Potential security/safety issue?

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Just go back and barge through the blanket and ask for whatever you are looking for. And if they give you a smartass reply, just give it back to them. You never know--they may invite you to the party. I was on a Carib flight a few years back and all the girls were in the back with their feet up drinking coffee (not the A--the A was a very very nice and professional PSA gal who is top notch--she is really great and her name rhymes with soupy)...anyway, I went to the back because I thought I recognized one of the FA's from a FCO trip and the funny thing was she knew who I was talking about and we were all laughing and chatting and the next thing I know my pockets were full of vodka mini's--and I mean full.
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Wow, got some junk mail... someone needs a lot of attention tonight.

Dont' be so sure. ( From: phlus2 )

Don't be so sure all they would get is a phone call. Just as the FA from Republic who got fired from a letter I wrote to the FAA a few years back.

Yes - you are being punished - be VERY afraid!

phlus2 is a member of the Registered Member group and has 270 posts.
Sent on: Today, 09:14 PM

What a loser. FWIW, I don't exactly hang with Republic F/As but I do know they get fired all the time for any old nonsense, and I'm sure you're tattletaling was only the tip of the iceberg. You must be very proud that you assited in someone losing their 16K a year job... I'm sure they were shattered. You're clearly the type of person who asks for a manager at McDonalds.

Anyone will tell you that 'getting' a US Airways F/A fired is pretty difficult, I'd imagine even more so if they are not in error. How sad that you get off on such a thing though... wow.

Looks like someone was rejected by a stew!

You really need to get a life and lighten up!

The stress that you have displayed today over this topic is really quite amusing.

You take yourself way to seriously.

I was going to let it die a natural death - but couldn't resist keeping it going to see what your next ridiculous response would be - and you certainly have not failed to entertain today!

Moderators - shut it down - PLEASE

Given all the venom that has been spewed forth on this board today on this topic - a letter has been written to the FAA, TSA, DOT and US Corprate to clarify the situation. And this time I mentioned the flight number and the date of the flight.

I started this out earlier today to determine if indeed this constituted something that was considered a safety violation and not within policy. By design, I did not mention the date nor the flight number as the goal was not to get anyone in trouble, but to find out and understand if this indeed was something that should not have happened.

However, the lovely people on this board, who would seem to be mostly FA's, turned it into a personal attack. So if it turns out to be something that the authorieties don't care about, so be it. But, if it turns out that it is something they care about, then I hope the crew gets their a** fired!

And you all (US Employees) wonder why people hate you so much? Go figure!
ooooooooooooh you so got us ...hope you feel better! I kow I do.
And you all (US Employees) wonder why people hate you so much? Go figure!

Well, it seems a pattern has been established, PusPhlegm, or whatever Philly Us 2 is supposed to mean.

You are a sad little... thing... that takes pride in some perceived power over members of a flight crew. Don't ever forget one thing, Mr(s). W. O. Oz- the ones behind the curtain have a heck of a lot more clout in the air than you ever will. Maybe that's the problem!

Good luck. You're a lot more miserable than you would give yourself credit for.

Given all the venom that has been spewed forth on this board today on this topic - a letter has been written to the FAA, TSA, DOT and US Corprate to clarify the situation. And this time I mentioned the flight number and the date of the flight.

I started this out earlier today to determine if indeed this constituted something that was considered a safety violation and not within policy. By design, I did not mention the date nor the flight number as the goal was not to get anyone in trouble, but to find out and understand if this indeed was something that should not have happened.

However, the lovely people on this board, who would seem to be mostly FA's, turned it into a personal attack. So if it turns out to be something that the authorieties don't care about, so be it. But, if it turns out that it is something they care about, then I hope the crew gets their a** fired!

And you all (US Employees) wonder why people hate you so much? Go figure!

You certainly are not new to this forum and you most certainly had to be aware of the potential firestorm that could erupt when you started this thread. I gave you a very straight forward response at the very beginning and rather than read it and be done, you chose to engage the first poster that said something snarky.

Real nice to write up a crew because you don't like what people have said to you here. Something tells me you were probably a scab in a former life, that or you're someone that suffers from a serous case of "Napoleon Complex". They hung up a blanket, big f'n deal. Do you seriously think the company is going to waste their time investigating this? NO, they are too busy with wine tastings at the Sand Castle.

