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Prisoner Swap

southwind said:
SIX Soldiers died, looking for this POS when he went AWOL and your cool with that? You've got serious issues!
Seemed to have left out the part where I said BaRack should stand trial also!
Great! So when does the year long trial for BaRack start?
BaRack, the Great thinker..........Well if these guys kill more Americans, after I've released them into the wild, we'll just go capture them again"!
I must have missed the trial where he was convicted.  Do you have a link to the transcripts?  I'll like to read his explanation.
eolesen said:
14 were charged, 11 were convicted, and 6 received pardons.

The pardons came after losing their jobs, being crucified in the media, racking up hundreds of thousands in legal fees, tried in court, and finally being convicted.

Who exactly has been held accountable for anything (be it illegal, utter failure, or possibly negligent) done in the Obama Administration?

Clinton, Lerner, Sebelius, and Shinseki all resigned on their own accord, not because Obama demanded it.

Even now, with all the evidence that's piled up around the IRS's illegal activities, the DOJ is still sitting on its hands.
Crucified?  OH my bleeding heart.  They traded arms for hostages and negotiated with terrorists?  I thought that was a bad thing?  The president, vice president (soon to be president, the SecDef, head of the CIA, National Security adviser, Asst SecState, member of the NSC just to mention a few all knew of and took part in this boon dogel and you expect me to have sympathy for this half wits?
Find the evidence and go after them.  So far it seems evidence (stuff that will hold up in court) is a bit lacking.  Besides, Obama would just pardon them anyway like others have done before him.  Not like anyone is held accountable.  
Ms Tree said:
I must have missed the trial where he was convicted.  Do you have a link to the transcripts?  I'll like to read his explanation.
Tried and sentenced in the MSM man
by a jury of our peers.
Tree still running against Bush...

Back to the topic, you know it's gotta be bad when Mad Magazine gets into the fray:

Dog Wonder said:
Anything Obama does outrages you.  Especially winning the presidency.
Grand theft 2nd time around......only the dead know how they voted.....

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