I agree with 700UW....Without US Airways, AWA, would have filed for CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY by December. US Airways would've made it awhile longer. So yes, the East employees with all due respect deserve at least 90% of the Profit Sharing
Below you will find a link directing you to the e-line put out by our MEC explaning where the profit sharing plan came from and why the West f/as were included. We should all make sure we are completly informed before we spread rumors. It does nothing more than add to the problems we have already.
The biggest problem that our union has is MF. He is nothing more than a politician and has definitely forgotten that he is a flight attendant NOT management. We all should find out who in the MEC voted for this. Does anyone know the answer or how we would go about getting this information? MF really showed his true colors when he put his name in for the International President Position when he is our MEC President and our Negotiator too. So informed1 how about providing us with this information.
The East F/A have given up alot in concessions and we are still doing so. We are charged 100% sick time but yet only get paid 70%. We have lost vacation, pay, pay much more in health coverage, pensions, and the list goes on.
Since it appears that the pilots group and the flight attendant groups have worked this issue out in their respective transition agreements, my question is whether or not the M&R transition agreement talks have included this issue as well. Aren't there talks going on now or in the very near future?
True, DP needs to step up to the plate and ensure no further or no continuance or even appearance of division amongst work groups continue.
Totally understood.The only problem Airwoman is that the company is in no hurry to do anything, with only meeting 1 or 2 days a month what can you do and how fast will it get done! look what they did to the ramp side the company laughed at their proposal when they brought up money. I guess that would cut into their take!
just remember cost nuetral effert nuetral!
What are you smoking? I could see that AWA was NOT in bankrupcy and we had boy genious(DP)!( Doug would have figured something else out!) Where are facts to back that up? Im not saying that both airlines would have drowned without each other but theres no way AWA was that close to demise. By December? By the way, its profit sharing. What if theres no profit to share? I think there could be a desert flu -or maybe the bird flu has migrated. If you put me in that position I might take sick days over the holiday. I hope you all feel justified. Im sick of hearing about the east CBA, west Passenger Services have also been included in Profit Sharing but I will support my fellow west employees. We're so close out here, Im sure I'll catch it at the ato! Way to go, destroy solidarity for a few dollars! Do it and Im sure the company will pony up to help the west employees. Its okay to screw your fellow coworkers but dont let the company try to screw you? Keep your BS about unions if you are for this. Who will suffer? Once again it will be our passengers. Bad morale and poor customer service. If it werent for that I would love to see west take the holidays off. Theres a right and a wrong. I dont care about CBA's. If you can spout the CBA crap than shut up when republicans do something you may think is wrong but legal. You have to be able to look yourselves in the mirror.I agree with 700UW....Without US Airways, AWA, would have filed for CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY by December. US Airways would've made it awhile longer. So yes, the East employees with all due respect deserve at least 90% of the Profit Sharing
What are you smoking? I could see that AWA was NOT in bankrupcy and we had boy genious(DP)!( Doug would have figured something else out!)
Your boy dougie made comments as to the fate of AWA w/o the merger and BK was the outcome.
Your boy dougie made comments as to the fate of AWA w/o the merger and BK was the outcome.
that was him selling the idea to get the westies and the money people behind it, saying it and it happening are two different things, we were sound enough after 911 to get an atsb loan, so even if we had to bk w/o the us aquisition, we would have survived it...
USAirways received an ATSB loan as well, how did it help them?