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Possible Chapter 11 For Delta?

😉 And yes! I realize that competition is the backbone of a free economy!!! Whatever that means!! But let Bush fly his troops back to the U.S. on Southwest!!!!! <_<
You need to stop your lies! I think I will call your husband and let him know how you cheat on him while at the crash pad in Kew Gardens, NY. I will let him know that you hang out at 83-1* Lefferts Blvd Apt. **, so he can come and see the real you.

How is life working at the circus express airline? Song is going down, just like all of Delta will be. You better make new life plans, because once I show your husband the video footage I have of you making out with your pilot friend, he is going to come unglued!

How is life going to treat you in the SG Valley when your husband finds out, you cheated on him? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dating a Delta f/a when I have been married for 17 years. Hmm, that would be interesting. Considering the only person I know at Delta, is also married. Things that make you go HMMMMMMMMMM!

My advice to you, provided you are not actually doing what Hotel is insinuating, is for you to consult an attorney regarding filing suit for libel. Courts have held repeatedly that posting anonymously on a public bulletin board still exposes the poster to liability in the case of libelous postings.
You spend your time off video-taping people so you can blackmail them??? YIKES
LiveInAHotel said:
Dating a Delta f/a when I have been married for 17 years. Hmm, that would be interesting. Considering the only person I know at Delta, is also married. Things that make you go HMMMMMMMMMM!
You say that you have been flying for AA for twenty-six years, yet your birth certificate shows that you were born in 1972. Somehow, I doubt that AA was hiring that many six year olds twenty-six years ago.

However, your intimate knowlege of Kew geography and your prurient interest in the comings and goings of people help substantiate your identity as a thirty-one year old furloughed flight attendant with just a little too much time on his hands.

Still, you never answered my question. Since I am "going down," into bankruptcy, your answer may prove enlightining.

To restate:

You say that belonging to APFA makes you better than the Delta flight attendants because you get to vote on concessions, and we do not.

However, your membership voted "NO" on concessions, and then you all gave back those concessions. Yet, to rationalize these give backs, you now claim your union president "screwed" you over, and that is why you took concessions. Recently, your membership re-elected that very same union president who you say screwed you over.

So if your membership voted to return to power a person who will "screw" you over, how then are you protecting yourselves from future concessions? What is the power of your vote?
mweiss said:

My advice to you, provided you are not actually doing what Hotel is insinuating, is for you to consult an attorney regarding filing suit for libel. Courts have held repeatedly that posting anonymously on a public bulletin board still exposes the poster to liability in the case of libelous postings.

While it is likely that he is libeling someone somewhere, I do not have the standing to pursue it.

Anyway, he is not really posting anonymously. Most of his regular playmates here know who he is, we just cannot post it without a moderator sending us to the cornfield for "outing" him - which is a shame because he really melts down when he sees his name in print.

Thanks for the advice.
What were you the doctor that delivered me? I only wish I was born in 1972 so I was young again.

You're so pissed that I know what you did in Kew, it's killing you! I wonder if that video has been sent yet? I guess time will tell.

Like I said before, with 26 years it would be impossible to be furloughed. But, you can think what you want. If you think you know me why not call my house? You can't because you don't know who I'm. Many people crash at the Lefferts House and you and I were just 2 of them. Last I checked it was up to 31 crewmembers.

Have fun when you become unemployed. I'm sure you will not have a tough time finding a new job, knowing what you do on the side with pilots. 😉
And now, back to the subject.

This is a excerpt from a memo from Jerry:

We know there has been speculation in the media and elsewhere that Delta may be heading for a Chapter 11 filing. Many companies have used the Chapter 11 process to help them reduce their costs and strengthen their balance sheets. Delta’s Board and management team are working hard to achieve a competitive cost structure and long-term viability without seeking Chapter 11 protection.

But the outcome of these efforts is not fully within our control. Market conditions, competitive forces, and our ability to achieve a realistic pilot cost structure will each play a critical role. Because of our cost disadvantage versus the LCCs, even an improving economy, better marketing, lower fuel costs, further non-pilot productivity improvements, or any combination of these factors won’t be enough to achieve long-term viability unless we eliminate what has become a huge disparity between our pilot costs and those of our competitors—legacy airline and LCC alike.

Despite the sacrifices already made by many in the Delta family, including the reduction of more than 16,000 jobs over the past three years, changes in benefits and in other areas—our unit costs are now, along with those of USAirways, by far the highest in the industry. While we are aggressively exploring every possible opportunity to make, and save, money, the biggest factor in our current financial situation is no secret. Virtually every major airline, in or out of bankruptcy, has made dramatic modifications to the historical pay structure of its pilots—except Delta. As a result, based on pilot costs per block hour, Delta’s pilot costs are 59% higher than American’s, 62% higher than Continental’s, 82% higher than United’s, 133% higher than Southwest’s, 193% higher than JetBlue’s, and 207% higher than AirTran’s. These numbers do not yet reflect the latest 4.5 percent pay raise Delta pilots received beginning May 1, 2004.

Our pilots have been key players on the Delta team for many years, and their contributions are appreciated. But in today’s airline industry environment, marked by increasingly intense competition and (at best) razor-thin profit margins, we simply can’t afford to pay pilots—or any employee group, for that matter—at non-competitive levels. We will continue to urge ALPA to accept a modified labor agreement for our pilots that, while still competitive, reflects the new economic and industry environment.

It has been a year since Delta put its proposal on the table. Responses from ALPA to our requests for relief have fallen far short of what is needed to allow Delta to achieve a sustainable future. Unfortunately, Delta’s situation has become far worse in the year since we first presented our proposal, and that must now be reflected in our discussions with ALPA. The company's new proposal cannot be a bargaining position from which to negotiate down. It will represent the minimum savings amount that Delta must obtain from the pilots, however painful, if this company, and their jobs, are to survive.

ALPA understands how serious this situation has become. In the more than a year since we first talked with the union about needing to significantly reduce pilot costs, we have opened our books to ALPA and its advisors. Our objective has been to have a completely open process with detailed information available to all.

The urgency of our situation is clear. No matter what our business plan looks like, there can be no doubt that pilot costs are the largest boulder in the road that must be dealt with if we are to have a chance to address our other challenges.
aislehopper said:
While it is likely that he is libeling someone somewhere, I do not have the standing to pursue it.
Actually, since he's claiming it's you, you do have standing. At issue would be the value of the "aislehopper" name, not your "real" name.

which is a shame because he really melts down when he sees his name in print.

Thanks for the advice.
No problem. It's worth every penny you paid for it. 😉
The next person that attempts to disclose a poster identity/work location will have their account suspended for 5 days.
I would venture to say that what LiveInAHotel posted is grounds for permanent removal from usaviation. While, no doubt you are following the forum rules, the threats posted by LiveInAHotel to an innocent poster are absolutely out of bounds. I do not think anyone who posted such threats to another poster would be missed.