Why did UAL go BK? Simply put, our costs exceed our revenue. Not only that, our cost exceeded our revenue by a wider margin than at some of the other airlines. Why? If you take out the effect of higher pay rates at UAL, it can be CLEARLY seen that UAL would NOT have been the first to go. It would have likely been AMR. So you are correct, UAL's failure was largely UAL's fault since we didn't recognize the spineless nature of the AMR, CAL and NWA labor groups. In all honesty, I advocated giving the company the lower of CAL's rates, AMRs Rates, NWA's rates, or our contract rates. I personally wanted to take away the incentive of the more spineless groups to sit happily on their thumbs while UAL and DAL carried the banner of industry pay rates on their shoulders alone. Was very low pay rates on the part of the LCC's also a problem? Certainly, however, the most damage was done by (IMO) AMR and NWA with it's predatory refusal to raise fares, subsidized by cheap, spineless labor.
In truth, it's irrelevant. You got what you wanted. UAL went BK, the employees lost their retirements and ownership of the company. And you got a no win situation. You so aSStutely point out that UAL planned for fuel at $50 a barrel (never mind the "mean reverting" historical nature of fuel, I'm sure it'll stay at $60 ). Yet UAL posted an operating profit in Q3. This is before every last dime is wrung out of BK, so costs may decrease even more after BK. Meanwhile, AMR has exhausted credit, and what will be a smaller cash balance than UAL after UAL's exit, and you point out that oil is above $60.... Who do you think $60 oil is REALLY bad for? UAL with new financing and boat loads of cash, or AMR with every single paper clip financed to the hilt, pension obligations, and bad financial results. Good luck with that...
Let's face it. There is a lot of animosity towards the AMR Sky Nazi's at UAL. The same applies to NWA and CAL. I listened to the comments on the NAT tracks. I endured so called friends from AMR tell me UAL should go away while they undercut industry wages (AGAIN....). I watched is disbelief AMR and NWA literally lobby the government against UAL's loan. They didn't write the law. Congress did, and did it while representing the people of the U.S. Yet these two clown companies decided to circumvent Congressional intent and lobby against UAL. A better call would have been to mind your own f'in business. But you didn't. Now it gets to be YOUR turn. You will join NWA within the next two years in BK. Mark my word, put it on your calendar.
AMR has a history of being predatory. Just look what they did to Braniff. In the past they picked battles they could win. This time they didn't. They screwed the pooch. They bet it all on red in it came up black. Call it whatever you'd like, but UAL SURVIVED. And now they are p1ssed, and looking for payback. The next 2 years will be a VERY long two years for AMR. Even if the price of oil goes down, I honestly don't see UAL making huge profits while letting NWA and AMR off the hook. UAL will price to make a modest profit and make AMR/NWA bleed. It will be interesting indeed. Congrats, you won, UAL went BK. Now you get to live with it.
But just to be clear, after AMR goes BK, you will be openly pronouncing that AMR FAILED, and it did it on it's own, not because of what UAL is about to do to it, won't you?