Now, since you don't like how we play here, take your ball and go home.

Given all the venom that has been spewed forth on this board today on this topic - a letter has been written to the FAA, TSA, DOT and US Corprate to clarify the situation. And this time I mentioned the flight number and the date of the flight.

I started this out earlier today to determine if indeed this constituted something that was considered a safety violation and not within policy. By design, I did not mention the date nor the flight number as the goal was not to get anyone in trouble, but to find out and understand if this indeed was something that should not have happened.

However, the lovely people on this board, who would seem to be mostly FA's, turned it into a personal attack. So if it turns out to be something that the authorieties don't care about, so be it. But, if it turns out that it is something they care about, then I hope the crew gets their a** fired!

And you all (US Employees) wonder why people hate you so much? Go figure!

Let's face facts, you came on here looking for a fight, jabbing and jabbing until someone stepped up. Your initial post was accusatory.
Do what you feel you have to do but I'd suggest next time you fly that you find some kind of entertainment to distract yourself.
Throwing around sarcastic and incorrect accusations only made you look bad.
On behalf of those of us who do the required walk throughs at the required times, please show some respect and don't spout off about things you do not know or understand.
The safety we provide is always there and our ability to protect you is ALWAYS on call.
*insert rant here*

I will only respond to you on this forum, PhlUs2. Not behind the double wall of PMs.

What I meant, exactly, was the following:

You posted something that you deemed unsafe, contrary to FARs, contrary to TSA rules, contrary to your vast understanding of all things flight crew oriented, and sat back breathlessly awaiting for the masses to nod along with you.

They did not.

You then proceeded to lash out to any and all parties you think WOULD agree with you, and breathlessly awaited for the corrected masses to finally agree with you and validate your superior righteousness.

They did not, again.

Then you went on to pull out from the past some incident in which you imply that a complaint led to the dismissal of a flight crew member.

A pattern has been established.

You became vindictive because you weren't vindicated. Simple, really. And I surmise that you are frustrated at the fact that you really have zero power in the air. The flight crew does. So, on the ground, you lash out by crying "FIRE!" nodding and waving your hands in the "ya with me?" gesture, yet everyone turns their backs. Now you get to trump all of this and try to stir the flight crew's beans by crying to the teacher.

Is that clear enough, or should I get banned by a moderator for seeing you as a pathetic weasel? Maybe I missed something tongue-in-cheek up there, thus the joke's on me. Otherwise, smeg off.
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I will only respond to you on this forum, PhlUs2. Not behind the double wall of PMs.

What I meant, exactly, was the following:

You posted something that you deemed unsafe, contrary to FARs, contrary to TSA rules, contrary to your vast understanding of all things flight crew oriented, and sat back breathlessly awaiting for the masses to nod along with you.

They did not.

You then proceeded to lash out to any and all parties you think WOULD agree with you, and breathlessly awaited for the corrected masses to finally agree with you and validate your superior righteousness.

They did not, again.

Then you went on to pull out from the past some incident in which you imply that a complaint led to the dismissal of a flight crew member.

A pattern has been established.

You became vindictive because you weren't vindicated. Simple, really. And I surmise that you are frustrated at the fact that you really have zero power in the air. The flight crew does. So, on the ground, you lash out by crying "FIRE!" nodding and waving your hands in the "ya with me?" gesture, yet everyone turns their backs. Now you get to trump all of this and try to stir the flight crew's beans by crying to the teacher.

Is that clear enough, or should I get banned by a moderator for seeing you as a pathetic weasel? Maybe I missed something tongue-in-cheek up there, thus the joke's on me. Otherwise, smeg off.

Oh my - me thinks the lady doth protest too much!

And note to moderator - please don't ban this person as they seem afraid that they might be banned for their posts - I find their posts to be much to amusing and certainly don't take offense to anything that they spew my way!
Oh my - me thinks the lady doth protest too much!

I'm no lady, trust me. But understand something- your entitlement gets you zilch. Zip. Nada. Nathan. Nuttin. You threaten a person's job out of spite because you aren't seen as the brilliant gem in the really, truly, gosh mom said I was special and you should too, I'll show ya- glory we all just fail to see.... THREATEN their jobs? You're pretty weak. Press the call button and threaten a citizen's arrest or something next time. See how far that gets ya.

And by gem, I really mean a ruby in a goat's arse.
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