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Prisoner Swap

southwind said:
Yes he is and the same with BaRack!
Wonder why the GOP was not so gung ho about impeachment against a prior president who traded guns for hostages in clear violation of US law. Same president even pardoned the people convicted of carrying out the illegal activities.

like I've said before. It's all OK if it's your guy. If the other guy does it ... not so much.
Kev3188 said:
Maybe we'll see 5 very conveniently timed drone strikes over the next coupla weeks? Who knows?
I was thinking some recurrent training for the Mossad might be more appropriate...
700UW said:
I wonder how all the naysayers would feel if it there child that was in captivity for the past five years.
Oh, I'd want my son returned, but he'd also need to be held accountable for his actions.

If he defected on the battlefield like this guy did, I'd expect the only time I'd see him would be during visiting hours at Leavenworth.

All the comparisons to the guy jailed in Mexico are somewhat ignorant. They don't apply -- he may have served in the Marines, but isn't on active duty or reserve duty as far as I've read.

Sure, he's a veteran, but he entered a foreign country with firearms, and regardless of his rights in the US, that's a pretty big screw-up. So is trying to escape from jail...
Ms Tree said:
Wonder why the GOP was not so gung ho about impeachment against a prior president who traded guns for hostages in clear violation of US law. Same president even pardoned the people convicted of carrying out the illegal activities.

like I've said before. It's all OK if it's your guy. If the other guy does it ... not so much.
Difference is criminal intent.
Seems to me people were convicted in Iran-Contra...
I wonder how all the naysayers would feel if it there child that was in captivity for the past five years.
I too wonder how the parents of our heroes that laid down their lives for this piece of $#!t feel. Keep playing your fiddle, but Rome's done burnt!
He is a US soldier. A US citizen. Is he not entitled to a trial before you convict him?
I have to ask the glass house dweller who throws stones, when you are quick to judge it's OK? And since no one here is judge or jury and nobody has been convicted...yet...why do you accuse people of convicting anyone? As yourself, we are all entitled to our opinion. The tough part is seeing how the END justifies the means. Then we see the fool. You know, the ones who twist to their advantage.

Obama, at a news conference in Poland, defended the decision to move quickly on the exchange, saying without offering details that U.S. officials were concerned about Bergdahl's health. Bergdahl was reported to be in stable condition at a military hospital in Germany

"We had the cooperation of the Qataris to execute an exchange, and we seized that opportunity," Obama said. He said the process of notifying Congress was "truncated because we wanted to make sure that we did not miss that window" of opportunity.

Obama also said the five Taliban officials' release was conditioned on assurances from officials in Qatar, where they will have to stay for one year, that they will track them and allow the U.S. to monitor them. Still, the president acknowledged the risk.

"We will be keeping eyes on them. Is there the possibility of some of them trying to return to activities that are detrimental to us? Absolutely," Obama said. "That's been true of all the prisoners that were released from Guantanamo."

The last line alone proves that an idiot is in charge.
eolesen said:
Seems to me people were convicted in Iran-Contra...
Pappa Bush 41 pardoned all of the major players that had been convicted.  North had his overturned on appeal.  The only person that really went to jail, wasn't pardoned by pappa Bush or had their sentenced overturned was a resident of Pointdexter's home town.  Seems that a minister in Odon Indiana wasn't happy that Poindexter was being honored by his hometown and they named a street after him.  This minister took down the street sign and held the sign ransom for 30 million, the same amount Iran paid for the missiles we sold them illegally.
eolesen said:
Seems to me people were convicted in Iran-Contra...
Seems to me that those people were pardoned as well.
signals said:

Obama, at a news conference in Poland, defended the decision to move quickly on the exchange, saying without offering details that U.S. officials were concerned about Bergdahl's health. Bergdahl was reported to be in stable condition at a military hospital in Germany

"We had the cooperation of the Qataris to execute an exchange, and we seized that opportunity," Obama said. He said the process of notifying Congress was "truncated because we wanted to make sure that we did not miss that window" of opportunity.

Obama also said the five Taliban officials' release was conditioned on assurances from officials in Qatar, where they will have to stay for one year, that they will track them and allow the U.S. to monitor them. Still, the president acknowledged the risk.

"We will be keeping eyes on them. Is there the possibility of some of them trying to return to activities that are detrimental to us? Absolutely," Obama said. "That's been true of all the prisoners that were released from Guantanamo."

The last line alone proves that an idiot is in charge.
Yeah and I think all went back to the front lines.
Someones children and grandchildren will pay for this admin's stupidity.
Ms Tree said:
I know he will get his day in court. SW had him convicted and set for execution with out that pesky first step of a trial.

Did the marine violate any laws which might have justified him being in jail? Like may be taking a gun across the border? Should he be given a pass by MX just because he is a marine?
SIX Soldiers died, looking for this POS when he went AWOL and your cool with that? You've got serious issues!
Seemed to have left out the part where I said BaRack should stand trial also!
does this plane go to paris said:
Pappa Bush 41 pardoned all of the major players that had been convicted.  North had his overturned on appeal.  The only person that really went to jail, wasn't pardoned by pappa Bush or had their sentenced overturned was a resident of Pointdexter's home town.  Seems that a minister in Odon Indiana wasn't happy that Poindexter was being honored by his hometown and they named a street after him.  This minister took down the street sign and held the sign ransom for 30 million, the same amount Iran paid for the missiles we sold them illegally.
Great! So when does the year long trial for BaRack start?
delldude said:
Yeah and I think all went back to the front lines.
Someones children and grandchildren will pay for this admin's stupidity.
BaRack, the Great thinker..........Well if these guys kill more Americans, after I've released them into the wild, we'll just go capture them again"!
Ms Tree said:
Seems to me that those people were pardoned as well.
14 were charged, 11 were convicted, and 6 received pardons.

The pardons came after losing their jobs, being crucified in the media, racking up hundreds of thousands in legal fees, tried in court, and finally being convicted.

Who exactly has been held accountable for anything (be it illegal, utter failure, or possibly negligent) done in the Obama Administration?

Clinton, Lerner, Sebelius, and Shinseki all resigned on their own accord, not because Obama demanded it.

Even now, with all the evidence that's piled up around the IRS's illegal activities, the DOJ is still sitting on its hands.

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