the company will pony up to help the west employees. Its okay to screw your fellow coworkers but dont let the company try to screw you? Keep your BS about unions if you are for this. Who will suffer? Once again it will be our passengers. Bad morale and poor customer service. If it werent for that I would love to see west take the holidays off. Theres a right and a wrong. I dont care about CBA's. If you can spout the CBA crap than shut up when republicans do something you may think is wrong but legal. You have to be able to look yourselves in the mirror.
could this be the answer. the iam, on behalf of their new charges in m and r and on the ramp, approach the company and request additional monies to go to the west, it would keep the west out of the hands of the east, and would give the west the money we feel that we should have if we are being put into the east cba's, which we had no say in????
after all the iam represents us now, will they do this???
What are you smoking? I could see that AWA was NOT in bankrupcy and we had boy genious(DP)!( Doug would have figured something else out!)

Your boy dougie made comments as to the fate of AWA w/o the merger and BK was the outcome.
Your boy dougie made comments as to the fate of AWA w/o the merger and BK was the outcome.

that was him selling the idea to get the westies and the money people behind it, saying it and it happening are two different things, we were sound enough after 911 to get an atsb loan, so even if we had to bk w/o the us aquisition, we would have survived it...
that was him selling the idea to get the westies and the money people behind it, saying it and it happening are two different things, we were sound enough after 911 to get an atsb loan, so even if we had to bk w/o the us aquisition, we would have survived it...

USAirways received an ATSB loan as well, how did it help them?

USAirways received an ATSB loan as well, how did it help them?


Very true.
U qualified for the ATSB in June of 2002, and then danced into BK on August 11, 2002, and then went into BK again, in September, 2004.
But HP did NOT go to into Bankrupcy. It might of helped HP but not been enough to save US. Thank you 700, your last post was dead on.
the one thing that the east does not think about is that with ol bill franke there was no negotiating, and the first cba's for all groups were done under franke. when ones mention the al h's and glass's of the anti-union negotiating,, franke wrote the book for them to follow!!!!