PHX-Asia can indeed be done from a technical standpoint; LAS can and does have high temperatures and yet there have consistently been flights from LAS to Asia. PHX is not a whole lot cooler when flights to Europe depart and the distance to Europe is not a whole lot less to than to Asia from PHX.
PHX does have a serious disadvantage with a substantially shorter runway given the similar LAS climate environment. The longest LAS runway is 14,510 feet vs. PHX longest is 11,489 feet... over a 3,000 foot difference!
PHX had issues with RJs in July due to excessive heat and not enough runway, which caused delays in departures. We have weight restricted flights with A320s and A321s on a regular basis during transcons, so I would imagine that flights to Asia would suffer a payload penalty during the worse of summer heat, as well. As I recall, many of the LAS to Asia flights were triangle flights with stops in LAX or YVR under Fifth Freedom Rights, which I do not see as a viable plan for the well-heeled, business traveler connecting into PHX, when LAX (or DFW?) work better. In essence, I don't see much chance of PHX getting any non-stop flights from Asia, especially after the merger.
I think I would also respectfully disagree with your assessment that PHX-LGW vs. PHX-Asia are comparable in distance. For example, using the great circle map, PHX-LGW is 5,294 miles while PHX-HKG = 7,553 miles, PHX-ICN = 6,276 miles, PHX-HND = 5,801 miles, PHX-PEK = 5,800 miles, and PHX-MNL = 7,635 miles, so at a minimum, it is an extra 500 miles or about an extra hour of fuel burn. Conservatively, we can estimate 15,500 pounds of fuel burned per hour on a B777 (it will be substantially higher on the BA B747-400s out of PHX), and that could be the difference as to whether a flight will suffer a weight penalty at departure time, if one figures a passenger weighting 200 pounds, plus 30 pounds per standard bag, or worse case, about 65 passengers with one bag each. Clearly, this could be the difference between profit and loss.