Prisoner Swap

Still ignoring the fact that Bush went thru Congress and didn't bypass the law for his own convenience?...
Four days into the fake outrage that even the Democrats and liberals are expressing, and now the White House is resorting to blaming it on "hatred toward the President".
The White House has been surprised by how much attention has remained on the questions about Bergdahl, from the circumstances of his disappearance to the wild beard his father grew while he was being held that’s even led to Bergdahl’s hometown canceling a celebration. All this, Obama aides say, is in their minds a proxy for the hatred toward the president.
I'll give the WH credit for getting the VA out of the news... Nobody's talking about that right now.

And Chris Matthews is still not giving up, either...
700UW said:
you really embarrass yourself with stuff like this, so anything the current presidential jackass does is justified by something someone else has or hasn't done 
Where was the outrage then

One of them was linked to the attack that killed the ambassador to Libya. Yet not one mention
You mean the attack in Libya that was about a video?...

Or the attack that could have been prevented had the Ambassador's request for security had been followed?

Yeah, don't think the media will bring that up right now. Might cause even more questions about Benghazi.
700UW said:
Where was the outrage then One of them was linked to the attack that killed the ambassador to Libya. Yet not one mention
Bush did it....Bush did it......
Tell me why Obama failed to learn from it then.
How can you continue to carry water for the most inept anti American administration since Woody Wilson?

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