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Profit or Loss

Has it dawned on anyone that maybe the problem lies with the senior management team? Has Jake Brace presided over one profitable quarter at UA while he's been CFO? How is it possible that mediocrity continues to be rewarded in the executive suite?

UA spent 3 years in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. That was plenty of time to get things in order. Yet UA's financial projections in their POR were laughable. $50 a barrel oil? We will NEVER see that price again. So now what is UA left to do? It's amazing how they continue to lose money, yet CO and AA are making an operating profit. Neither of those two carriers have ditched their pensions or gone into bankruptcy. Maybe it's finally time to ditch Tilton and his minions and bring in people who know how to really turn the company around.
In the Denver paper today it did say that they were looking at Denver. Denver would make sense to me....it's gotta be cheaper than SFO or ORD...or do they consider cost?
Bankruptcy didn't fix continental, nor did the second one, they were headed for a third,(within hours of a third), Bethune fixed continental, he was the master conductor...
Ah, but you are wrong. Bethune was the mouthpiece. The actual brains or "master conductor" as you put it was Greg Brenaman.
According to the USA today article on UAL's loss, it mentioned layoffs. Anyone at UAL have any idea what dept. will face layoffs _again_? Just got a call from a UAL Bos SW about hiring fas for the Bos base. Would hesitate giving up my current regional flying job as much as I miss flying mainline if I'm at risk of getting laid off a week after graduation, assuming we even make it that far.

What's the consensus on the line regarding more layoffs? Or is the attrition so high that a layoff in flight service d' not be necessary?

Ah, but you are wrong. Bethune was the mouthpiece. The actual brains or "master conductor" as you put it was Greg Brenaman.

Oh contraire dear fellow, Bethune hired/mentored him that time and this...,

he was much, much more than your 'contingent' understands, before/during/after..?
...The airline said it aims to cut $400 million starting in 2007 beyond the savings it targeted in the business plan it submitted as part of its bankruptcy emergence.

Those cost savings will come from streamlining operations and corporate functions, UAL said.

And this is after three years under CH 11?

Unbelievable, now these so-called executives are going to look for another $400 mill.

After all the stock they're "getting", one would think they at least had cost in line...(Oil, higher, but it's not like the direction was unknown before CH 11 exit.)

If there are going to be any layoffs at UA, I'd imagine it would come from management/administrative/clerical staff, especially at WHQ. Almost all stations are operating at bare bones staffing. And many are well below bare bones and can only field a minimum-staffed operation through the use of overtime. So you can't cut any more heads from those places. It's time to truly trim the fat and waste that is WHQ. While not all departments there are bloated, there are many that are. Maybe they'll thin out the bloated senior management ranks for a change. Then again, nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It's always the little guys who take it in the shorts.
Oh contraire dear fellow, Bethune hired/mentored him that time and this...,
he was much, much more than your 'contingent' understands, before/during/after..?
Wrong, Brennaman was hire by TPG to work with Bethune. Together they developed their "plan" to raise CO from the Ashes. Sure Bethune did some good things. He was a great motivator and we all know he had a big mouth (in a good way). But the real brains behind the ochestra was Brenanman.

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