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Ual Posts 4 Qtr Results

I was a bit disappointed with UA's fourth quarter since they did not show an operating profit. I don't know if we can put all the blame for it on bankruptcy costs but I think it is a red flag that management should look at seriously since UA as a carrier operating with chp 11 protection after getting huge concessions from their vendors and employees etc should have at least produced a 50 million operating profit and the CASM excluding bankruptcy costs should have been lower.

UA should continue looking at ways to operate more effciently. I still think they have too many different fleet types and they still (I stand corrected for this) operate the traditional hub system of planes waiting on people and not the other way around. UA still has a lot of opeational issues to resolve system wide and not look at TED as a saviour for this since that operation will only be in limited markets. I hope UA is looking and learning what US Airways has failed to done with their operations during chp 11 and not to ignore thoes issues.

Although I am disappointed with that aspect I was very pleased to see that they have chopped a huge chunk when compared to the same quarter a year ago!!

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